
Retired veteran party members serve as party building instructors for Internet enterprises, how effective is this pilot project in Shanghai?
Retired veteran party members serve as party building instructors for Internet enterprises, how effective is this pilot project in Shanghai?

"I have gained a different life experience and a rare learning opportunity," said Tang Guoliang, a 76-year-old retired veteran party member, who will continue to fight for Pudong's literature and history and grassroots party building as long as his health permits. As the first batch of party building instructors for Internet companies in Shanghai, he found his own new platform to shine. This afternoon, the Cyberspace Administration of the Shanghai Municipal PARTY Committee and the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee jointly held a meeting to promote the work of retired cadres and party members serving as party building instructors for Internet enterprises in Shanghai.

Retired veteran party members serve as party building instructors for Internet enterprises, how effective is this pilot project in Shanghai?

Retired veteran party members are stationed in enterprises to guide and explore new paths for Internet party building

Internet enterprises have a fast pace of work, high flexibility in working hours, and great difficulty in employee concentration.

Two years ago, Qutoutiao, Hujiang Network (Ant Town), Himalaya FM, Bilibili, Youkede, Xiaohongshu 6 Internet companies and Pudong, Yangpu, Huangpu district party committee veteran cadre bureaus were paired up to sign contracts, officially launched the Shanghai Municipal Organization retired cadres party members to Internet enterprises as party building instructors pilot work.

In the past two years, the first batch of 7 veteran cadres and party members have gone deep into the paired enterprises, actively publicized the party's principles and policies, standardized and improved the party building work, promoted the role of party organizations and party members, made up for the "short board" of the party building work of Internet enterprises, and also provided a new path for the exploration and innovation of the party building work of Internet enterprises.

Party building instructors take the initiative to adapt to the characteristics of the Internet industry, continuously expand the working methods of online and offline integration, and transform the advantages of old cadres into the advantages of enterprise party building, and transform the advantages of party building into the advantages of enterprise development. By empowering enterprise party building, enhancing the organizational strength of enterprise party building, and mobilizing enterprise white-collar party members to play a pioneering and exemplary role, thereby promoting the high-quality development of enterprises.

Night classes, online and offline "heart-to-heart talks", old party members become "ideological mentors"

Hu Jun, party building instructor of Youkede Company. Because of the knowledge that young white-collar party members are busy during the day. Therefore, he deliberately used the evening break to give vivid party lessons to all party members of the general party branch of the company. Guo Yusheng and Jin Weizhong, party building instructors from Bilibili Company, have repeatedly talked with young party members of Station B and taught party lessons through online and offline means, becoming "ideological mentors" loved by young white-collar workers.

Retired veteran party members serve as party building instructors for Internet enterprises, how effective is this pilot project in Shanghai?

In May this year, under the participation and guidance of pang Xiao, a party building instructor, the Xiaohongshu Party Branch, as one of the first batch of pilot enterprises, carefully planned and organized the theme activity of "A Hundred Years of Just Style, Youth is Just Red - A Visit to the Revolutionary Holy Land". At the event, the party members re-took the red line and relived the century-old party history, all of which were deeply touched, and achieved a win-win situation in which party building and business promoted each other.

In the past two years, under the guidance of Tang Guoliang, an instructor of party building, the party building work of Shanghai Jifen Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. (Qutoutiao) has been sound and colorful. They integrated pieces of humanistic historical materials into the elements of "Fun Look" and played them on the company's platform to attract young party members; they made a piece of historical materials into cards and compiled them into a small red book of "Fun look pudong" and distributed them to all branches for reading. On the eve of the centenary of the founding of the party this year, a special party lesson told by young party members for enterprises, with the theme of "Nandu: A Bright Spot in the History of the Pudong War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression", took 900 soldiers from Pudong to the south to create an anti-Japanese base area in eastern Zhejiang as the main line, which was widely praised by the party members and workers.

"Unlocking" the new plan for party building of Internet enterprises, innovative exploration will be promoted throughout the city

Strengthening the party building work of Internet enterprises is an inevitable requirement for the innovative development of grass-roots party building under the new situation, a strong support for creating a clear cyberspace, and an important guarantee for promoting the healthy development of the Internet information industry. It is reported that on the basis of summarizing the work experience of the pilot, the work of party building instructors will be further promoted throughout the city.

The Cyberspace Administration of the Municipal Party Committee and the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Municipal Party Committee issued the "Implementation Measures on Organizing Retired Cadres and Party Members to Serve as Party Building Instructors in Internet Enterprises" to popularize the experience of the first to try first, and to give play to the political advantages, experience advantages, and prestige advantages of old comrades by organizing retired cadres and party members to serve as party building instructors in Internet enterprises, especially the advantages of party affairs work experience accumulated by old comrades for a long time, and actively help party organizations of Internet enterprises to further enhance their ability to work in party building and strengthen the education and management of party members. Help enterprises develop better.

Author: Wang Jiayi

Editor: Shan Yingwen