
The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

author:Tens of millions of technologies

People who spy on the enemy are called "spies", and the earliest word with this meaning is "spy". The history of "espionage" is very long, according to the "Zuo Biography", "espionage" has already appeared during the Xia Dynasty: "The female envoy Ai spied." The Xia Dynasty was replaced by Houyi and Hanhun, who was the name of Hanhun's son, and later the restored Shaokang sent a spy named NuAi to Dou's side. This is the first spy in the history of our country. However, the meaning of "spy" is still different from the meaning of today's spy, "spy" is a shape and sound word, the form of the word, since from the word, of course, to speak, so the "Explanation of Words" explained: "Spy, the military is also anti-intercommunal." Of course, the use of anti-interstitial measures requires three inches of non-rotten tongue, which is the original meaning of "spy".

How can "inter" be associated with "spy"? Jiàn (間) "Originally written "idle (inside the door is a month, not a wood)", Duan Yujue's annotation to the "Commentaries on the Interpretation of Texts" says: "When the door is opened, the moon enters, the door has a seam and the moonlight can enter." Therefore, the original meaning of "between" is the door gap, generally referring to the gap, and if there is a gap, you can use the counter-interval meter, so it is called "spy". In sun tzu's Art of War, spies are divided into "five rooms": in the in-house (the villagers of the enemy country), in the inner room (the official of the enemy country), in the anti-room (originally a spy of the enemy country, for my use), in the dead room (to provide false information to the enemy, the person who was executed by the enemy after the incident), and the living room (the person who returned alive after completing the task).

Espionage refers to personnel who have been secretly dispatched by spy intelligence agencies to the target country (region) to engage in various illegal espionage activities, mainly through secret theft, and also refers to citizens of their own country who have been secretly recruited by the other side's espionage and intelligence agencies to serve them. Broadly speaking, a spy is a person who works as a secret detective, spies on classified information from an enemy or competitor, or engages in sabotage activities in order to benefit the party he or she is working for.

Let's take stock of the world's top ten legendary beauty spies, wisdom and beauty and martial arts and in one, take a look at it!

The legendary life of the bravest beauty spy in World War II was praised for being able to top five divisions

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Nancy Grace Augusta Wake, known as the "bravest beauty spy" because of her good looks and personality, was the first person on the Nazi list to be wanted for a reward of 5 million francs. After the war, she was awarded the Medal of Honor of many countries, and her stories were repeatedly adapted into novels and movies. ............... [Read more]

The originator of the world's 10 legendary female spies 1 merry female spies - Marta Harry

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

She was born in southern India as a living Buddha and a dancer in a temple; Her dancing style is sexy and seductive, and she performs erotic dances for high society. With her ability to seduce men, she soon became a high-level socialite in the social world, and countless men fell under her pomegranate skirt. During World War I, Marta Harley was known as the originator of twentieth-century female spies. Her name has become synonymous with female spies in spy novels who seduce men with beauty and spy on military secrets.

Marta Harry lived in luxury and debauchery, often unable to make ends meet. After the outbreak of World War I, Marta Harley switched to espionage in order to increase her income. In 1915, she officially became a spy for German intelligence. She used beauty to lure French military and political leaders, defrauded military secrets from countless lovers in important positions, and passed the information on to Germany. In the end, the French military still convicted Marta Harri as a super spy and sentenced him to death for treason. In 1917, Marta Halley was executed. Until her execution, she was still very moving. She refused to cover her eyes or let her executioners tie her to a stake. Before being shot, she was also said to have sent flying kisses to the firing squad of 12 people.

The prototype of the world's top ten legendary female spies 2 007 Bond girl - Christina Granville

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Christina Granville was one of the most famous female spies during World War II and the "favorite female spy" of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the time. Born in 1915 into a Polish aristocratic family, Christina won the Polish Beauty Pageant. After the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, Christina traveled to England and began spying in various mysterious capacities. With her charm and extraordinary courage and wisdom, she risked her life to carry out top-secret missions many times and obtained countless valuable intelligence. After World War II, Ian Fleming, the writer who wrote the 007 series of novels, became his secret lover, and he created the famous "Bond Girl" based on Christina. Unfortunately, the "Bond Girl" who escaped countless disasters finally died in a peacetime love killing.

