
Minister Luo Shugang met with UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili | Daily Travel News

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"China Civil Aviation News" WeChat public number september 14 news, the reporter learned from the Civil Aviation Administration today, in accordance with the "Regulations on the Administration of Geographical Names" and "Civil Airport Use Permit Regulations" and other provisions, and reported to the Party Central Committee, the State Council approval, the name of the new airport in Beijing was determined to be "Beijing Daxing International Airport". The airport and its supporting projects will be completed and accepted on June 30 next year and put into operation before September 30.

The new Beijing Airport is a major national landmark project decided by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Since the project was approved in November 2014, the construction of the main project and parallel projects of the new airport in Beijing has been steadily advanced, and the preparatory work for operation has made a good start.

2. Suspected Longmen Grottoes Buddha head appeared at the US auction before the auction was withdrawn

September 12, local time in the United States, is the day of the 2018 Sotheby's auction in New York, but the stone sculpture of the Buddha's head that appeared at the auction has caused controversy, which is highly similar to a Buddha head stolen from the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, China in the first half of the last century. Some cultural relics enthusiasts suspect that the Auction of the Buddha's head is the loss of cultural relics from Cave 1720 of the Longmen Grottoes.

In this regard, the person in charge of the Luoyang Longmen Grottoes Research Institute said that because he did not see the actual object, it was impossible to make an accurate judgment, but from the relevant photos, the photos of the auction were very consistent with the Buddha statues in Cave 1720. The Beiqing Daily reporter noted that before the auction, Sotheby's official website had removed the stone sculpture of the Buddha's head from the list of lots, but as of press time, Sotheby's had not responded to the reason for the withdrawal.

3. Chinese Embassy: No Chinese tourists were injured in the capsizing of the Greek cruise ship

Beijing, September 13, Athens news: on the morning of the 13th local time, a small landslide occurred in the shipwreck bay of Zakynthos Island in Greece, causing three small cruise ships to capsize and 7 people to be injured. The website of the Chinese Embassy in Greece issued a notice on the same day confirming that there were no Chinese tourists among the injured.

The website of the Chinese Embassy in Greece announced that the embassy activated the emergency response mechanism at the first time, and all departments linked up to learn about the situation from the local municipal government, police station, hospital, fire rescue and other departments. The local port authority confirmed to the embassy that a total of 7 people were injured in the incident, including 3 Greek Australian tourists and 4 Czech tourists, and there is no news of Chinese injuries.

4. The Civil Aviation Administration of China stopped accepting applications for flights on new routes of many foreign airlines And many airline companies were punished

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) recently issued the Notice on the Implementation of Normal Flight Management Measures, which will cancel the flight schedules of Huaxia Airlines from Xiamen to Bijie G52702 from October 1, and suspend the acceptance of applications for new or adjusted advance flight plans at the airports coordinated and coordinated by many domestic passenger airlines such as Juneyao Airlines, Ruili Airlines and Xiamen Airlines at the time.

According to the Circular, from September 7 to November 30, applications for passenger overtime, charter flights and new routes of Tajikistan Somon Airlines, Afghan Airlines and Air India will be suspended. Ukraine Airlines stopped accepting applications for overtime, charter flights and new routes from September 7 to October 31 due to june data failures. Philippine Eagle Air stopped accepting applications for overtime, charter flights and new routes from September 7 to September 30 due to the may data failure. At the same time, Longjiang Airlines, International Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Russia's Elite Airlines, Tajikistani Somon Airlines, and Polish Airlines were punished with criticism.

5. Minister Luo Shugang met with unWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololi Kashvili

On September 12, Minister of Culture and Tourism Luo Shugang met with zurab Polokashvili, Secretary-General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, who was invited to visit, and the two sides exchanged views on deepening exchanges and cooperation, and reached a number of consensus.

Luo Shugang stressed that since China joined the United Nations World Tourism Organization in 1983, it has actively participated in organizational affairs, conscientiously fulfilled its membership obligations, and maintained close exchanges and contacts for a long time. It is hoped that the United Nations World Tourism Organization will continue to pay attention to supporting the development of China's tourism industry in the future, and China will continue to support the work of the organization as always.

