
The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

author:Calf animal odd said

#世界上有哪些毒蛇, what it felt like to be bitten #

I believe that everyone has more or less seen snakes, but how much do you know about snakes?

Today, Maverick will take you to briefly understand what are the top ten poisonous snakes that are the most poisonous? Pray not to allow yourself to encounter any of these alone. Here to mention a mouthful, keep in mind that snakes are included in the ranks of protected animals in China, except for pythons, which are first-class protected animals, the rest are second-level protected animals. Only captive breeding can be sold and eaten, and if wild snakes are illegally caught, they are legally liable.

Let's take a look at the top ten poisonous snakes in the world.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Taipan Snake: Mainly distributed in the yan'an area of eastern and northern Australia, the danger level of five stars, its venom is 20 times that of the king cobra, given our understanding of the cobra, it is simply incomprehensible to bite it. Its venom can kill 100 adults and 500,000 rats, and it is chilling to think.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Sea snake: Its main habitat is in the coastal waters of Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Taiwan, and is widely distributed. The sea snake in the picture above does not look very beautiful, and the more beautiful the woman, the more poisonous it is, this sentence is really good. Don't look at the sea snake so beautiful, its venom is twice as venom as a cobra, and it is 80 times more toxic than sodium cyanide. The hazard factor is five stars.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Viper: It exists in Fujian, Liangguang, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand and other countries and regions. Its danger is no less than the above two, and there is always a most poisonous heart hidden under the bright appearance. Its venom can cause heart disease, respiratory or renal failure, there is currently no fixed antivenom, the fatality rate has reached 90%, and the risk factor is five stars.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Black Mamba: Living in eastern and southern Africa, he is the longest, fastest, and most aggressive killer. Two drops of venom can kill people, and at any time, the black mamba snake has 20 drops of venom in its fangs. Once bitten, it can die within 30 to 60 minutes, and the venom mainly contains neurotoxins and cardiac toxins, with a fatality rate of 70% and a risk factor of five stars.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Tiger snake: Most of the swamps in southern Australia, its venom carries neurotoxins, coagulants, hemolytic agents and snake-specific muscle toxins, with a fatality rate of 45% and a risk factor of four stars.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Desert Horned Viper: This type of snake is estimated to be familiar to everyone, appearing frequently in documentaries, and its tail vibrates to make a fluttering sound. This poisonous snake will actively attack people and livestock, and the venom is also very strong, with a fatality rate of 60% and a risk factor of four stars.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Eastern cobra: distributed in central, eastern, northern And New Guinea, it is highly toxic and highly toxic, containing coagulants and neurotoxins in the venom, which can cause kidney failure and death. The fatality rate is 35%, and the risk factor is three stars

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

African tree snake: distributed in the savannah south of the Sahara Desert in Africa, it will not take the initiative to attack, the attack power is not strong, but its attack speed is very fast, its venom is enough to bite an adult, after the bite will cause bleeding and death, only antivenom can save. The fatality rate is up to 5%, and the risk factor is two stars.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Golden Ring Snake: Its habitat is around 25 degrees north latitude and the area south of it. He has a docile personality, is slow-moving, and does not like to attack humans. After biting, the venom takes several hours to take effect, but it can kill people through respiratory failure, with a fatality rate of 5% and a risk factor of one star.

The most venomous snake in the world, how much do you know? These ten poisonous snakes must not be encountered

Tabby Rattlesnake: Is a striped snake commonly found in northwestern Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is considered the most venomous snake of all rattlesnakes. However, there has been no incident of its injury so far, the fatality rate is only 0.1%, and the risk factor is one star.

How much do you know about the above ten poisonous snakes, see you in the comment area.

Many snakes may have been rampant abroad, but at home it belongs to our country's property, protecting animals, and protecting wild snakes. After all, the snakes born and raised in our country are not comparable to the snakes introduced from abroad, right?

What are the symptoms of being bitten by a common poisonous snake?

The main symptoms of a venomous snake bite are: burning wound, local swelling, purple spots around the wound, blisters, bleeding from the wound, necrosis of subcutaneous tissue, fever, nausea, vomiting, bleeding and other symptoms. There are also symptoms such as blood sputum, hematuria, decreased blood pressure, miosis, and convulsions. Neurotoxic damage from snake bites include drowsiness, dyskinesia, droopy eyelids, mydriasis, respiratory paralysis, coma, and even death from respiratory failure. In general, if bitten by a venomous snake is not treated in time, it can die within 6 to 72 hours.

What should we do after being bitten by a poisonous snake?

Venomous snakes can secrete venom, and can be poisoned locally or even throughout the body to varying degrees, and may die if not treated in time.

Unfortunately bitten by a poisonous snake, race against time to treat the wound is the key to treatment, should race against the clock to treat the wound, the first time can be ligated, to prevent the venous blood back to the heart, with running water to rinse the wound, if the poisonous snake's poisonous fangs remain, pull out the poisonous fangs, repeatedly rinse the wound, suck out the snake venom in the wound with the mouth, and rinse with water, while paying attention to the sucker without mouth and lip ulceration, immediately dial 120 for help.

Generally, foreign countries will prepare some antivenoms when humans explore the wild, as long as they are not bitten by an instantly fatal poisonous snake, they can generally survive the risk of being bitten.

Have you ever been bitten by a poisonous snake? Mavericks I am very fortunate, I have not seen a poisonous snake, both fortunate and regretful!

Thank you for watching, we will come back next time!

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