
Gao's round-tailed medaka, like African ornamental fish may wish to try it "fish farming" today's headline column: medaka population series 160 Gao's round-tailed medaka

author:Fish farming said

<h1>"Fish Farming Says" Today's headline column: Medaka Population Series 160 Tall Round-tailed Medaka</h1>

Original author: Crazy Man [Insist on sharing the most down-to-earth fish farming experience in the most understandable language]

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Gao's round-tailed medaka, like African ornamental fish may wish to try it "fish farming" today's headline column: medaka population series 160 Gao's round-tailed medaka

Dear aquarists in today's headlines, good evening and happy Mid-Autumn Festival! This article brings you an introductory African medaka, the Gordii round-tailed medaka.


The Medaka is also native to Tanzania and is a species endemic to a small island. The body length is about 5 cm, and the phase distribution is not very extensive. However, they are not difficult to raise, and they are beginner-level breeds. The appearance of this kind of yellow on the picture is also very clear, very beautiful. The other one is also red, that is, the difference between the whole body is red, and sometimes it is not even possible to see that it is the same species. Although this fish is good-looking, but including this fish, the same genus of fish, they are more likely to get velvet disease, so pay more attention to the change in water temperature is not too large.


The African medaka is inherently very ornamental, and either type has its own unique patterns. Let's take a look at the yellow color of this medaka, in fact, if you look closely at the red background, you can find it. Then it has black markings on the back of these. These black markings, which have certain rules, are in stark contrast to the yellow base, so the ornamentation is also very strong.


In the liquidity situation of the market, we can often buy this fish online, and some of the eggs are artificially bred. And it is easier to hatch, but the African medaka has a characteristic, that is, its life expectancy is relatively short, some short may be a few months or a year or so, and the longer is only 3-4 years. So if you're interested, you might as well give it a try.

Gao's round-tailed medaka, like African ornamental fish may wish to try it "fish farming" today's headline column: medaka population series 160 Gao's round-tailed medaka

Well, this article about the Tall round-tailed medaka is shared here. I hope that everyone will have an updated understanding of Africa, if you feel that the article is helpful to yourself, welcome to collect or forward it, thank you for your support, welcome to continue to pay attention!