
Poetic rhyming novel "Garvey" 120,000 words May 14, 2017


May 14, 2017

The busy schedule of classes wears away the memories of travel. Conflicts caused by different lifestyle habits have long been commonplace. The time we spend at our disposal produces different kinds of personal depravity due to unplanned arrangements, and I can only escape this atmosphere for a short time and immediately start to act. So I started searching the campus for the right place for me, whether it was boring classes or a variety of club activities. Before discovering new libraries and teaching buildings, I found beauty only in the shabby and stuffy rooms of the school' makeshifts; for novels, linguistics, science, art and history, the places were small but varied, and gave my sleepy heart a temporary rest.

With a curiosity, I am constantly discovering new doors to the world in various fields. I tried to travel to every corner of the campus, exploring the beauty of life alone. I now understand a famous quote from Kong Qiu: "Erudite and determined, asking and thinking." "Reading a lot of books and flipping through knowledge in various fields can make people quickly understand everything in the world that you can't see, and gradually clarify their ambitions; and every time you talk, constantly ask questions, refutes and debates, it really promotes my thinking on some issues and the absorption of a variety of knowledge."

I've always believed after watching ONE PIECE that no matter where we are now, there will be a group of people waiting for you to change the world and explore the future together. Of course, the premise is that you learn more knowledge, keep persevering, curious exploration on this chosen path, and go to a larger stage to play our accumulated capabilities. I have always imagined that one day I can move forward hand in hand with my friends, encourage each other, complement each other, and exert the value of wisdom.

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In mid-May, Engineering Training Week begins. The first day was the electrician, a group of people gathered in the electrical components room of the engineering training center. First of all, she formed a team to conduct electrical experiments, and Qin Ayue invited me to join her team. So I formed a team with several girls, including Cao Yashu, Li Borui, Wang Siya, Gu Wenhua, Pang Liwen, Yan Zouniu; we selected dozens of wires of colorful clothes and prepared to connect or parallel each circuit module in series or parallel, so as to realize the operation of the instrument and complete a system function.

Gu Wenhua and Wang Siya separated the red, blue, green, yellow, and black wires and put them into different areas. Cao Yashu and Li Borui calculated the parameters and wire paths based on the functions and circuit diagrams expressed in the language vocabulary on the drawings. As the only boy, I was responsible for the power switch of multiple instruments and measured the current, voltage and other data of the instrument with a master meter. Kaze and Budo gathered around and didn't seem to want to do these experiments. I walked over to them and saw that they seemed to be making no progress, just tinkering with some playful parts of the machine. The machines were really interesting, but I couldn't stand their lifeless atmosphere, so I turned my head and laughed with a few girls and watched how they connected the circuits.

I discussed with a few people in Ah Yue's group to start connecting that part of the circuit module first, and Ah Yue pointed to the instrument to analyze the direction of the current one by one. Yes, it's an exciting thing for me to experiment with girls! The breath they exhaled when they spoke was full of temptation, and I stayed in between talking to them, doing the whole experiment with great pleasure, and experiencing the fun of the experiment. These cute wires and instruments really inspired me to get my hands dirty.

The next day was the welder. We had to weld two iron plates at temperatures of several thousand degrees. Everyone has to be equipped with a goggles and a pair of protective gloves, and many gloves have different degrees of damage to the fibers in the finger parts. We chose for a long time before everyone had a complete protective glove. A series of operations such as sawing iron bars with a cutting machine, adjusting the conversion voltage and unclogging the ventilation pipe all require cooperation, and the girls urgently need a right-hand man like me. I volunteered to do this experiment with Ah Yue and helped Bo Rui, Siya, Wenhua and others saw experimental materials.

When I was helping to build the iron sheet model, I could feel the hot heat through the thick gloves, and I almost blinded my eyes because the goggles were not worn well. However, that day harvested a lot, Qin Ayue is a careful person, in our close cooperation, welded out several welds with uniform material.

