
WHO Assistant Director-General Ren Minghui: Strengthen cross-border cooperation against malaria and work together to build a community of human health

author:Bright Net

Recently, the World Health Organization issued a national malaria elimination certification to China, becoming the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to obtain malaria-free certification in more than 30 years. "This is an important milestone in the history of public health in China and the history of global malaria elimination." Ren Minghui, WHO Assistant Director-General, said in an exclusive interview with the Economic Information Daily reporter a few days ago that China's experience and Wisdom in fighting malaria have contributed irreplaceable strength to the global fight against malaria. It is recommended that China continue to establish a normalized malaria prevention and control system guarantee, increase international cooperation in the field of public health and the research and development of antimalarial products, accelerate the entry of China's antimalarial drugs into the international market, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a community of human health.

WHO Assistant Director-General Ren Minghui

"The prevention and treatment of any kind of infectious disease requires the continuous investment of the government, the persistence of professionals, and the active support and cooperation of the community and the masses, and the same is true for malaria prevention and control." Ren Minghui said that Chinese mouths, high density, many bordering countries, trade exchanges with other countries and regions, frequent population flows, and high difficulty in fighting malaria. Under the pattern of expanding opening up, China's successful elimination of malaria is mainly due to the improvement and implementation of comprehensive prevention and control measures. This makes many countries very much looking forward to China's antimalarial experience.

For example, Ren Minghui said that the prevention and control of infectious diseases needs to be comprehensively treated. The Chinese government attaches great importance to and continues to carry out various health campaigns, continues to promote the improvement and development of the public health system, and introduces and implements corresponding prevention and control measures for serious infectious diseases, of which malaria elimination is one of the public health projects that benefit. "In the next step, it is recommended to attach great importance to it from the decision-making level, continue to maintain the necessary funds and personnel input for malaria prevention and control, establish a normalized system guarantee, strengthen the prevention and control force at ports in malaria-affected areas, and continue to carry out malaria prevention and control publicity through the media, medical personnel and disease control personnel should maintain sensitivity to malaria, and the broad masses of people in border areas, especially those who go to malaria-affected areas to work and travel to countries and regions in malaria-affected areas, should remain vigilant, understand prevention and control knowledge, and improve prevention awareness."

"Although China has completely eliminated malaria, the global antimalarial situation remains grim." Ren Minghui revealed that IN the past three years, WHO has focused on 11 countries with malaria incidence and mortality rates accounting for 70% of the world. "The data show that only India has a controlled malaria situation in 11 countries, and not much improvement in the other 10 African countries. In particular, the current global antimalarial work has been impacted by the new crown pneumonia epidemic and is facing great challenges. ”

Ren Minghui suggested that countries urgently need to strengthen cross-border cooperation in antimalarial resistance. "In the context of economic globalization, the relationship between countries is 'you have me, I have you'. No other country can be left alone in a major public health event. Strengthening cooperation and working together to deal with the situation is the only way out. ”

Talking about how China will play a more important role in the global antimalarial cause in the future, Ren Minghui suggested that we should continue to strengthen investment in international cooperation and make antimalarial an important area of China's international cooperation in the future. "In terms of antimalarial products (such as mosquito nets and drugs), China already has strong strength and capabilities, and hopes to develop more antimalarial products such as mosquito control, rapid detection, injections, oral liquids, vaccines and so on in the future, so as to make new and greater contributions to building a community of human health." (Reporting by Zhou Ning, Huang Kexin, Wang Junlu, Beijing)

Final Judge: Song Zhenyuan

Source: Economic Reference

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