
Dreams are a kind of nostalgia, but also a kind of longing


#打卡美好生活 #

Freud: "Dreams are the fulfillment of wishes, the reactions of the subconscious mind." Dream is a kind of nostalgia, a kind of memory, a kind of sustenance, a kind of subconscious release and satisfaction, a dream is a kind of longing, a yearning, a kind of wish, a kind of inner pouring out of the heart that longs for love. Everyone has their own dream, some people have struggled for this dream all their lives, and some people just cherish it in their hearts. Singer Zhang Liangying's dream "Don't stop waiting, just let the light refract the tear-wet pupils, reflect the rainbow that I want to have most in my heart, and take me to the sky with you." Taste carefully, life is a dream! Recalling the past, zhengrong years are thick, "the name of the meritorious dream is broken, but the flat boat Wu Chu". I really sighed, and unconsciously wasted how many years of flowing water. Wild thoughts, light ignorance, how can we taste and clarify the journey that has been. Dreams are a way of knowing, but also an expression of life. "Now we're starting from scratch." There is a saying: When the first rays of sunlight sprinkle on the earth, the first birdsong wakes up the earth, my dream begins again...