
In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

author:Chasing dramas

Recently found an interesting thing in Douban.

Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", which was once scolded by the audience, has quietly risen from 5.5 to 8.3 in the past two decades.

The gorgeous reversal from poor students directly to excellent students is really eye-catching.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

It all started with the hot summer of 1999.

On this day, Zhang Jizhong, who had just finished filming "Water Margin", accidentally saw an interview with Jin Yong in the newspaper.

In the interview, Jin Yong said: If someone shoots his scene like "Water Margin", he is willing to give up the copyright for a dollar.

Zhang Jizhong was a little moved, and he tried to contact Jin Yong.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

After meeting, the two talked happily and hit it off. Jin Yong immediately asked Zhang Jizhong to choose from his own works.

In this way, the mainland's first Jin Yong martial arts drama "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" was born.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road


In the Chinese mainland of the 1990s, the film and television industry was in the ascendant, and the situation was very good.

TVB has just remade a series of classic martial arts dramas, setting off a martial arts fever in the mainland.

The 93rd edition of the Nine Yin True Scriptures, the 95th edition of the Divine Eagle Hero, the 97th edition of the Tianlong Eight Parts, and the 98th edition of the Deer Ding Ji.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

These films, whether from actor casting, character shaping, plot rhythm, to music, are all classics. This is the best era of martial arts.

Everyone is also full of confidence in this version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" on the mainland.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

However, the reality is not satisfactory. Since its inception in 2001, the audience has been full of scolding. At that time, there was no Weibo, and to what extent was Zhang Jizhong spat on by the audience?

Probably quite three times a day on the hot search!

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

Time is too long, and My impression of this CCTV version of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" is somewhat blurred. I only remember the ending song Faye Wong's "Ah ~ Ah" made me particularly stunning.

Taking advantage of the holidays, after revisiting this drama, I can't help but sigh a little...


I remember that because of the 96 Lu Songxian version of "Laughing Pride" In front of the pearl jade, many people did not like the Zhang Jizhong version with different styles.

You know, the generation in the 70s, 80s and even 90s of the cognition of martial arts began with the culture of martial arts in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Preconceived, Zhang Jizhong's new martial arts world Many viewers are not cold. So much so that after Douban was launched in 2005, many people angrily hit a star.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

After many years, looking back, Lu Songxian's version is a classic, and the mainland version is also remarkable.

First of all, from the perspective of framing, even the audience who complained hard at that time had to admit that the central version of the full real-life shooting was more magnificent and atmospheric.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

After all, guarding the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland, you can shoot as you want, and shoot as much as you like.

And Zhang Jizhong also lived up to expectations, in addition to spending huge sums of money to temporarily build a hanging temple, the entire drama was filmed throughout the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, creating a distant and magnificent atmosphere of the jianghu.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

The Hong Kong version does not have this condition. There are only a few places where the projectile land is filmed, and it has to be used repeatedly.

More of a fake background and close-up of the characters.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

From this point of view, the CCTV version won.

Look at the main creative team

The CCTV version is also a luxurious lineup. Chief producer Zhang Jizhong, director Huang Jianzhong, and especially martial arts directors also invited Hong Kong's famous martial arts finger Yuan bin.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

In terms of actor casting, CCTV is not weak: Li Yapeng's Ling Huchong, Xu Qing's Ren Yingying, Li Xie's Lin Pingzhi.

There are also a number of old drama bones with superb acting skills.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

The East is undefeated

Yue Buqun of Weizi, the unruly monk of Zang Jinsheng, Tian Boguang of Sun Haiying, Mr. Mo Da of Liu Zhongyuan, the undefeated oriental opera actor Mao Weitao, and the yucanghai of the famous Sichuan opera face changing master Peng Denghuai...

Look at the TVB casting: Lu Songxian's Ling Huchong, Liang Yiling's Ren Yingying, Chen Shaoxia's Yue Lingshan, He Baosheng's Lin Pingzhi.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

The creative team and actors are basically cultivated by wireless themselves, with rich acting experience and perfect cooperation.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

Lu Songxian's performance of Fox Chong is dashing and cynical, and even Mr. Jin Yong is full of praise.

