
Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

author:Small sure enough not to get lost

Introduction: In the miracle continent world built for the little friends in "Shine warm and warm", not only does there exist as the warmth of the protagonist, but there are also highly popular supporting characters such as Luo Ang, Lilith, and Qin Yi in her adventures.

But friends must admit that although these characters are popular, they have a lot less drama, and sometimes the dog stack will even forget them. Interestingly, there is such a character in the game, its lens and presence are second only to Warmth, and the suit designed by its hand has hardly disappointed us! It is the big meow from the big meow family.

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

"New Accumulation Set [Sweet Healing] Cute love"

The reason why Xiao Ran suddenly mentioned The Big Meow is mainly because the Dog Stack on Halloween event not only brought the "380 Star Diamond Incident" and the Double Extraordinary Pavilion to the friends, but also came with a cumulative suit associated with the activity, which happened to be designed by the Big Meow, named "Sweet Healing". Putting aside the rhythm of those smoke miasmas on the Internet, we simply look at the appearance of the suit, it is great in terms of color matching and design, and the original and the recovery are presented through two different forms of expression through color distribution.

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

The original version is mainly based on bright colors, in the case of pink and white, the extra embellishment of a few big reds that cannot be ignored can make the [sweet healing] not fall into the embarrassment of flattening; the orange yellow after the recovery is more profound, compared to the original cuteness or more calm feeling after recovery? In addition to the color, some of the details of the suit can also be remarkable, earrings and hand objects needless to say, Xiao Ran I love the hair of the suit, although it is crazy played by many players, but it does look like a thrilling sense of playfulness.

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

"Big Meow's suit always pokes at your aesthetic"

If Xiao Ran remembers correctly, Da Meow first designed the suit in November 2020, with the "Pumpkin Witch" entering the ranks of game designers for the first time. From the beginning of this suit, the little friends have found the likability of the character of Big Meow, after all, the suit it designs will always poke at our aesthetic! One of the most repercussive should be the cumulative set [Snow Deer Clanging] that appeared with the Christmas Red and White Queen Double Flash? Xiao Ran I vaguely remember that the comment area at that time was full of praise and meow.

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

Because the design idea of the red and white queen double flash is too avant-garde, many players complained at the time that "the accumulation is better than the double flash". Whether it is sincere or because of the disappointment caused by the upper speech, at least the [snow deer jingle] its own appearance is enough to play, so that the friends will have such a statement. As shown in the picture above, it is difficult not to let the friends be moved by releasing this kind of set that has both texture, beauty assurance, and even a gorgeous feeling at the time of winter. (Cold knowledge: The accumulation saved the flowing water of the Red and White Queen... )

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

Of course, the reason why the big meow is loved by the friends is not a flash in the pan, after the "snow deer jingle", the big meow that rarely shoots in the summer activities has brought a cute theme set [Little Raccoon's Picnic] in the summer activities. The main reason why this set is pleasing is that the modeling is very powerful when the design is acceptable! Needless to say, the clearly visible skirt folds and the pattern on the clothes are the most surprising thing is the big furry tail, although it is not rooted, but after processing, it does achieve the feeling we want.

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

"Big meow is good, it's a bit expensive"

Big Meow, this usually low-key designer, with a few shots to let the friends completely fall, at least Xiao Ran I have seen more than once I have seen everyone evaluate it as "the real designer god of the Miracle Continent". And Xiao Ran I am skeptical of this evaluation, although the design of the big meow is great and can poke at our aesthetics, it is too expensive..... It's okay to say that all of them are limited time cabinets, but including the latest "Sweet Healing", the popular suits are divided into accumulations, so that white prostitutes like me can see but can't touch.

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

In contrast, white prostitute players like Xiao ran me still seem to regard Xiaoyu as the only goddess in their hearts (although Xiaoyu's production has also been lower recently [funny]). From another point of view, maybe it is the dog's confidence in the big meow suit that will choose to set them as krypton gold to obtain?

As the existence of accompanying his daughter since the beginning of [Warm And Warm Dressup Story], Da Meow finally has his own suit in the fourth generation game Flash, so I don't know what you think about Da Meow's suit? Do you also think that its design is completely based on your aesthetic? See you in the comments section!

Shine and warm: It has a lot of scenes in the game and a low presence, but the set never disappoints

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