
Why do fish in the sea glow?

author:Nuts with fawns

If you have the opportunity to go to the "deep sea exploration", you will definitely see that the bottom of the sea will often shine brilliantly, do you know the reason why the deep sea fish will shine? The following is a small editor for everyone to sort out the reasons why the fish in the deep sea will glow, I hope you will like!

  The reason why fish in the deep sea glow

  At least 44% of fish in the dark layer have the ability to emit light on their own, so that they can see other objects in the long nights, facilitate predation, and find companions and mates. Some fish emit light, such as the striped fish and the dragon head fish on the southeast coast of China, which are emitted by the luminous bacteria attached to the body, while more fish emit light emitted by the luminous organs of the fish itself. Candlelight fish has multiple rows of light emitters on its abdomen and ventral side, like rows of candles, hence the name candlelight fish. The back of the head of the deep-sea bald fish is flattened and covered by a pair of large light emitters, which may play a visual role. Fish luminescence is a biochemical reaction caused by the catalytic action of a special enzyme. Luminous luciferin is catalyzed by luciferase, which absorbs energy and becomes oxidized luciferin, releasing photons and emitting light. This is a special example of chemiluminescence, i.e. only luminescence and no heat. Some fish emit white and blue light, others emit red, yellow, green and ghostly shimmers, and some fish emit several different colors of light at the same time. For example, a fish in the deep sea has a large luminous cheek organ that emits blue and reddish light, while other tiny luminous spots throughout the body emit yellow light. The biological significance of fish luminescence is fourfold: one is to trap food, the second is to attract the opposite sex, the third is to connect the population, and the fourth is to confuse the enemy.

Why do fish in the sea glow?

  If you mention words such as "brilliant light" and "flash and flash", children will immediately think of the clear night sky and the blinking stars. In fact, this phenomenon can also occur on the seabed. If you have the opportunity to go to the "deep sea exploration", you will definitely see that the bottom of the sea will often shine brightly. So, what's going on here? It turns out that there are many glowing fish in the depths of the ocean. These brilliant lights are what they emit.

Why do fish in the sea glow?

  These glowing fish have emitters in their bodies. Most fish have light emitters that grow on the sides of the body and are buried in the skin. There are also light emitters that grow on the head of a fish or elsewhere. Some fish emit light that is relatively stable and can be bright for a long time; Some fish have a short time to glow; Others are like the stars in the sky twinkling, sometimes bright, sometimes dark, very beautiful.

  Because of the ability to emit light, the fish in the dark place can see clearly around the East 132 New 100,000 why suitable for the west, can prey or defend the enemy. The illuminator acts like a lamp, illuminating the fish freely in dark places.

  Species of deep-sea fish

  The species of deep-sea fish mainly include tiger spot, green spot, pink spot, after-the-force fish, maga fish, dividend fish and so on.

Why do fish in the sea glow?

  The most seen in the restaurant is the grouper, which in turn contains sesame spots, sea tabby, oil spots, green spots, east star spots, The North Pacific scallop sea eight kilometers under the Antarctic orange snapper, Antarctic red shrimp and so on more than ten species, these fish are groupers, but the appearance is far apart. The East Star Spot is the big beauty in the grouper, the fiery red fish scales, with the blue and blue star dots, the production is not large, so it is very expensive, mostly in three or five hundred yuan a pound. Tiger spotted with white tiger skin stripes, the flesh is white and tender, and it is very delicious to eat. There are also some spotted fish that look very ugly, such as the boss fish often said in the northern seafood restaurant, the whole body is uneven, it is really unbearable to witness. But this fish is not moving, crawling on the bottom of the water all day, the eyes never drip and turn, it looks very calm, hence the name. In addition, the most common is the partial mouth fish, which is also divided into left mouth fish, multi-treasure fish and so on. This kind of fish is flat and not good-looking, but it is like a large butterfly when swimming in the water.

  The gestures are beautiful. The most valuable fish in the seafood pond belongs to Su Mei, which is divided into large Su Mei and small Su Mei, and the weight of the big Su Mei can reach eight or nine pounds; The output of Xiao Sumei is extremely low, and the price can be as high as 600-800 yuan per kilogram. Seafood restaurants can also see small fish species such as silver marlin, sand tip fish, yellow crucian carp, small yellow croaker and silver pomfret, which are produced in large quantities, mostly chilled, and the price is very cheap. But their flesh is snow white, delicate, and delicious to eat, but it is said that they can be caught in moderation, so we can eat really fresh yellow croaker again.

  The appearance characteristics of deep-sea fish

  It belongs to more than ten families, characterized by a large mouth, large eyes, and light emitters in one or more parts of the body. Illuminators are used both to trap prey and to lure mates. Deep-sea fish evolved to adapt to extremely stressful, extremely cold and dark living environments and developed these special habits. The habitat of deep-sea fish is the most special in the world. [1] Many primitive taxa have survived to this day because competition in the deep sea is not as fierce as in the shore or shallow sea. The most important groups of deep-sea fish are deep-sea fishing, vipers and crayfish. The deep-sea weeping fishing genus Ceratioidei traps prey by shaking the spine spines of the spines as bait; Vipers belong to the Family Chauliodontidae , which have many pinched teeth and are fearsome predatory fish; The gonostomatidae is the most abundant fish in the world.