
Little Mo Brother Roll Call! Seeing WeChat's "payment success", why can't you see the money? 【Small cases are handled with care】

author:Texas Police Officer

QR code, sweep

Payment is completed in 10 seconds

Take the goods and go

Short trading operation process

Some people actually played the trick of "stealing beams and changing pillars."

He was also named by Little Mo Ge!

Recently, the Chengguan Police Station of the Ningjin County Public Security Bureau in Dezhou, Shandong Province, received a report from Ms. Hao, a resident, saying that she operated a supermarket in the urban area of Ningjin County, and some people used WeChat to scan the code to pay after shopping in the supermarket, and they saw the other party's mobile phone show that the payment was successful, however, Ms. Hao found that she did not receive the transfer when she took stock of the accounts.

Little Mo Brother Roll Call! Seeing WeChat's "payment success", why can't you see the money? 【Small cases are handled with care】

After investigation, it was learned that a young man came to the supermarket that day, purchased a cigarette, scanned the code to pay, because there was a customer who successfully scanned the code before the supermarket and did not receive the payment, Ms. Hao carefully checked the payment amount and WeChat name of the mobile phone payment success interface, and then let the customer leave, but did not find the payment when the reconciliation afterwards.

Little Mo Brother Roll Call! Seeing WeChat's "payment success", why can't you see the money? 【Small cases are handled with care】

Ms. Hao thought that this young man seemed to be somewhat familiar! Through the transfer of in-store monitoring, Ms. Hao found that the last time she did not receive payment, it was also this young man who came to shop, but she obviously checked the payment records on the young man's mobile phone, how could she not actually arrive? Ms. Hao was puzzled. Further investigation by the police found that the man deliberately changed his clothes before entering Ms. Hao's supermarket, and after leaving the supermarket, he went back and forth to several nearby communities without knowing where to go, which brought great difficulties to the investigation of the police.

Little Mo Brother Roll Call! Seeing WeChat's "payment success", why can't you see the money? 【Small cases are handled with care】

In order to detect this case as soon as possible, the police divided into sections of time one by one investigation, and finally locked the suspect's living range to capture it, after the police questioned, the suspect Zhang mou found that his mobile phone has a simulated WeChat payment interface function when playing mobile phone, so he came to Ms. Hao's supermarket to "try" a bit, after the first success, so the trick was repeated again to Ms. Hao's supermarket fraud, this time Xiao Zhang also deliberately changed a dress, did not expect that the deceitful cigarettes had not yet been smoked on the police to find the door!

In accordance with the provisions of Article 49 and Article 11, Paragraph 2 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, it was decided to give Zhang an administrative punishment of five days of administrative detention.

Texas Police Alert

Merchants using two-dimensional code to collect money, can not only look at the payer's mobile phone payment records, the most important thing is to see whether their account has arrived, it is best to open the voice prompt function, to avoid similar cases!

If it is found that there are criminals trying to commit fraud

Please keep the evidence

Call the police immediately for help