
A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

author:Tiger prison pawn

In 306 BC, Marquis Su of Zhao died, and Zhao Yong, who was only 15 years old, took the throne as King Wuling of Zhao. Spring to autumn to look forward to the death of father, one day sit in the country. For many kings who have been kept, the death of their father is a very desirable thing.

However, at this time, Zhao Yong could not laugh at all, he was not only sad for his father's departure, but also because the real situation made him face a huge test.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

King Wuling of Zhao

After the death of Marquis Zhao Su, King Hui of Wei united with the major powers of the State of Qin, the State of Qi, the State of Chu, and the State of Yan to come to mourn for Marquis Zhao Su. Under normal circumstances, after the death of the head of a country, it is a good thing that so many countries can send emissaries to mourn, showing the good popularity of the Zhao monarch. However, these emissaries who came to mourn all brought tens of thousands of sharp masters, which made Zhao Yong feel worried. Did these people come to mourn, or did they come to Zhao Guo to find stubble?

Everyone in Zhao Guo was very nervous, a 15-year-old teenager, could he face such a complicated and dangerous situation?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="108" > a highly talented teenager</h1>

Under the iron heel of the Five-Nation Alliance, the State of Qi was beaten to the two cities of Ju and Jimo, although later Tian Dan took advantage of the change of monarchs of the Yan State and used the reverse strategy to force Le Yi away, successfully defeating the Yan army and successfully restoring the State of Qi. However, at this time, the State of Qi was already seriously injured and could only stay in the east to survive.

After the Five-Nation Alliance was united, the State of Wei, the State of Zhao, and the State of Chu, which were on the verge of the State of Qi, gained a lot of territory, which was very pleasant, and the State of Yan successfully avenged the snow and hatred before the snow, and gained more territory, which was naturally more pleasant. Among the Five-Nation Alliance, only South Korea did not get the territory, and there was no hatred with the State of Qi, but it was able to be suppressed by the State of Qin for a long time, vent the depression in his heart, and watch everyone very happy, and he was also happy.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

The Five-Nation Coalition is in full swing

However, the happiness of all people did not add up to the happiness of the Qin State, and after the result was crippled, the Qin State no longer had a rival of equal strength, all the countries in the East became the chinese food of the Qin State, and the Qin State ate whenever it wanted, from this point of view, the Eastern countries wiped their tears before it was too late, and it was still happy to fart!

However, how could the stage of the Warring States be so easily lonely! After the fall of the State of Qi, the State of Zhao stepped onto the stage of competition with the State of Qin. In the decades since then, it has entered the period of Qin and Zhao's hegemony.

Seeing this, we not only have to question, Zhao Guo has always been poor and weak in the Three Jins, why did it suddenly become the first power in the East that could wrench its wrist with the Qin State?

To solve this mystery, we must start with a character, this person is the Zhao Wuling King who led the rise of the Zhao Kingdom. However, at this time, King Wuling of Zhao had been dead for decades, and it was he who took advantage of the qin and Qi's struggle for hegemony, passed through the northern region of the Zhao state, collected most of the ethnic minority cavalry, and attacked the Zhongshan state, so that the Zhao state gradually grew.

To become a tyrant, talent is extremely important, but Zhao Yong is a very talented figure.

My father had just left, and the whole country was in a panic, and there were several countries outside, with tens of thousands of people, who came to call it a good name: condolences. In the face of such an urgent scene, if you change into a mediocre person, you are either stuck in a wooden chicken and helpless, or you are panicked and choose a path.

There was no panic on Zhao Yong's face, but with the assistance of The Orphan Minister Fei Yi, with the speed of lightning, he began to make preparations from both domestic and foreign sides.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

Zhao Yong ordered the whole country that all troops should end their vacations, enter a state of first-level combat readiness, and obey the dispatches of the government, especially the troops located in key areas such as Handan, Shangdang, and Dai County, and should maintain a high degree of vigilance and be ready to give a head-on blow to foreign troops that were about to enter the Zhao state. At the same time, Zhao Yong also launched a diplomatic offensive from an international perspective to seek allies for the Zhao state.