This experiment of enduring high temperatures is really not easy, and I will drink a cup of soda cola with ice in january and talk about today's experiment together. In a chain bookstore behind the engineering training center, we sat by the window, the temperature outside the glass and the interior can be described as a double day of ice and fire, and there are several wisps of heat under a few mango trees that can be seen with the naked eye. What an elegant mood to sit here, as Aristotle said, "Bad dress doesn't put yourself in a good mood." "How can unlimited creativity burst out without a good mood, the pursuit of beauty is so wonderful, we think about the technical results of today's experiment, take a sip of ice Coke, and talk to friends in a bookish atmosphere." The beautiful experience of the senses is the best inspiration given by the art of all things, although these feelings will be fleeting, but the beauty remains in my heart, this small place brings people a lot of happiness, full of romantic feelings, condensed into the essence of art.

The third day is the turner, and we need to make a millimeter bearing that is accurate to two decimal places. Lathes are really dangerous, and the materials of our work are rubber instead of metal. After listening carefully to the teacher's explanation, we understood that this experiment may threaten our skin if we are not careful, and we need the group to control all parts of the lathe, fixtures, knives, and ensure that every step is seen and reminded of safety.

Ah Yue and I carefully measured, marked, and machined with vernier calipers. We found that controlling millimeter devices is indeed a bit difficult, and we must patiently push forward step by step. After eating at noon without rest, continue to process this device, and start over if you make a slight mistake. To make a component that conforms to the drawings, we want to ensure that every step is taken seriously and responsibly.

The fourth day of the CNC lathe is relatively easy, just calculate and use the function to draw the process route of the part, indicate the movement trajectory of the tool, the amount of displacement, cutting parameters, etc., and then write a few pieces of code, enter on the panel of the CNC lathe. Intersecting with the former, that is, safe, high precision, and the most important thing is that writing programs is the strength of our profession.

I sat next to Qin Ayue with a pen and a few pieces of paper, planning to design a work of art with a very beautiful pattern, and then use the formula to calculate the exact value of each parameter, and then write new program code according to the logical relationship. After designing, we visited this sophisticated industrial machine and learned about the functions of each part of it. I can't wait to enter my programs and parameters into the machine. When the theory on my paper is applied to practice, it seems that there is a rush of passionate blood in my brain, and I feel that a very fulfilling thing has been done by me, which is really amazing!

The fifth day is a fitter, to make a hexagon with six equal sides, which is a hard work. Compared with the previous experiment, the risk factor is relatively low, the operability is strong, and finally the sweat of a day is comfortable, and I feel that these hands can shape a beautiful workpiece.

The sixth day was laser engraving and 3D printing, and there were many unknown people in the laser classroom, and the noise was very noisy. I couldn't find Qin Ayue, Li Borui and a few other girls, nor could I see Kaze and Budo. So I watched behind a few of my classmates in other classes how they printed patterns with small lasers on the back of their phones, and some people printed their names in large machines, and I also lined up behind to print a few of my favorite patterns.

I couldn't stand the noise and left early. When I met Guan Sina on marble road in front of the engineering training center, I didn't notice her at the time, and when she greeted me, I was still a little surprised and overwhelmed! I happened to be fine, so I stopped by with her. We talked about interesting things that have happened these days, and she shared some recent thoughts with me. Walking along the shore of the school's lake to the East End, we all seemed to absorb our strengths from each other. Every time I approached Sina, her different but intellectually diverse thoughts subtly influenced me and acted as a brake on my paranoid thoughts. Through the conversation with her, I was able to think about a problem from a different perspective. Perhaps we often communicate with people and exchange information to avoid the limitations of life caused by information asymmetry. We broke up at the East Side playground, she was going to take a tennis club lesson, and I was going back to my dorm to prepare for the afternoon 3D printing class.

In the afternoon, the classroom is controlled by computer control to print models, which also have to conform to the standard file format between the design software and the printer. We searched the Web for a long time to find a few images in a standard format. I first put the picture on the Cartesian coordinate system to model, the unfamiliar software was really rusty at the beginning, and it was fiddled with for a long time. Once the printer reads the file, it no longer needs a computer, and only the plastic melts at high temperatures to print the model. I printed a Snoopy dog and a panda, Kaze printed several game characters, Qin Ayue printed a small squirrel, a minion, and a robot. Advances in technology always bring us unexpected surprises, and this oversized white Snoopy dog that took the longest time to print, I will definitely treasure it.

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