
Shunsuke Nakamura: The Chinese men's football team is a strong team in Asia, and the Japanese team must strictly guard against their naturalized players

author:Old Zhuge Bayern Munich boss
{"info":{"title":{"content":"中村俊辅:中国男足是亚洲的强队,日本队要严防他们的归化球员","en":"Shunsuke Nakamura: The Chinese men's football team is a strong team in Asia, and the Japanese team must strictly guard against their naturalized players"},"description":{"content":"明晚23:00,国足12强赛次轮将对阵日本,比赛地点是卡塔尔多哈的哈利法体育场。国足上一次击败日本还要追溯到1998年3...","en":"Tomorrow night, at 23:00, the second round of the Round of 12 will take on Japan at the Khalifa Stadium in Doha, Qatar. The last time the national football team defeated Japan was back in 1998."}},"items":[]}

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