
In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

author:Chaos Record

Paul is 15 years younger than Teresa Teresa, and when she was young, Teresa Teresa did not expect that she would have such a sister-brother relationship, and she lived in France for two years at that time, and she fell in love with this young man who liked photography. This last lover of hers, she brought him not only an unforgettable love, but also endless doubts and criticisms after her death.

On May 8, 1995, Teresa died in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with her boyfriend Paul, who was 15 years younger.

Coincidentally, when Teresa was ill, Paul was not out of the hotel, and after hearing that Teresa was ill, Paul was not very anxious, and such a move naturally became the object of suspicion of many people.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > exotic love, the thoughtfulness and romance of the little boyfriend</h1>

At the age of 38, Teresa Teresa in France fell in love with a local youth, a love that came suddenly, but she was full of joy. Before each meeting, she would prepare carefully, like a little girl who had just fallen in love, and constantly ask the assistant next to her, "How is this dress?" "Wouldn't it be better for me to look that way?"

The assistant looked at her dressed like a little girl in preparation for a date, and couldn't help but wonder how the ordinary Paul had captured Teresa's heart.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

Teresa Teng and Paul are a very mismatched pair in the eyes of outsiders, one is an internationally famous singer, and the other is an unknown ordinary person. Perhaps it is this kind of ordinariness that attracts Teresa Teng and makes them a lover's relationship.

Paul's life was very different because of Teresa Teresa, who once said that Teresa had enriched his life and sang the song "You are my sunshine" with laughter. In the days when they were in love, Teresa was very patient, from the excessively ego personality before to the gentle personality that could tolerate and take care of.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

Paul is young, but because of love, he is willing to change, and after knowing that Teresa likes to be clean, he will often wash his hands and bathe. Teresa has asthma and will learn to take care of Teresa who is ill and help her with medication. Teresa Teng likes things he will try to understand. In this way, they like each other and tolerate each other, so that they are not separated at all times.

At that time, Teresa Teng was surrounded by sweetness, new love, and a comfortable life, which made her heart become younger and her body much healthier.

Before the beautiful love, Teresa Teng, who was nearly 40 years old, could not make a promise to get married for various reasons.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the road is bumpy, career and love are difficult to complete</h1>

At the age of 20, Teresa Teng was young and successful, and she had a boyfriend who loved herself, and everything was so beautiful. It was at this time that she encountered an opportunity to take her career to the next level, that is, to expand the Japanese market and increase her popularity.

Between love and career, the young woman chose her career, after all, she was still young, she felt that everything still had time, and her boyfriend Lin Zhenfa at the time also agreed to her choice.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

It's just that she didn't expect that the impermanence of life would make things that seemed fine be so painful in the end.

Boyfriend Lim Chun Fat is Malaysian, he is eight years older than Teresa Teng, perhaps because of the age gap, Lin Zhenfa will be considerate and more caring. In his company, Teresa Teresa experienced the taste of love. While working in Japan, the two often exchanged phone calls and visited each other when they had time.

After a few years like this, one day Teresa Teng suddenly received a phone call, saying that Lin Zhenfa had a heart attack, and Teresa Teng, who received the call, immediately bought a ticket to Kuala Lumpur and rushed over with a nervous mood.

When she arrived, it was still too late, and Lin Zhenfa died of ineffective rescue. Hearing this news, Teresa almost doubted that she had heard it wrong, and that such a gentle man had left her like this.

For a long time, Teresa spent time in sadness. She had some regrets, she did not go to Japan to develop, accompanied by his side, is this kind of thing not happening.

The death of her boyfriend makes her sad, but she has become a celebrity, and she can't push away all kinds of business activities. And so the days passed, and it turned to 1980.

This year, when Teresa Teng was attending an event, she met Guo Kongcheng, a man who almost made her enter the palace of marriage.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

Guo Kongcheng is low-key and serious. Originally, Teresa Teng was prejudiced and unwilling to associate with him after knowing that he was the second generation of the rich, but his sincere efforts made the two eventually walk together.

The Guo family is the richest man in Malaysia, as a large family, it is natural to be particularly picky in the selection of daughter-in-law, Mrs. Guo met Teresa Teng when the two were preparing to get married. Because she knows that Teresa Teng has developed in the entertainment industry, she has not liked it in her heart. At this meeting, she set harsh rules.

First, list detailed value information.

Second, stop all singing and acting careers and concentrate on being a wife.

Third, cut off contact with the show business and draw a line with all male friends.

The first Teresa agreed, but the next two made Teresa difficult to accept, she loved singing and loved her work. Faced with such conditions, Teresa Struggled for a long time, she wanted to get married and wanted a happy life. However, if you can't be yourself after marriage, will the marriage still be happy?

In the end, Teresa had to break up with Guo Kongcheng, and this incident made her realize the importance of her singing career, so she worked harder to make her career reach its peak.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

Guo Kongcheng

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > moved to France to recuperate and meet her little boyfriend</h1>

However, career achievements do not fill the gaps in the relationship.