Zhao Yong contacted Korea and the Song kingdom and soon formed an alliance with the Zhao state. In order to deal with the Yan state, Zhao Yong also united the Lou Fu and Zhongshan states in the north, thus containing the power of the Yan state. The State of Yan was the weakest of the five kingdoms of attacking the State of Zhao, and once the State of Yan dropped the chain, the plan led by the State of Wei to attack the State of Zhao might fail completely.

After making both domestic and foreign preparations, Zhao Yong sent letters to the five troops who had come to mourn, telling them that only emissaries could enter the Zhao kingdom, and any armed forces entering the Zhao state were regarded as the beginning of war against the Zhao state. All countries that can abide by the rules of the Zhao State will be treated with courtesy; and all those who want to test the Fa by example, the large army on the border of the Zhao State will entertain them well.

In the face of Zhao Guo, who was waiting in a strict position, Zhao Yong, who was ready to tear his face with everyone, hesitated to provoke Zhao Guo. Because of these provocative countries, they are not only afraid of clashing with Zhao Guo, but also worried about being stabbed by their teammates behind them. As a result, this vigorous provocation campaign launched by King Hui of Wei was thus abandoned.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

The King of Wei hui played by the Great Qin Empire

Zhao Yong successfully withstood a critical test at the beginning of his ascension to the throne, showing his difference from the successive monarchs of the Zhao state.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="82" > Qin and Zhao befriended, and withdrew slightly north</h1>

In the more than ten years that King Wuling of Zhao had just ascended the throne, it was the chaotic period of Su Qin zhang yi's fighting method in the Central Plains, and it was naturally difficult for Zhao Guo, as a great power of the Three Jins, to withdraw.

As a weak country, in the great power of the deer often only have a share of beating, Zhao Wuling King deeply felt this, but due to the lack of strength of the Zhao state, unable to change the status quo, had to go with the flow.

In 323 BC, Gongsun Yan launched the Five Kingdoms, and the State of Zhao, one of the Three Jin Dynasties, could only be forced to participate. After King Xiang, King Yan and King Han were overjoyed, but only King Zhao Wuling felt worried, and he explained to the people: "If you live in your name without reality, the disaster is not far away!"

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

Gongsun Yan played by the Great Qin Empire

Therefore, in order to avoid international disputes, King Wuling of Zhao was still called King in the world, but in China, he directly canceled the title of King and let the people of the country call themselves Kings. Throughout the life of King Zhao Wuling, he never took the initiative to claim the throne.

This is not that King Zhao Wuling abides by morality and does not dare to cross the Zhou Dynasty to make a half-step of the thunder pond, but that King Zhao Wuling knows very well in his heart that people are drifting in the rivers and lakes and are ready to be stabbed at any time, and only by keeping a low profile can they avoid attracting attention and reduce themselves to becoming targets in the eyes of big powers.

King Wuling of Zhao gave up the title of king, in addition to having self-knowledge, there was also a thing that he did not want to go to the Central Plains to fight, but wanted to solve the big problem in the north of the Zhao Kingdom!

The highest state of life is not to do what you want to do, but to do what you don't want to do, but people can't help themselves in the jianghu, forced by the weakness of the Zhao Kingdom, and the Zhao Wuling King is powerless to change his current situation.

Therefore, in the activities of combining vertical and horizontal, Zhao Guo was the one who seemed to be the most incompetent. However, in 307 BC, King Wuling of Zhao finally ushered in an opportunity to allow himself to retreat from the chaos of the Central Plains.

In 307 BC, King Wu of Qin died unexpectedly, and for a time the whole qin state panicked. King Wuling of Zhao, who had always had a keen sense of political smell, immediately sent someone to take the prince of the State of Qin back from the State of Yan and send him to the State of Qin to succeed to the throne, instantly stabilizing the overall situation of the State of Qin.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

The King of Qin Wu played by the Great Qin Empire

Sending charcoal in the snow is often more toothless than icing on the cake, and since then, the formal alliance between the Qin state and the Zhao state has found a stable backer, and the Zhao Wuling king can finally withdraw to do what he wants to do.

