
"No Man's Land"

author:East Lee Big Movie

Pan Xiao (played by Xu Zheng)

Boss (Played by Dobje)

Killer (played by Huang Bo)

Dancer (played by Yu Nan)

Protagonist monologue:

"It's a story about animals, it happens in a place where birds don't lay eggs, and I actually hate talking about animals.

But my former high school teacher always talked about the ancient monkeys.

He said that a long time ago there were two monkeys who decided to cooperate when picking peaches so as not to be eaten by tigers.

One goes up to the tree to eat the peach first, and the other is responsible for the sentry.

Those who eat peaches should leave half for the sentry, and the sentry cannot leave the post without permission.

This requires that the two monkeys cannot think only of themselves.

So the two monkeys became a monkey group, and the monkey group became a crowd. ”

In the northwestern desert, the killer has just captured a rare bird, the Falcon.

When I returned to the station, I suddenly found a cigarette butt left by others on the car and became alert.

It was then controlled by the police from behind.

In the police car, the killer offered to bribe the police to release him.

The police were so annoyed that they parked their cars on the side of the road to contact the headquarters, and then the police car was overturned by an oncoming car.

The policeman was hit and killed by the car, and the killer got out of the car.

It turned out that the driver who knocked over the police car was the boss of the Falcon Trafficking Group.

A well-known but profit-hungry lawyer, Pan Shaw.

With solid legal knowledge and ingenuity in courtroom skills.

The boss who successfully helped steal the national rare bird, the Arathai Falcon, and brutally killed the police officers was exonerated.

In a humble hotel, the boss invites Panshao to drink.

Pan Shaw asked to pay the rest of the fee, but the boss said that it would be ten days before he could call him.

So Pan Xiao took the boss's car as collateral, and the boss reluctantly agreed.

After dinner, Pan Xiao drove off in the boss's car, and the boss informed the killer to spy on Pan Xiao on the road.

After entering the no-man's land, a truck pulling grass blocked Pan Xiao's way, and when Pan Xiao overtook, the truck driver spat at Pan Xiao's window.

A distraught Pan Shaw asks the driver to get out of the car.

After finding that he could not communicate, he ripped off the driver's hat and wiped off the phlegm stains on the windows.

Another truck driver then got out of the car and pulled open the door of Panshaw's car to urinate on the steering wheel.

Later, when Pan Xiao overtook, something thrown by the truck driver smashed the window.

In a fit of rage, Pan Shaw put the lighter in the cigarette box and threw it on the straw pulled by the truck.

The killer was waiting for Pan Xiao on the road, but Pan Xiao directly knocked over the killer due to the shattering of the front windshield.

Panshaw stopped and pulled the killer into the back seat of the car and drove forward.

As he approached the service station, Pan Shaw noticed that the killer had stopped talking.

He hurriedly stopped to see that the killer had lost too much blood.

So he sped to the rest area, and Pan Shaw walked into the phone booth.

Ready to call the police, he gave up, and as a lawyer, he knew he couldn't get away with it.

Pan Xiao came to the gas station, and the gas station owner mentioned that it would cost 1500 yuan to fill up the oil.

Pan Xiao asked, only to learn that it was bundled consumption, that is, pornography services.

He entered the room and then stopped the dancers from undressing.

The dancers began to dance, and the distraught Pan Shaw stopped again, anxious as he watched the refueling outside the window from time to time.

At this time, the dancer came up to pan xiao and asked Pan Xiao to rescue her.

Pan Xiao refused to give the dancer a 200 yuan tip.

The dancer did not accept, the two argued and alarmed the boss, the boss walked in and beat the dancer.

Pan Xiao gave the boss money after leaving the room, and the boss said it was not enough and pointed to the smashed front windshield, and the boss's stupid son had already repaired it.

Pan Xiao was helpless and threw down 3,000 yuan to leave.

Pan Shaw drove the car into a desert, dragged the killer's body out of the car and sucked gasoline out of his mouth to destroy the body.

But the lighter was out of fire.

He had to return to the rest area and buy a lighter at a high price.

At this time, the boss who detected the abnormality arrived at the location of the accident and found the glasses that Pan Xiao had left at the scene.

Pan Xiao walked out of the store and suddenly tripped, and it turned out that the two truck drivers on the road were already waiting outside the door, and they injured Pan Shaw.