On the other hand, Li Yapeng's performance of Ling Hu Chong is more than stable but not flexible enough, and his face is not in line with his prodigal son image. Viewers generally believe that the CCTV version makes Fox Chong casting unflattering.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

As for the two versions of Ren Yingying, Yang fans think that Liang Peiling's version is too ugly. But Xiao Du believes that her appearance is actually not low, but the hairstyle and makeup in the play are indeed too old-fashioned. Her acting skills are also very good.

Feng Yun in the Nine Yin True Scriptures is gentle and stunning.

It is said that although this drama is the magic of Jin Yong's novel, it has filmed the taste of Gu Long and Wong Kar-wai, and the classic in his heart.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

Ma Fangling in "The Prodigal Son of the Border City" is delicate and cute

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

And Zheng Yijian's "Lin Chaoying" is also heroic.

She was the head of the wireless hua dan at that time, and was known as "the most attractive costume beauty".

TVB fans also complain that the central version of Xu Qing is too old-fashioned. In fact, from Xiao Du's point of view, Xu Qing's Ren Yingying is also very beautiful.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

In the early stages, as a saint, her heart was fierce and fierce, and she was very handsome in her killing determination

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

The side of the younger daughter in the later period also shows the chivalrous tenderness of the children of the jianghu.

Both versions of Ren Yingying are remarkable.

Look at the plot and the performance again

TVB's martial arts dramas have a deep heritage, and the overall acting skills are more mature and sophisticated than the central version that first tried this genre.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

Not to mention the plot aspect. 港版的武侠剧一向‬‬情节紧凑,高潮迭起,让观众沉浸在剧情中欲罢不能。

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

其实‬央‬版‬的‬表演‬也是‬不‬错‬的,就是‬被‬批评‬较多‬的李亚鹏‬在‬剧中‬表演‬也‬是‬可圈可点‬的‬。 吊打‬‬他‬后来‬在‬《射雕‬》里‬的‬郭靖‬。


In this regard, the TVB version is slightly better.


总的来说,两版《笑傲江湖‬》可以说是各有千秋,但评分却‬相差甚远。 大概有以下几点‬原因:

At that time, there were still many people who liked this version of CCTV, especially the audience who had not seen the original work.


In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road



In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

In fact, the two styles of the Central version and the Hong Kong version have their own ways, we just need to appreciate what we like, there is really no need to praise and depreciate.

张纪中在《笑傲江湖》之‬后又拍了一系列武侠剧。 如《射雕英雄传》、《天龙八部》、《神雕侠侣》《鹿鼎记》等,取景‬方面‬没有‬话说‬。

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road


Li Yapeng's Guo Jing, Huang Xiaoming's Yang Guo and Wei Xiaobao can be said to have ruined the entire drama with one person's strength.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

After experiencing so many bad dramas and then looking back at "Laughing Proud of the River", I really think it's much more cute, don't you?


With the passage of time, TVB and his martial arts dramas have long since declined. Zhang's martial arts also fell silent in a series of scoldings.


Starting from the fire of "Immortal Sword", various fairy tale dramas and fantasy dramas have come one after another. 傻白甜的流量古偶剧开始‬了数年‬如一日‬的‬霸‬屏。

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

The enthusiasm of the original audience to watch martial arts has long been nowhere to be placed.

2019 "Chen Qing Ling"

2020's "You fei"

2021 "Mountain and River Order"

It can be said that they are constantly trying.

Including the "Wudang A Sword" that has just been broadcast [click to see the original text]

Although the casting is still a mystery, the plot is still loose.

Logic is lacking, and lines are not refined enough. 但他的实景风,让‬我们‬看到‬‬了‬主创‬团队极力想打造的一个有侠味的江湖的‬满满的诚意。

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

Twenty years on, our aesthetics are changing.

When "Water Margin" came out that year, the rating was only 7.8 points. 在‬四大名著中‬是‬垫底的‬存在‬。 近年来‬,可能‬观众的‬审美‬提高‬了,好多人‬直呼这部神剧被低估了,至少应该9分。 在网友们‬的努力下,分数已经上升到了8.7。

CCTV's version of "Smiling Proud of the River" has risen to 8.3 in recent years, which is also a return to his rightful position.

In 20 years, the rating ranged from 5.5 to 8.3: Zhang Jizhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" is a long retrograde road

Good works should not be disappointed



[Original graphics, if you want to see it again, please pay attention to it so as not to get lost]

#Laughing At the Jianghu ##Wuxia Drama ##电视剧 #

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