
Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

author:Shannah recipe

The memory of ham sausages is more from the Spring Festival when I was a child, whether it is eating Chinese New Year's Eve meal at home or going to a relative's house to visit the New Year, the dinner table is indispensable for children to prepare a dish, egg fried ham sausage.

Today, Ha Mei will share this simple method, easy ingredients to prepare eggs scrambled ham sausage to friends and friends! It's the New Year, so don't miss this dish if you like to eat ham sausages! Remember to prepare a little more!

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> scrambled eggs with ham sausage</h1>

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

<h1 style="text-align: left;">by orange scent</h1>


1 ham sausage, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, green onion, cooking oil

Cooking steps:

1. Beat the eggs into a bowl

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

2. Break up

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

3. Slice the ham sausage and cut the green onion

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

4. Heat the oil, add the eggs and scramble into pieces

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

5. Add ham sausage, green onion, salt

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

6. Stir-fry well

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

7. Eat!

Ham sausage fried like this, more delicious than the barbecue restaurant a hundred times better, the New Year two plates, adults and children rush to eat ham sausage scrambled eggs by orange flavor

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