
As long as they surrender, they will resign themselves to it

author:Flip it over

The Mongols, distrustful of Chinese, used some non-Han foreigners, such as Marco Polo, to give them official positions in the government and enjoy privileges.

As long as they surrender, they will resign themselves to it

Kublai Khan

As long as they surrender, they will resign themselves to it

The Manchu emperors, from the Kangxi Dynasty onwards, went all out to use the examination system to select officials from among Han Chinese talents to enrich the government of authentic Confucianism. So the Manchu conquest avoided a social revolution and subversion of the landlords. On the contrary, as long as they surrender, they will be left to their own devices. It established a Manchu government based on the Ming dynasty government.

The great emperor Qianlong, who reigned for 60 years from 1736 to 1795, like his grandfather Kangxi, who reigned from 1662 to 1722, became not only an outstanding protector of Chinese art, painting, poetry, and literature, but also an outstanding master of the royal compilation of laws and documents.

——Selected from Fairbank's The Great Chinese Revolution (1800-1985)

As long as they surrender, they will resign themselves to it


As long as they surrender, they will resign themselves to it


As long as they surrender, they will resign themselves to it

Stills: He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, Qianlong