So what was the big problem that had always bothered King Zhao Wuling a lot?

First of all, the ethnic minorities in the north, known as the Northern Di in the Central Plains, and the second thing that upset King Wuling of Zhao was the Zhongshan Kingdom.

Beidi mainly lived in animal husbandry, often riding horses and archery, fighting wars, being highly mobile, and often harassing the northern border of the Zhao state to loot grain, gold and silver, and beautiful women. The border army of the Zhao State was mainly infantry and cavalry, and it was very headache for these Northern Di cavalry who came and ran fast.

In fact, the border of the Zhao state was long, and the Zhao state had been in a state of exhaustion for the attacks of the Northern Di cavalry, especially the Dai County, which was located on the northern border of the Zhao State, and directly faced the threat of the Northern Di cavalry.

The northern border of the Zhao State maintained a high state of alert, which greatly depleted the national strength of the Zhao State.

The Zhongshan State, located in the hinterland of the Zhao State, directly divided the Zhao State into two parts, the North and the South, which had an adverse impact on the national unity of the Zhao State.

In fact, as early as 410 BC, Wei Wenhou had sent Le Yang to attack the Zhongshan Kingdom, and after three years of bloody battles, the Wei State reluctantly defeated the Zhongshan Kingdom.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

Zhongshan Kingdom

However, in 378 BC, taking advantage of the change of war between the Three Jins, the Zhongshan State was restored with the support of the State of Qi. This not only made Wei Guo dumbfounded, but also made Zhao Guo very depressed.

The place where zhongshan chose to restore the country was located in the northeast of the Zhao state, and in addition to bordering the Yan state, it almost became a state within the state of the Zhao state. The area of Zhongshan Kingdom is not large, but it has a huge diversionary effect on Zhao Guo.

To the south of zhongshan is handan, the capital of the State of Zhao, to the north is dai county, a military stronghold in the north of the State of Zhao, and to the west is the shangdang, the land where soldiers must fight, so the geographical location of the Zhongshan State in the territory of the State of Zhao undoubtedly stabbed a sharp knife in the chest of the State of Zhao.

Since the restoration of zhongshan, under the leadership of Zhongshan Huangong, after decades of development, it has become a "country of a thousand multipliers" second only to the seven major countries, and the development speed of Zhongshan kingdom has stunned Zhao Guo on the side.

Duke Huan of Zhongshan died in 340 BC and was succeeded by his son as King of Zhongshan. After King Zhongshan succeeded to the throne, in the face of the great inheritance left by The Duke huan of Zhongshan, he gradually became blindly arrogant and began to get carried away, following the big powers to join the Central Plains Scuffle.

The King of the Five Kingdoms originally did not have anything to do with the Zhongshan Kingdom, but the Zhongshan King's mind also had to follow the title of King, and finally he was almost beaten by the State of Qi. In 315 BC, the State of Yan broke out the Rebellion of the Sons, and King Zhongshan Cheng, who did not know the height of the sky, actually wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make the state of Yan difficult, and later the State of Qi, under the pressure of the princes of all sides, had to withdraw troops from the State of Yan, and the State of Zhongshan spent soldiers and horses to occupy the land of the State of Yan, and finally had to return to the original owner.

A Generation of Tyrants Zhao Wuling King A young man with great talent, Qin Zhao, made good friends and withdrew to the north

The State of Qi attacked the State of Yan

Not only that, but in terms of governing the country, King Zhongshan Cheng also respected Confucianism at an inopportune time. When Nakayama became king, he implemented the policy of "emphasizing Confucianism over samurai", and in the Warring States era, when "force is the first voice", this policy was a suicide for I. As a result, the once thriving and incomparably powerful Zhongshan Kingdom gradually became a warrior slack in the march, and the farmer was lazy in the field, so that the Zhongshan Kingdom that developed in this way had only one end of national subjugation.

In the war-torn Warring States era, the practice of Confucianism was equivalent to being beaten on the stomach. The state of Zhongshan provided an excellent opportunity for King Wuling of Zhao to attack Zhongshan.

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