
Not trapped by fame and fortune, plain and easy life

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Fame and fortune are the biggest temptation in life, almost no one can resist, many people have been running for fame and fortune all their lives. Although fame and fortune can be pursued, it must be clear that there are actually more pursuits in life, and it is only a small part of it. But in real life, many people take fame and fortune as the whole of life, and then exhaust all their efforts and energy to pursue, making people waste their lives.

Many people regard fame and fortune as the ultimate goal of life pursuit. These people are like the ancient readers, ten years of hard reading, hard work, in order to one day the gold list title, can achieve fame, this is complete. If you don't win the list, you start reading hard again, and so on, as if you have been living for the list all your life, in other words, for fame and fortune. Therefore, many people have a tragic life, and some people have not passed the exam in their lifetime, so they are crazy, stupid, and some suicides that they can't think of.

In modern times, there are also people who pursue fame and fortune like the ancients rushing to take the exam and work hard all their lives. It seems that there is no other pursuit in life, and the only thing you want is fame and interests. They do not care about the feelings of their relatives and friends, and let themselves completely enter the wave of pursuit, and the result is that some people are buried in the sea of fame and fortune, and some people are buried in the sea of desire.

Floating a dream, we can't take anything away, so look down on fame and fortune, let yourself live a little more plain, so that you can get more fun of life. If a person's sense of fame and fortune is too heavy, it will bring a heavy burden to themselves. What's more, they will become overwhelmed, lose their minds, and fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

People's pursuit of fame and fortune should be like the pursuit of love, and the degree of creation is good - the pursuit of love that suits them is good, and the slightest fame and fortune is good. Don't be obsessed, and don't get caught up in it. Fame and fortune are by no means the whole of life, it is not worth your efforts to obtain, get it and look down on it, and resolutely give it up if you don't get it, so that you can transcend things.

During the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, there was an official named Li Zhen, who served as the left attendant of the military department, which was also a considerable official position in the imperial court. However, he was not satisfied with this and had been coveting the position of his superior, Bingbu Shoshu. Coincidentally, after Li Zhen's three years of filial piety, his immediate superior, Bingbu Shangshu, was dismissed.

In Li Zhen's view, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to become a knight. To this end, he made many activities to bribe and curry favor with the important courtiers who could influence his promotion.

However, what he did not expect was that his "efforts" had no effect, and the imperial court gave Xiang Zhong the position of Shangshu of the Bingbu Department. XiangZhong was the Shangshu of the Punishment Department of the current dynasty, and he was still related to Li Zhen. Originally, the benefits were also obtained by my family, and it was not a big deal. However, Li Zhen's desire for fame and fortune was too strong, and when he learned that his relatives had "robbed" him of his official position, he was greatly dissatisfied, so he complained to his relatives: You have already done a good job as an official in the Punishment Department, so why did you come here?"

Later, Li Zhen had a sore on the back of his head. Sores on the head are not trivial, especially in ancient times, when medical methods were not developed. But Li Zhen refused to give up any opportunity to gain fame and fortune, and still insisted on going to the court every day to please the emperor. Many people ridiculed him for not dying for fame and fortune, and he argued that if he thought about things in his heart, he didn't feel that the sores on his head would hurt. ”

In the story, Li Zhen does not miss the feelings of relatives and friends, and even does not care about his own life, and pursues fame and profit to reach the realm of selflessness, which cannot be described as crazy.

Life is not long, if you spend all your time chasing fame and fortune, then there is no time to pursue other meaningful things, such as happiness and happiness. Fame and fortune are the complexity and noise of life, if you want to find happiness and tranquility in life, you must give up the excessive pursuit of fame and fortune, so that you can restore the tranquility of life.

A person with too much heart of fame and fortune will bring a heavy burden to life, and these burdens will hinder his steps and make it difficult for him to walk. When fame and fortune exhaust all time and energy, there are few other pleasures in life, and such a life is destined to be barren and dry. Because fame and fortune are like a gust of wind, which will blow away other things in life and turn life into a desolate Gobi Desert.

There are many aspects of a full life that are worth our careful management, do not be trapped by fame and fortune, because of small losses, missing things that are really worth grasping with our hearts, such as feelings, happiness and happiness. Only by indifferent to fame and fortune can we make life more plain and more complete.