
The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

author:Brother Qiang said Wen

Text/He Huanqiang

The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

Unveiling ceremony of Haiwei National Wetland Park. The image comes from the Internet.

Legend of Changjiang, Haiwei Wetland[1]. Freshwater park, 1 foot from the sea. Majestic in Hoshino, beautiful as a pearl. Receive the grace of heavenly blessings and be nourished by the underground spiritual springs. It is on the same line as the coast of Qizi Bay and is nestled with the landscape of Haiwei Town. Listen to the tides rising and falling in the Gulf of Tonkin and watch the horizon at dawn and morning. Hainan is rare and rare in the whole country. Vast, 5,000 acres of coastal swamps are lush with grass and trees; surprises, hundreds of species of wild animals are happy to inhabit.

The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

Haiwei National Wetland Park. The image comes from the Internet.

The sea is wide and the sky is wide, and the clouds are cirrus. Coastal wetlands, blessed by heaven and earth. Wild Lotus Tingting, Little Lotus shows sharp horns; Crabapples are yiyi, and the windblown grass is low to see the lake area. The wetland clouds fly, the lotus pond has the potential to soar, the chestnut duck dives[2], and the pond is shallow without rare mussels spitting beads. Sand grows shrubs, and is afraid of mountains and rivers; frogs and birds roost, but smell the water flowing in streams and streams. The water is quiet and the frogs are far away, and the mountains are lonely and sparse. The wind caresses the piano of the forest, and the water writes the book of the distant mountains. The wind and fish play in the water, and the sun is beautiful and the egrets are playing. The turtle and snake are not willing to be lonely, and the rare birds leak the heavenly opportunity. Chestnut ducks favor wetlands and are unrestrained; purple water chickens love sea tails[3] and are very happy.

The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

Egrets in a wetland park. Web pictures.

The green belt on the waterfront, the grass and trees are vibrant. The lake is bright and the grass is green. Water and grass are luxuriant, vascular plants are more than 200 species[4], shore forest dripping green, wild forest plantation display heroic. Wild pineapples are beaten by yellow sand without regret[5], and cacti use slices of spikes to block the erosion of quicksand. The dragon's blood tree plant is praised by the people,[6] and the wild yellow hibiscus allows the rain to blow the wind. Pieces of eucalyptus forest, build a barrier to prevent insect pests, row casuarina, wind and sand fixation to protect the home. Coastal scenery, the scenery is epic. At low tide to catch the sea, small fish and shrimp crabs are fat; the tide is playing in the water, watching the sea and listening to the waves.

The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

Chestnut duck. Web pictures.

Wetland construction, ecological maintenance. 10,000 acres of planning, national park. Quiet in the middle of the bustle, mountains and rivers. Leisure sightseeing, popular science knowledge. Wetland vision, health and well-being. Aquatic botanical garden area, lotus garden, garden, bird park, garden sound crisp; wetland cultural center, Zen road, tea ceremony, health care road, the road are all through. Cultivate the mind, dance in tai chi, experience life, and gather calligraphy, painting, piano and chess.

The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

Casuarina in a wetland park. Web pictures.

Flowing water three lives, east wind once; return to nature, relax yourself. No silk bamboo messy ears, no case of strain muscles. The sky is high and cloudy, the heart is relaxed, the blue sea and blue sky, the eyes are far away. The air is fresh and refreshing. Stroll through the park and cool off. Qingbo polyester blocks [8], beautiful scenery is tired. Enjoy the rivers and rivers of Changjiang, return to the mountains and return to freedom; swim in the sea-tail wetlands, forget the name and forget the profits, forget the worries.


[1] Hainan Changjiang Haiwei National Wetland Park (pilot): Located in the northwest of Changjiang Li Autonomous County, within the Shigangtang Wetland of Haiwei Town, the planning area is 5,054 mu, and the landform type is plain and coastal beach landform. The surface water mainly consists of chicken field ditches, which can collect tens of square kilometers of rainwater in the surrounding area during the rainy season, and the groundwater is extremely abundant due to its proximity to the sea.

[2] Chestnut duck: Also known as tree duck, ni duck, bark duck, it is distributed in subtropical areas, inhabiting small basins between hills and valleys, or small and shallow waters, as well as wet and grassy islands in reservoirs, often in small groups of lakes, swamps, mangroves and rice fields. Weak flying ability, strong diving ability. It feeds mainly on plant seeds and young stems and leaves.

[3] Purple WaterFowl: Birds of the family Heliophoridae, with 13 subspecies. It inhabits swamps and reeds around rivers and lakes. Feeds on insects, molluscs, aquatic plants, etc.

[4] Vascular plants: is a taxon of plants. Vascular bundles are intertwined and connected to each other, constituting a kind of vascular system for the transport of water, inorganic salts and organic matter in primary plants, and also have the role of supporting plant bodies.

[5] Wild pineapple: alias lin tea, pandanus tree, pandanus, fake pineapple, mountain pineapple, sawn tendon, mother saw, old saw head, horn, water bun, etc. It is mainly distributed in the tropical regions of the Eastern Hemisphere, growing in coastal sandy land, and is commonly found in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places in China.

[6] Dragon's Blood Tree: Also known as the Tree of Blood, the Elixir of Living Blood, and the Plant Life Star. Li Shizhen was praised as "Blood Vital Medicine" in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", which has the good effect of activating blood and dissolving stasis, reducing swelling and pain, and astringent and stopping bleeding. In 2001, the dragon's blood tree was listed as a second-class rare and endangered protected plant by the state.

[7] Hibiscus: Also known as cake tree, paulownia flower, salt water surface fruit, park boy, olive hemp, sea hemp, hela tree, bowback tree, evergreen shrub or tree. Bark fiber for rope, young branches and leaves for vegetables and food; wood is hard and dense, strong resistance to decay, suitable for construction, shipbuilding and furniture, etc., more as a street tree.

[8] Block Barrier: A Chinese word that refers to the accumulation of things, and also metaphorically refers to the depression or anger in the chest. From "The New Language of the World" is ren's birthday.

(Written in Guangzhou on September 12, 2018)

The sixth of the ten endowments of the Changjiang River in Hainan: Haiwei National Wetland Park

Haiwei National Wetland Park near the sea. Web pictures.