
From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong


Mahjong originated in China and has a long history, so it is a familiar object. In our country, playing mahjong is almost a well-known thing for women and children, and it should also be a favorite leisure and entertainment method for many people. However, everything has two sides, and mahjong is certainly no exception, as it is both a toy of intellectual entertainment and a tool that can be used for gambling. Therefore, although mahjong is fun, it must not be greedy, gambling money is illegal, and the injury is even more tragic. Let's look at mahjong from its past life and present life to see if it is right or wrong.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong
From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

Mahjong originated in China, with a long history and a long history, in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and southern Fujian, commonly known as "sparrow". Playing mahjong is a domino game played by 4 people together, which is mainly popular in the Chinese cultural circle, but also an activity that many people love and are enthusiastic about. Mahjong was invented in ancient China, and from ancient times to the present, it is generally a small rectangular shape made of bamboo, wood, bone or plastic, with patterns or words engraved on it.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

Regarding the origin of mahjong, it should be the ancient Bo opera of the ancients in ancient China. According to the "Records of History" and other relevant historical records, the production of ancient Bo opera was at least before the King of Yin. The earliest game was called "Liu Bo", with 6 sticks and 12 chess pieces, which is a long-shaped bamboo product, which is probably equivalent to the dice we use when playing mahjong today. The "leaf play" of the Tang and Song dynasties, the cards of the Ming Dynasty, especially the horse hanging cards that were more popular at that time, all have a certain historical relationship with mahjong. It was not until the end of the Qing Dynasty that the emergence of domino cards, the so-called authentic mahjong cards, officially began.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

The textures, gameplay and evolution of mahjong are roughly like this. In terms of materials, from ancient bamboo, wood, paper, paper, horse tags, bone, etc., until today's plastic. In terms of form and evolution trajectory, it began with the ancient chess game, from the ancient chess game, from the chimes, joan, dice, to the leaf play, and then to the card horse hang card, and finally became today's mahjong card.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong
From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

There are many theories about the specific origin of mahjong cards, and the more mainstream one is the "grain protection card" originating from Taicang, Jiangsu Province. According to historical records, since the Warring States period, successive dynasties in Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, have often hoarded grain here, once known as the "Royal Granary", and the imperial court hoarded rice here all year round for the diversion of grain from the south to the north and for occasional needs. There is a lot of grain, and naturally there are many finches, and every year they have to lose a lot of food because of the finches. In order to reward the finches and grain protectors, the officials who managed the granaries recorded the number of birds caught in bamboo and paid honoraria accordingly, which was the original "grain protection card" of Taicang.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

The chip card that records the number of birds is engraved with various symbols and numbers, which can be watched, played, and used as a voucher for winnings. Of course, the gameplay, symbols, and salutation terms of this kind of card-catching are all related to catching birds. For example, "rope" means "bundle", that is, birds strung together with thin bundles of rope; "barrel" is the barrel of the gun, and several barrels mean several gunpowder guns; "ten thousand" is the unit of the reward, tens of thousands is the number of rewards, and so on. For example, bird hunting is related to the direction of the "wind", "medium", "fortune", "white", and "eat", "touch", "bar", "and" and other terms are also related to bird hunting. Some people even say that "tubes" are grain hoards one by one, and "strips" are rows of grain hoards.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

As a very popular entertainment tool, mahjong's benefits and role cannot be underestimated. Now the mahjong activities have long been popular throughout the country, and the playing styles in various places are different, which can be said to be various and have everything, thus enriching people's amateur life. Even in ancient times, mahjong has made a "great contribution". Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty has gone to the West 7 times, when everyone was drifting on the ocean, lonely and unbearable, missing his hometown, relatives, and motherland, he and everyone invented the "wooden tablet card" that seems to be mahjong today, which not only relieved the bitter mood, but also enriched the amateur life. What is valuable is that he also carved a red "Zhong" sign under the slogan of "Greater China's Glory and Exotic Lands", thus carrying forward the patriotic feelings of the sons and daughters of China.

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong
From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

In April 2017, the International Mind Sports Federation announced that Mahjong officially became the sixth world mind sports program. It can be seen that modern mahjong has gone abroad and gone to the world. It is worth reminding that although mahjong is very fun, it can only be used as an intellectual entertainment activity, and must not use mahjong to participate in gambling, and it is not possible to harm the health of the body because of playing mahjong, especially the elderly. What do you think?

From the past and present lives of mahjong, look at the merits and demerits of mahjong

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