
Why do some people not rest and progress fast? The truth about street health progress

author:Super Xiaowu

As long as it is a fitness field, the progress of the body is inevitably inseparable from the process of rest and recovery, just like you need to sleep, eat and take time to digest and absorb, which is a physiological principle that must be followed.

Since I shared it, I have been stressing the importance of rest and recovery, and I have also provided you with a lot of suggestions on the arrangement of physical recovery.

Even though many friends have realized the importance of recovery and feel the benefits of reasonable rest, there have always been many people who train a lot every day without resting and making rapid progress, so many friends wonder whether they should rest or not. Today we will talk about the truth about physical progress and the cold knowledge of rest and recovery.

Why do some people not rest and progress fast? The truth about street health progress

There are many people who think that rest is for long muscles, if you want to go physically, you have to be violent every day, and Jie Jian just happens to pay less attention to muscles, more is the breakthrough of motor ability, so many people will take it for granted that "the harder you work, the stronger"... Do those top players really need to rest when they practice so fiercely?

First of all, we need to clarify the basic concepts of recovery and rest: recovery must be = rest; but rest is not necessarily = rest day. The recovery and growth of the body must take time but not necessarily take too long. To put it simply, unless you do training 24 hours a day, without any group breaks, this is called really no rest and recovery.

Recovery is not to say that there must be a rest day, but intermittent time, between the group and the group of the body is recovering, the time between each training and training the body is also recovering, sleeping time is not to mention the top priority of recovery, even in the training process the body is constantly adjusting, recovery is always with you, so never feel that you do not believe in the recovery of that set, no recovery will definitely die suddenly.

Why do some people not rest and progress fast? The truth about street health progress

That is to say, those who can make rapid progress after practicing every day are not recovering, but the time for their body to recover is relatively short. So why can anyone improve so fast with such a short recovery time? This involves two concepts: (1) the physical stress response; (2) the factors that affect the recovery situation

Let's talk about the factors affecting recovery, exercise ability, dietary status (nutritional intake), whether there is a supplement that helps to restore, work and rest and sleep, living environment, mental state, stress, body hormone levels, the body's comprehensive stress response ability, etc. will affect the recovery results obtained in a certain period of time, and the length of rest is only a necessary but insufficient condition for recovery.

For street fitness movements and comprehensive energy, it must be biased to practice more and progress faster, but this "practice more" must also be based on the premise of the body's recovery as much as possible, otherwise it will not progress, and the progress will mean that the body has recovered and grown! And for some people who practice hard every day, the rest and recovery time is much shorter than the interval time of science, why can they make rapid progress? This brings us to the (2) concept of "physical stress response."

Stress response can be understood as physical adaptation (physiological and psychological), and the body makes adjustments as soon as possible to adapt to changes in the outside world or itself. For example: mood changes, adrenaline rush before the fight, pain and pain decreased significantly, the strength of the crowd when watching, jet lag in the field, altitude sickness, fitness muscle gain, eating more will accumulate fat, etc. Almost all body changes can be understood as the body is self-adjusting and adapting.

Why do some people not rest and progress fast? The truth about street health progress

The body's ability to adapt is strong, and even if your behavior is very extreme, it will make adjustments as much as possible that are more suitable. For example, if you stimulate your muscles but don't eat very well, and you "need muscles" at this time, your body will also provide protein and other limited nutrient intake with energy other than life-sustaining energy as much as possible to the muscles to recover in anticipation of the next stress.

That is to say, for recovery, even if the recovery time you provide to the body is short, it can be forced to self-regulate, try to recover, try to ensure your training. However, under the pressure of short-term recovery from embarrassment for a long time, it will inevitably usher in various injuries caused by the body's regurgitation. (And the physical adaptation is also affected by the first point of physical recovery factors, which are complementary to congenital and acquired))

To put it bluntly, the top players in the field of fitness are fighting for physical stress ability (of course, the body's stress response and talent situation are also affected by all life conditions after birth, so the word "talent" has been very controversial), their training techniques and efforts are not comparable, in fact, they are fighting the innate conditions and stress ability of the body, and they are also desperate, whose physical conditions and stress ability are good, whose results are more superior.

Another point is that training is not fierce also depends on subjective feelings, maybe you feel very fierce, the amount is very large, but for him himself has long been accustomed to it... To put it bluntly, your limit is not necessarily the warm-up of others, and people can certainly recover well

Why do some people not rest and progress fast? The truth about street health progress

Of course, it is not a big problem to rush the limit occasionally, but the long-term challenge to the limit of physical stress ability must be indispensable to injuries, so this point depends on everyone's own measurement and willingness, is the honor more important, or they are more pursuing a stable and long-term.

And the physical stress is very human, if you practice hard every day is also very good state progress is also very fast, want to fight a handful of limits, not impossible, remember to eat well and sleep well on the line! But if you practice hard every day and don't improve yet, don't hold on hard, we are not this piece of material, give the body more rest time, after all, the chosen son is a very small minority, or don't move yourself, it is more important to learn the training method that suits you.

However, for fitness, even if the genius hits the limit of physical stress, it must give the body time to adjust and adapt to recovery (no matter the length of time), which no one can avoid, recovery and growth must take time!

Specific training skills and personal experience have been collected in the collection of favorites, interested can go to my homepage to view.

I am Xiao Wu, a blogger who loves street health, if it helps you, remember to like and pay attention, cheer together!

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