
The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

author:The wind dances and the sand flies

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the flock of heroes chased deer, and finally the three kingdoms of Wei Shu and Wu were established and divided equally. During this period, it can be said that heroes were born, and the three kingdoms all had their own virtuous generals. Eastern Wu, as a country with relatively good geographical conditions in the Three Kingdoms, relies on the Yangtze River Graben, and its existence time is also the longest among the Three Kingdoms, it could have relied on its own resources, and had greater achievements, but why did it perish?

The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

Liu Bei's State of Shu, under Zhuge Liang's administration, although its strength was inferior to that of the State of Wei, still went east to carry out many Northern Expeditions, and even after Zhuge Liang's death, it also carried out 11 Northern Expeditions under the leadership of Jiang Wei, while eastern Wu did nothing. So what are the people of Eastern Wu doing? It turned out that Dongwu was busy selecting women and having children, and because the harem was too busy and chaotic, there was no time to think about other things.

First, in his later years, Sun Quan was extremely suspicious, and the harem was constantly in dispute.

The early Sun Quan can be said to be a monarch with great talent and strategy, he can understand people and do good job, strategize, and successively appoint Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Lu Xun and others, so that the Eastern Wu regime has a relatively solid foundation. However, in the later period, after the death of cao cao, Liu Bei and other monarchs of his contemporaries, he began to become conceited and began to favor non-human beings, which made the harem strife and infighting.

The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

According to historical records, Sun Quan married a total of 10 wives, but several of the wives and concubines that Sun Quan married earlier did not bear a single heir for him. In order to pass on the lineage, Sun Quan can be said to be hungry and hungry, so the eldest Son Deng and the second son born after the Battle of Chibi were not born to his wives and concubines, but were probably born to the maids, because the birth mothers of these two sons are not recorded.

Due to the unhappiness of the family, Sun Quan began to draft women. Lady Wang, who was born from a draft girl, gave birth to a third grandchild for Sun Quan. Later, a concubine born to Xiu Nu gave birth to three sons, Sun Ba, Sun Fen, and Sun Xiu.

The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

Although the original Lady Xie was the right wife, she was under the later Lady Xu and eventually became depressed. When Sun Quan had Lady Bu, he threw down Lady Xu again, and Lady Xu died of depression. Although Lady Bu was favored, Sun Quan did not make him a queen, and only posthumously made him a queen after his death. After Sun He was made crown prince, Lady Dawang drove All the Concubines out of the palace, so that Zhongji and Lady Xiaowang died in other places. And Sun Quan's harem rebellion, that is, from the time he began to draft women, began to enter the white-hot. When Sun Quan reached the age of 60 and saw the beautiful Pan, there was a seventh Sun Liang, and after a series of complicated palace battles, Sun Liang became the crown prince and Pan Shu was made empress. This Xiao Panhou died of exhaustion while serving the seriously ill Sun Quan, and was finally buried by Sun Liang.

Second, the dispute between the two houses, the children are not harmonious.

Originally, Sun Quan was very fond of the eldest son Sun Deng, and he was also cultivated according to the rhythm of the successor. When Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, he immediately made Sun Deng the crown prince. But unfortunately, the eldest son died suddenly at the age of 33, which made Sun Quan at that time sad. Since the second grandson had also died of illness, before his death, the prince recommended his third brother Sun and Dang as the crown prince. However, at the same time, Sun Quan made the fourth son of Sun Ba the King of Lu, so the second palace began to divide the palace, resulting in civil unrest in Jiangdong. The dispute between the two houses lasted for eight years, and the two sides had a great conflict, so that the contradiction spread to the court and began to risk losing control. In this case, Sun Quan started a massacre and took the opportunity to suppress the power of the Jiangdong Shi clan. After a round of purges, both the Prince's side and the Lu King's side were devastated.

Third, the power of the lord is in charge, and the internal changes are not stopped.

The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

After the Battle of the Second Palace, Pan Shu and Sun Liang gained favor, Sun He was deposed, and Sun Liang became the new crown prince. Two years later, Sun Quan died, and Sun Liang became the new monarch of the State of Wu. But Sun Liang was only 10 years old when he ascended the throne, and he could not control the court at all. The five orphan ministers left by Sun Quan were not at peace with each other and had already formed a grudge. Among them, Sun Hong wanted to pretend to kill Zhuge Ke, but under Sun Jun's denunciation, Zhuge Ke took the lead and killed Sun Hong. After that, Zhuge Ke used his own Dongxing Great Victory to oversee the government of the dynasty, and the family was dominant. After he failed to launch the Battle of Wei, he was designed to be killed under sun jun's slander. Sun Jun began to cover the sky with one hand again, and he killed the deposed prince Sun He at the instigation of Princess Quan, and later killed many loyal subjects.

The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

However, Sun Jun's good times were not long, and he died of a violent illness on the way to the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei two years later, and he handed over the power to his cousin Sun Qi. Originally, Emperor Sun Liang wanted to pursue Sun Qiang's atrocities, but was unexpectedly deposed by Sun Qiang, and Sun Qiang made Sun Xiu emperor. This Sun Xiu was outwardly respectful to Sun Qi, but in his heart he was always on guard. He killed Sun Qi by uniting with the veteran general Ding Feng. Originally, Sun Xiu, who was violently ill, wanted to entrust the crown prince to Puyang Xing, Zhang Bu and others, but who knew that as soon as he left on his front foot, these orphan ministers supported Sun Hao as emperor. Eastern Wu also came to an end.

Fourth, tyranny, the final madness.

Sun Hao was Sun He's eldest son. At the beginning, he was still competent, and he opened a warehouse to help the poor, and he was also a rare animal in the release palace. But within a few days he was in his original form. He began to inherit the tradition, the wind of the great selection, and he was also very good at the slaughtering methods in the court, killing whoever was not pleasing to the eye, and ruling the country by violence. Fearing that his throne was threatened, he killed many of his relatives. Even if he is the hero who supports him, he also says that killing is killing. Under his tyranny, the Eastern Wu regime of the Sun family had long since lost the hearts of the people. When the western Jin dynasty's large army attacked, it was quickly beaten and defeated. In the end, the Wu army surrendered without a fight, and the State of Wu declared its demise.

The demise of Eastern Wu is not unjust, look at how tragic the infighting in the court is, the palace fighting drama does not dare to write like this

Perhaps Sun Quan, who was once a hero, did not expect that it was the bitter fruit he planted that led to sun wu's infighting, and there was a civil strife for 30 years, which also led to the demise of Eastern Wu. The demise of Eastern Wu also marked the complete end of the division after the end of the Han Dynasty.