
Tian Shi Daiqi: The most successful minister of the Warring States period, there is no one

author:Notepad M718

Civil unrest broke out in the State of Chen, and the prince Chen Quan fled to the State of Qi in order to avoid being pursued and killed by Chen Xuangong. At that time, the monarch of the State of Qi was the Duke of Qi Huan, the first ruler of the Spring and Autumn Period

。 Qi Huangong also had the experience of fleeing, and after seeing Chen Who was in distress, he felt sympathy and decided to pull him along. And promised Chen Quan that he would just stay in the State of Qi and treat this place as his home, and he would also give several cities to Chen Quan as his fief.

Chen Quan was greatly moved, but refused the reward given by Duke Huan of Qi. He knew in his heart that after all, he was a foreigner, and he could not take other people's things in vain. In the end, Chen Quan accepted the official position of Gongzheng and worked hard and loyally for the State of Qi. In order to show his determination to take root in the land of Qilu, Chen Guan married the nobles of the State of Qi and changed his surname to Tian. The surname Tian officially took root in the State of Qi, quietly accumulating strength.

After several generations of hard work, when Tian Wan's fifth grandson Tian Huanzi was finished, he ushered in a turning point. At that time, it was a period of great chaos in the State of Qi, and several monarchs were killed. Tian Huanzi seized the opportunity to fish in muddy waters, and joined forces with Yan Bao to overthrow several powerful scholars, and elected Qi Jinggong as the monarch. With the merit of attaching the dragon, the tian family's power rose to a higher level, and its status was second only to that of Yan Bao.

Qi Jinggong is also a powerful monarch, but there is a problem, like luxury, at every turn to engage in a large civil engineering project in the country, repair pavilions and build lofts. The common people of that era were to do the labor for the monarch free of charge. There are more projects, heavy labor, the people have become short of clothes and food, and the dissatisfaction with Qi Jinggong has also accumulated day by day.

Tian Huanzi looked at the timing and borrowed grain from the people, borrowed from the big bucket, and returned the small bucket, anyway, the grain is the state, and the people are also grateful to the Tian family because of this matter.

At this time, Qi Jinggong was still addicted to his luxurious palace, and he asked Yan Bao a little proudly: "Such a gorgeous palace, I don't know which descendant will inherit it?" "

Yan Bao, who was loyal to the State of Qi, poured a basin of cold water on Qi Jinggong, "I'm afraid that in the future, these palaces will not be surnamed Jiang, and they will change their surname to Tian!" ”

Qi Jinggong woke up like a dream and began to guard against the Tian clan, forbidding the Tian clan to use the interests of the state to favor the people, and alienating the Tian clan from his successor. The embarrassing thing is that there is no successor to the Jiang family, and the Tian family has talented people.

After Tian Huanzi, Tian Qi took charge of the Tian clan. He led an army to attack the imperial palace, drove the new monarch away, and established his easy-to-control prince Yangsheng as the new monarch. At this time, the power of the entire State of Qi was firmly in the hands of the Tian family.

Later, Tian Chang succeeded him as the head of the family, and he spread the nursery rhyme that "Tian will replace the Jiang family". Other scholars joined forces against Tian Chang, but were suppressed by the powerful Tian clan, and together with Duke Qi, they became prisoners.

In order to gain the rightful right to rule, the Tian clan allied with the State of Wei, and with the help of Marquis Wen of Wei, the Tian clan was officially recognized by Zhou Tianzi and crowned as the monarch of the State of Qi.

After 122 years, the Tian clan was successfully seated on the throne by the fugitives.