
Spear and shield social view

author:The wind is clear v
Spear and shield social view

There was a Chu man who sold shields and spears. He boasted of his shield, saying, "My shield is so strong that nothing sharp can penetrate it." He also boasted of his spear, saying, "My spear is so sharp that anything strong can pierce it." Someone asked him, "What if you stabbed your shield with your spear?" The man stammered and could not answer a word.


The Chu people have spears and shields, and they are known as: "The strength of my shield cannot be trapped." He also praised his spear: "The benefit of my spear is not trapped in everything." Or, "What about the spear of the Son, the shield of the Trapper?" "Its man Fu Neng should also.

Presumably everyone has read this paper in the school textbook, this allusion is a reflection of a story in ancient times at that time, we will often encounter this contradiction in life, work, interpersonal communication, how to avoid it, presumably everyone does not have a prepared answer

Contradictions have always existed since human beings created civilization, and they are also indispensable in the long river of history, as long as people deal with people, there will be contradictions

The progress of human civilization has continued so far that no one has broken the norm, and science and technology are making rapid progress, but civilization has been standing still, or retreating

Keep a normal heart, for people, for things! Avoid unnecessary contradictions, the mood can be beautiful, but do good things without asking about the future

Spear and shield social view