
The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

author:Flowers are preferred

For the arrowroot presumably everyone is not unfamiliar with it, the appearance rate of arrowroot is still quite high, generally in the flower market to see the leaves are large, the color is purple red is arrowroot, of course, the arrowroot looks leafy, raising it is still more troublesome, we only need to remember the following three points, the home of the arrowroot can instantly improve a grade, the leaves can be shiny, the more addictive it is

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

We will encounter three kinds of problems in the process of raising arrowroot, that is: rolled leaves, dry tip, scorched edge, the "three mountains" of arrowroot Some flower friends are also occupied, these problems are not difficult to solve, just need to understand the preferences of arrowroot, so that you can raise a good-looking arrowroot.

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

First, arrowroot should not be exposed to the sun

Whether you raise beautiful arrowroot, rainbow arrowroot, green apple arrowroot, or double-line arrowroot, it can not be exposed, that is to say, arrowroot does not like strong light, arrowroot itself grows under the tree, it will not be directly sunlight, are scattered light, so it is more conducive to its growth.

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

The so-called scattered light is not the need for sunlight irradiation, scattered light also needs to give enough, if the sun is too weak, the leaves of the arrowroot will grow badly, the value of the value is greatly reduced, the sun is too strong there will be dry edges, generally we can put the arrowroot on both sides of the TV cabinet or placed in the bathroom position, these are scattered light places, if you want to put it on the balcony, it is best to be the north balcony, the north balcony light time is short, but also more light-avoidant, more suitable for its growth.

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

Second, pay attention to humidity

Arrowroot is like water, the higher the humidity of the potato, the better, let the soil maintain a certain humidity, do not dry up, although the arrowroot likes the soil moist, but also afraid of the pot soil inside the water, the pot soil inside the water will lead to arrowroot rotten roots, slowly will lose vitality.

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

We can buy a watering can, usually when there is nothing to do, you can use the watering can to spray leaves, both to keep the arrowroot is moist, but also to make the leaves greener, especially friends in the north, indoors are relatively dry, you can spray a little water on the leaves, effectively prevent the dry edge and roll leaves.

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

Third, arrowroot likes fat

Raising flowers and raising people the same, people are hungry to eat, and plants also need to be fertilized in a certain period of time, you can buy some special fertilizer for raising flowers, regular fertilization, fertilization can supplement the trace elements needed for arrowroot, these are external substances can not be replaced, the necessary fertilization is still very important.

The "three mountains" of raising arrowroot only need to know 3 points, and the leaves are as beautiful as oil paintings

As long as you remember the three points that the flowers say, the arrowroot you raise will absolutely grow vigorously, and the new leaves will continue to grow out, generally as long as it is well raised, the arrowroot can live for 10-20 years, the vitality is still very tenacious, and the arrowroot will blossom well, and the person who raises the flower is not to wait for the moment when the plant blooms.

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