
A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

author:Pediatric Dr. Huang Jianfeng
A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

What kind of monster can carry 83 viruses and 31 bacteria?

What monster carries a new bunia virus and has a case fatality rate of 15-30% after infection?

That's it


A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

What is a tick?

Ticks are not insects, they are relatives of spiders.

There are 800 species of ticks worldwide and 110 in China.

Nicknamed ticks, flat lice, grass crawlers, dog beans, eight-legged.

It varies from the size of sesame seeds to the size of rice grains.

Small things are big harm!

A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

Where are ticks found?

Ticks live in grasslands, farmland, forests and other wild environments.

Ticks parasitize areas where the skin of animals is thin and not easily scratched.

Ticks attach to the grass after leaving the animal, and can bite people and suck blood.

After sucking up the blood, the worm's body swells like a soybean.

A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

Ticks secrete toxins and transmit various pathogens while sucking blood.

It can lead to forest encephalitis, Lyme disease, fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, hemorrhagic fever, etc

Ticks are spicy and poisonous, and babies are afraid!

A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

It is summer vacation, parents with their children out to play can not be careless, to do a good job of protective measures.

(1) It should be avoided as far as possible to sit unprotected for a long time in grassland, woods and other environments. Long-sleeved clothes can be worn; trouser legs can be tightened or tucked into socks or shoes; light-colored clothes can be worn to make it easier to find ticks attached; and sandals should not be worn in the wild.

(2) Apply repellents to bare skin, such as DEET (DEET, only recommended for use over 2 years old), which can be maintained for several hours. Camping equipment such as clothing and tents are soaked or sprayed with insecticides such as permethrin and repellents containing DEET.

A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

(3) Once it is found that a tick has bitten the skin, alcohol can be applied to the tick to relax or die on the tick's head, and then use pointed forceps to remove the tick with a steady upward force.

There is no alcohol or use cigarette butts or incense heads to gently blanch the exposed part of the body, so that its head slowly withdraws on its own, do not pull hard, so as not to drag the skin or the head of the tick remains in the skin.

A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel

After removal, then use iodine or alcohol for local disinfection treatment, and at any time to observe the physical condition if there is fever, bite has a bull's eye or round red rash or other discomfort in time to seek medical treatment.

A small monster carries 83 viruses and 31 bacteria, so you should guard against it when you travel


Huang Jianfeng, deputy chief physician of the Children's Hospital of Fudan University (National Children's Medical Center), was originally published on the WeChat public account: Dr. Huang Jianfeng of Fudan Pediatrics (WeChat: hjf_2016).