Pololi Kashvili congratulated the establishment of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism. He said that China is the world's most important source of tourists and one of the most popular tourist destinations. The United Nations World Tourism Organization attaches great importance to the development of china's existing good cooperative relations, will vigorously support the integrated development of China's cultural undertakings, cultural industries and tourism, encourage member countries to learn from China's successful experience in development, and jointly promote the development of global tourism to a new level.

6. Kansai Airport Closed to Japan With a Sharp Decline in Tourists Osaka's economy has suffered huge losses

Due to the passage of Typhoon No. 21 through Osaka on the 4th and the impact of the airport connection bridge by cruise ships, the Kansai International Airport in Osaka was forced to close for more than a week. Although the airport reopened part of the less affected Terminal 2, the number of take-offs and landings was only about 90 times a day, far from the usual average of 515. Logistics have been disrupted, and foreign tourists visiting Japan have also decreased dramatically. The airport is dysfunctional, which has caused great damage to the Kansai economy.

The Kansai International Airport in Osaka, which was forced to close for more than a week, was struck by a cruise ship after Typhoon No. 41 and the airport connection bridge was hit by a cruise ship. Although the airport reopened part of the less affected Terminal 2, the number of take-offs and landings was only about 90 times a day, far from the usual average of 515. Logistics have been disrupted, and foreign tourists visiting Japan have also decreased dramatically. The airport is dysfunctional, which has caused great damage to the Kansai economy.

7. The body of the missing person in the landslide of the Chinese Society construction site in New York was seized The incident involved criminal factors

On September 14, according to the United States "Sing Tao Daily" reported that a wall collapse incident occurred at the Chinese construction site on 8th Avenue in Brooklyn, New York, the United States, and a large number of rescue personnel once suspended rescue work due to the danger lurking in the scene, and then found the body of the missing worker in the ruins on the evening of the 13th local time.

Police announced that the worker found in the mud at the scene was a Hispanic man, Luis Almonte, a 47-year-old man living in upper Manhattan, who had no signs of life when he was found by rescuers at the scene, and believed to have died shortly after being buried alive.

After inspecting the scene on the 12th, the Wanqijia City Council member pointed out that this is a tragedy, although the city council has just recently passed a decree recommending strict control of these construction sites, but the tragedy still occurs. He said that as the case unfolded, he would advise the Municipal Buildings Bureau to conduct surprise inspections of other construction sites. At the same time, nearly 50 Chinese families located in at least 5 residential and apartment buildings on 40th Street after the construction site were instructed by the Municipal Housing Bureau to leave their homes for safety purposes, but after inspection at 5 p.m. on the 12th, they confirmed their safety and returned to their homes.

8. Four-place joint tour Hong Kong cross-border bus plans to open the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge directly to the bus

According to reports, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will be opened to traffic within this year, and the Hong Kong Cross-border Bus Company plans to open a direct bus on the relevant route and provide 24-hour services to create a "Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Macao-Zhuhai" four-place joint tour. The new route extends the number of days travellers stay and is expected to earn HK$800 million to HK$900 million per annum, describing the industry as embarking on a "leap forward".

Chen Zongyi, managing director of China-Hong Kong Stock Connect, a subsidiary of Guanzhong Bus and vice chairman of the China-Hong Kong-Macao Express Bus Association, said that the survey results reflected that cross-border bus passengers were mainly incumbents and used the form of independent travel to and from Hong Kong. In line with passenger demand, the company plans to open a direct bus from Hong Kong to Zhuhai, with about 350 daily fares ranging from HK$120 to HK$140, which is priced lower than hk$220 for ferry tickets. If all the flights are full, the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will bring the company an annual income of HK$800 million to HK$900 million, and the company will actively promote the "Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Zhuhai" four-place joint tour with the tourism industry of the two places to stimulate consumption, and also connect the four major airports in the Bay Area, so that different passengers can directly reach the four places.

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