In 1991, Teresa came to Paris, France, where she recuperated herself and experienced the tranquility and beauty of life.

Romantic Paris lived up to its reputation, and in a bar, Teresa met her last lover.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

In the dim light of the Paris bar, Teresa looked at Paul's long blond hair and charming side face, took the initiative to talk to him, and after learning that Paul was a photographer, asked him to take a picture of himself. In this way, they left contact information.

Paul was an authentic French handsome man, with a clean face and a tall figure that was hard to forget at a glance. It was because he lived in France that he did not know that the lady who photographed him was a popular Asian singer. For his ignorance, Teresa Teng did not say much.

Years of life as a singer has made her more and more distant from the lives of ordinary people, she likes the lives of ordinary people, she hopes that Paul is with her because he loves her, and does not want to have the baggage of stars among them.

Teresa felt relaxed and happy in her time with Paul. Although Paul's age is 15 years younger than Teresa Teresa, the romance of the French allows Teresa to experience what love should look like. The romantic confessions that there are every day, the objects with their own names, all the fantasies of girls about love, have become a reality in Paul.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

With the company of her little boyfriend, Teresa's heart is happy and full of sweetness. She knew Paul loved photography, so she often asked Paul to take pictures of their lives. In order to help her boyfriend realize his photography dreams, Teresa will also buy expensive photographic equipment for Paul, and introduce some people she knows to Paul.

In Teresa's last five years, Paul was with her, and Paul gave Teresa love for sure. Fans have always wondered, when Teresa Teresa had an accident, where was Paul, who was inseparable from her?

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > hotel deaths</h1>

Teresa Teng had asthma and her body itself was not very good, so she decided to go to Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 1995, a decision that was a temporary idea, but she did not expect to go and never came back.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

Teresa Teng in Chiang Mai has its own frequently stayed hotel, Mae Binh Hotel. On the evening of May 8 of that year, the staff heard a rapid knock at the door, so they rushed to check it out, and then called the emergency number.

The person who called for help was Teresa Teng, who had an asthma attack and could not use the medicine correctly. The staff did not know how to treat the situation, so they had to wait for the arrival of the ambulance. Paul was shopping on the streets of Chiang Mai, unaware that his lover was in danger. By the time the ambulance took Teresa to the hospital, Paul still didn't come back.

I thought it would be a smooth rescue, but I didn't expect it to happen at this time. Chiang Mai's roads are congested in the evening rush hour, ambulances are slowly moving forward in the traffic, rescue time is also slowly passing, and when the ambulance finally arrives at the hospital, the doctors use a variety of first aid methods, but still miss the best time, and the rescue is too late.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > boyfriend crying</h1>

After Teresa's death, the family rushed to receive the message. When they saw Paul, who was with Teresa Teng but let her die of asthma, they were all resentful. Deng Changfu, who loved his sister the most, was even more angry and beat Paul, and Paul did not fight back.

On May 11, the family flew the body back to Taiwan, because of Teresa Teng's influence during her lifetime, many people attended the funeral, and many media reported on the incident, so the funeral was solemn and solemn.

During this time, Paul only made a hasty appearance at the funeral and left, which brought the fans' dissatisfaction with him to the peak.

Facing the outside world, Paul ignored it. After the funeral, he moved into the villa where they once lived in Hong Kong. In the face of the reporters who were surrounded outside the villa, he did not come out of the door, so he stayed in Hong Kong for three years, during which time the food and clothing were taken care of by the housekeeper invited by Deng Changxi. For the past three years, he had been drinking heavily all day, and he was also very decadent.

Looking at Paul like this, Deng Changxi remembered the happy look of his sister when Paul and his sister were together, and thought of the happy time he had brought to his sister, and felt that such a young man had been languishing, and it was not the way. Deng Changxi began to persuade Paul, hoping that he would be strong and walk the next path of life.

Under the persuasion of Tang Changxi, Paul finally decided to leave Hong Kong. Before leaving, he showed the public the images of his life when he was with Teresa Teresa, which was a farewell to Teresa Teresa and a farewell to his past. Watching his lover smile and make cute and playful gestures to the camera, recalling their five years of happiness, Paul still can't help but shed tears.

As for the red mark on Teresa Teng's body, he did not respond to anything, and now he was going to leave with this doubt in everyone's heart.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

Deng Changxi

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

So far, Teresa Teresa has been dead for more than twenty years, and Paul's life seems to have returned to its original appearance, but hearing that affectionate song, Teresa Teresa's shadow will always emerge in her heart.

In 1995, Teresa Teng went to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and as a result, she never returned to a foreign love, the little boyfriend's thoughtfulness and romantic love were bumpy, career and love were difficult to move to France, and the body was repaired to meet the little boyfriend's hotel Death boyfriend tearful reminiscences

After Teresa Teng's death, Paul was interviewed by Hong Kong television. In the interview, he showed some photos and videos of Teresa Teresa in his life, looking at the smiling and happy Teresa Teresa in the video, Paul said "sorry" in the show, whether he was blaming himself or regretting it, Teresa teng would never come back.

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