
wary! Taiwan Military Secretly Prepares to "Treat the Wartime Wounded"

author:China Youth Network

Green media revealed that the Taiwan military will spend 4 billion yuan to start 3 programs.

What are the DPP authorities doing here?

The island's green media released an "exclusive message" today (31st), claiming that in view of the PLA's "taiwan offense" operation, the Military Medical Bureau of Taiwan's defense department will spend more than NT$4.1 billion next year to launch three programs with the intention of "rapid and effective treatment of wounded and sick" in wartime. The report quoted Qiu Guozheng, head of Taiwan's defense department, as saying in a recent remark: "The cross-strait situation is now the most severe moment in his 40 years since he joined the army!" The mainland currently has the ability to "offend Taiwan", and in 2025 it will have a comprehensive "crime against Taiwan" capability.

wary! Taiwan Military Secretly Prepares to "Treat the Wartime Wounded"

Taiwan military "HanGuang exercise" data map (source: Taiwan media)

The green media report said that once the cross-strait war began, the defense department never released the military and civilian casualty assessment figures, and "always kept this data classified." The only time the defense department has announced the number of military casualties on both sides of the strait was in November 2003, when Chen Zhaomin, then deputy head of the defense department, revealed, "Once the war broke out, the 'Ministry of National Defense' has estimated that the first wave of 'war mobilization' will be 128,000 people." The so-called "mobilization of war consumption" is the number of military and civilian casualties. According to the report, once there is a war, the military must immediately recruit reserve troops, including "mobilization of actual preparations," "mobilization of expansion," and "mobilization of war consumption." And this "mobilization of war consumption" is to supplement the number of dead and wounded in the standing troops.

Before this news was exposed, on October 28, Taiwan's defense department just revealed that Taiwan would complete the production of the so-called "wartime people's survival and refuge manual" in March 2022.

According to media reports on the island, in 2005, the island disclosed an assessment report of the Taiwan military, which reported that once the two sides of the strait went to war, Taiwan would lose at least 40,000 troops in 7 days. Due to the narrow and densely populated areas of Taiwan, important political, economic and military organs are close to the people, and the number of civilian deaths should be 3 to 5 times that of the army, about 200,000 people. Therefore, it is conservatively estimated that the number of sacrifices on the Taiwan side will be as high as 240,000.

wary! Taiwan Military Secretly Prepares to "Treat the Wartime Wounded"

The Taiwan military frequently conducts various types of exercises and shootings, rendering the situation tense. The picture shows the Taiwan Army's live-fire shooting in anti-landing operations (Picture source: Taiwan media)

According to the report, from 2003 to 2021, after 18 years, the accuracy of the mainland's weapons against Taiwan has been improved, and the "point and hole warfare", "decapitation war" and "electronic warfare" capabilities it has moved have been further improved, so the number of casualties should not increase significantly, but the number of casualties at the moment of the war is definitely not something that the current medical system can afford. Therefore, when the Taiwan Defense Department is particularly preparing the annual budget, the Military Medical Bureau will plan for 884.08 million yuan under the plan of "Precision Medical Rescue Equipment Preparation in Taiwan Military Hospitals", starting next year and ending in 2024, urgently purchasing "precision medical rescue technology and other related equipment" to strengthen the energy of medical operations such as wound disposal, surgical treatment, and differential diagnosis of precision medicine images.

In terms of emergency medical treatment for grass-roots troops, the Military Medical Bureau will also implement the "Taiwan Military Health Force Guard Equipment Preparation" from next year to 2026, which will allocate more than 2,307.44 billion yuan, and plan to prepare 12 items of 269 pieces of health equipment to enhance the management and classification of a large number of injuries and injuries when major disasters occur in the troops and civilians; and strengthen emergency rescue and evacuation energy, with the intention of sending the injured to the final decisive treatment unit as soon as possible, so as to improve the survival rate of the injured and maintain the overall combat effectiveness of the troops.

In addition, in order to enhance the complex "disaster rescue medical equipment preparation", the Military Medical Bureau also set aside more than 966.33 million yuan in next year's budget, and plans to complete the preparation of 101 new medical equipment in 2023 to enhance the disaster relief medical resources of Taiwan military hospitals.

In response to the move of the Taiwan Military Medical Bureau, some netizens on the island said, "Who has been pushing Taiwan into war?" Do you still need to count military and civilian casualties in an effort to maintain peace, funny!! "Support peaceful reunification!"

wary! Taiwan Military Secretly Prepares to "Treat the Wartime Wounded"
wary! Taiwan Military Secretly Prepares to "Treat the Wartime Wounded"

The DPP authorities have continued to create and exaggerate tension in the Taiwan Strait, provoking cross-strait confrontation and causing panic among many people on the island. In early October, a poll of Taipei residents showed that 42.6 percent of the citizens surveyed said they were worried about war across the strait, and even taiwanese people, fearing war, had begun to store survival supplies.

At a regular news conference earlier this month, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that compatriots on both sides of the strait must soberly realize that the current complicated and severe situation in the Taiwan Strait and the tension and confrontation between the two sides of the strait are rooted in the DPP authorities' collusion with external forces and the intensification of their provocation of seeking "independence." Their deeds have seriously damaged the vital interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, and have also seriously undermined peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The PLA's training exercises are aimed at "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and interference by external forces, with the aim of safeguarding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and safeguarding the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait. The DPP authorities' hype of the so-called "military threat" on the mainland is a complete reversal of right and wrong and a raking blow. Such lies cannot deceive compatriots on both sides of the strait and the international community. If the DPP authorities are obstinate and do not know how to restrain them from the precipice, they will only push Taiwan into an even more dangerous situation.

Source: World Wide Web

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