
Post-demographic changes

author:Drifting Aquarius

41 minutes ago

What impact will the subsequent continuous decline in population have on the lives of ordinary people


Drift bottle volg

2021-09-15 20:15

Since the implementation of family planning, with the continuous reduction of the population and the disappearance of dividends, a large number of enterprises have moved out and closed down, it is difficult to find jobs for doing business, the competition for survival is extremely fierce and difficult, and the economic shrinkage and price increase are all related to population reduction. In the past, many people were worried about insufficient resources and supported family planning, which was really lying in the honeypot of resources. What are resources? Population is a resource, do not think that the land environment is a resource. Why was the money before good to earn now hard to earn? A lot of people can't figure out what's going on. Let me ask: Do you have to eat, live and travel after birth? Is it to work? It is also possible to be your boss, not to say how much value the work produces, but being the boss produces greater social value, so this is the resource, it gives you a lot of opportunities to work or do business. Manufacturers are also approved to the store, the store is then sold to consumers, no population to do business? If you talk about the land environment who has a large area in Russia, why is it not good? It's just a lack of population. Chinese people always look at the population with the psychology of sharing the cake, and the less the better. As everyone knows, population resources are rare resources, which are the security guarantee of national defense and the powerful embodiment of the market economy. Even the United States lives on more than seven billion people around the world, not just more than three hundred million people, if the United States only relies on its population, china's development policy is correct, it can throw it a few streets. From the current point of view, it is more and more reflected that family planning is wrong, and it may be even more seriously wrong in the future. The population continues to shrink The economy will also shrink, that is, the big cake that the Chinese people think will become smaller. At that time, aging will intensify, prices will rise, and the reduction of young people will affect all walks of life The society will be overwhelmed, which will not only affect national defense and security, but also lead to a depression in the economy, and finally become a modern poor country. Therefore, the country must take effective measures when the population and economy decline to prevent its development on the good side. Remember: when the population is strong, find a way to survive, not reduce the population; when the population is weak, find a way to make it prosperous and encourage fertility. In nature, where the weak prey on the strong, a large population is also a manifestation of the prosperity of the nation and a security guarantee for the surviving race.

Long chart

Post-demographic changes
Post-demographic changes
Post-demographic changes