Pan Shaw, who was about to smash Pan Shaw's car with a tool, was worried about the body being found, and Pan Shaw bit the hand of the truck driver and took the opportunity to escape.

Halfway down the road, Pan Shaw got out of the car to clean up the wound, and suddenly heard a noise in the car.

Pan Xiao plucked up the courage to open the trunk and was surprised to find that the dancer had sneaked in.

Pan Shaw asked her to leave, and the dancer repeatedly asked to take her away and went straight into the back seat. The killer's body is then found, and the frightened dancer wants to run, and is chased back by Pan Xiao, who explains while driving. A truck appeared in front of her, and the dancer opened the window and called out for help, and in the panic, the car lost control and hit a mound. Pan Xiao gave his bank card to the dancer, because of this encounter, he showed a painful expression, and the dancer believed him. The two began to make small talk, at this time, the dancer screamed, the killer sat up, and was happy to see that the killer was not dead Pan Xiao, but the killer raised his gun to Pan Xiao. The boss came to the gas station to ask pan xiao about the news, and after being blackmailed for 250 yuan, he drove and killed the owner of the store. The killer hijacks the dancer and asks Pan Shaw to take out the falcon in the car. He then wounded Pan Shaw's leg with a gun and asked Pan Shaw why he hit himself and poured gasoline on himself. The killer asks Pan Shaw to pour gasoline on him and asks the dancer to light Pan Shaw's hair. When he hesitated, the two truck drivers chased after them, and the killer shot two drivers, and Pan Xiao took advantage of the chaos to escape and was also shot by the killer. The killer then asked the dancer to go to the second liangzi with him, and the dancer drove away. After the killer drove away, Pan Shaw got up from the ground, picked up his computer, and dragged his injured leg to leave. At this time, a truck driver fell out of the car and still had some breath. Pan Xiao treated the wounds of himself and the driver, pan Xiao proposed to call the police, but was chased away by the driver. Pan Shaw walked alone on the highway, and then a car came, and the driver was the boss. Pan Xiao got into the boss's car, and Pan Xiao offered that he could help find the lost falcon, but the boss wanted to take him out. The killer was moving wildly on the dancer, who could not control the car and crashed into the mountain on the side of the road. The owner of the gas station arrived and grabbed the dancer. The boss's stupid son smashed the killer to death with an awl, and the boss took the boss's falcon. On the way, the boss found the red sedan pulled by the horse, which was the one mortgaged by the boss, and there was a dancer and the boss's stupid son on the car. The boss asked hayabusa where to go and knocked the silly son to death. The boss asked the dancer to drive, Pan Xiao interceded, but the boss instead called the police to say that someone had hit and killed someone, locking Pan Xiao in the car. The dancer took out her twenty thousand savings and begged the boss not to kill Pan Xiao. The boss sealed Pan Shaw in the car with a tube towel lighter, and then drove away with the hijacked dancer. The next morning the police arrived, the same one who had been beaten by Pan Shaw, and the police did not believe Pan Shaw's words. In a hurry, Pan Xiao overturned the police car, removed the navigator and rode to the second beam. At this time, the boss plans to find a falcon collector, but is killed by the boss with the dancer as bait. The boss is about to bury the boss and the dancer alive, when Pan Xiao, who is hiding aside, appears. He pretended to be a policeman and used a divisive scheme to make the falcon cartel kill each other. At the same time, he rescued the dancers, and the boss killed the other members. Shoot Pan Shaw and the dancer, who have just received the falcon as evidence, and if they are not hit, they drive into the two men. At the moment of crisis, the truck driver came and knocked over the boss's car, and the driver got out of the car and talked to Pan Xiao. Gunshots rang out between the conversations, the boss did not die, the driver fell, and the boss wanted to kill the dancer who was holding the medicine bag in the truck. Pan Xiao at this time released the falcon and threatened to burn the boss's money. The boss had to release the dancer, and Pan Xiao asked the dancer to leave first. The boss put the dying Panshaw in the co-pilot of the truck and drove to hit the dancer. Pan Shaw lit the lighter that the truck driver had thrown back to himself in the back of the car. The truck detonates and the dancer is saved. Eventually, the dancer became a dance classroom assistant.

"No Man's Land" makes people take off the cloak of civilization, naked interest struggle, China's first real Western film is fully worthy of praise, linear narrative, chain reaction.

"No Man's Land"

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