
The rise and rampant of the "candid filming industry chain": when women's privacy is reduced to a tool for profiteering

author:Aunt Yuan
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“偷拍产业链”的兴起和猖獗:当女性的隐私,沦为牟取暴利的工具","en":"The rise and rampant of the \"candid filming industry chain\": when women's privacy is reduced to a tool for profiteering"},"description":{"content":"几天前我看到了一个新闻,说一名女子发现,自己住了一年多的合租公寓卫生间里,竟然安装了一个监控摄像头。几个与她合租的室友全...","en":"A few days ago I saw a news report that a woman had installed a surveillance camera in the bathroom of her shared apartment where she had lived for more than a year. Several of her roommates were all..."}},"items":[]}