The world's top ten legendary female spies 3 Oriental witches - Yoshiko Kawashima

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Yoshiko Kawashima, known as marta Harry of the East, is the "flower" of the Japanese spy agency. She often dressed as a man, she always said that she was Japanese, but in fact she was the 14th princess of the last Manchu Qing dynasty, Prince Su, and was given to the Japanese Kawashima Nanasu as an adopted daughter by Shanqi to be trained, with the intention of reviving the Qing Empire. In 1912, at the age of seven, Yoshiko Kawashima followed her adoptive father to Japan to receive a rigorous militarist education. At the same time, she also received special training in politics, military, intelligence and data gathering from her adoptive father, Kawashima Nanasu.

In 1927, when Yoshiko Kawashima was 21 years old, she married Kangyur Zhabu in Lushun. Kangyurzab was the son of General Babu Zhab, who participated in the Mongolian independence movement. In 1931, he eloped and lived with Takayoshi Tanaka, the head of the Japanese Army's secret service in Shanghai. She used her adoptive father's connections to approach the Kwantung Army, secretly participated in the September 18 And 128 Incidents as a Japanese spy, and participated in the formation of Manchukuo. Yoshiko Kawashima was strongly critical of the Japanese military's mainland policy and used her power to release some of the Chinese arrested by the Kwantung Army, so she was sent back to Japan for surveillance in 1934. In 1936, he absconded back to China to live in Tianjin, running the "Dongxinglou Restaurant", and secretly continued his espionage activities, frequently interacting with senior Japanese officials and traitors.

After Japan's defeat in October 1945, Kawashima was arrested by the Military Command bureau of the Republic of China at his private residence at No. 34, 49-tiao Hutong, Beiping East, and prosecuted for treason. He was sentenced to death on 22 October 1947 at the age of 42.

The world's top ten legendary female spies 4 perfect female spies - Cynthia

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Cynthia was born in Minnesota in 1910 to a father who served in the Marine Corps and a traditional mother. Cynthia's first husband was an official at the British Embassy, and because of her husband's work relationship, she was able to travel around the world, and Cynthia, who was adventurous by nature, began amateur espionage. She frequently changed lovers and obtained a lot of important information. Her performance finally caught the attention of British intelligence and she officially became a "man in the organization".

After the outbreak of World War II, British intelligence gave Cynthia another, more difficult task— obtaining naval codes for pro-Nazi Vichy France. Cynthia first pretended to interview the French ambassador as a journalist and thus met Charles Bruce, the press officer at the French Embassy. This is the beginning of a fragrant legend. Cynthia had ended her first marriage and was widowed alone in a luxury villa provided by the British Intelligence Service, where her relationship with Bruce soared and she eventually persuaded Bruce to be on the same side as her.

In 1946, Bruce officially married Cynthia, and he bought the poetic Castelnu Castle, a couple with extraordinary experiences who spent their old age in this French rural castle. Judging from the ending, Cynthia is not only the most successful, but also the luckiest, and it is rare for anyone in the profession of female spy to end so perfectly.

The niece of the world's top ten legendary female spies 5 writer Chekhov - Olga Chekhovva

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Olga Chekhovva was the niece of the famous Russian writer Chekhov, a movie star who was popular throughout Germany and one of the favorite female stars of Nazi Fuehrer Hitler. However, Hitler did not know until his death that Olga was a super spy in the former Soviet Union, and she charmed many high-ranking Nazi officials with her appearance and stole many core Nazi secrets. Olga was born in 1898 in the Caucasus region of Tsarist Russia. In 1920, Olga came to Berlin, Germany, and her family background and outstanding beauty immediately attracted the attention of the German film industry, and quickly became popular, becoming an idol in the hearts of many Germans, one of whom was a fanatical admirer of Adolf Hitler.

After the Nazis came to power, Olga became the ace heroine of Nazi propaganda films, Hitler often invited her to the banquets of various high-ranking Nazi officials, and the nazi propaganda minister Goebbels called her "the most charming woman". But they never dreamed that Olga had been secretly developed into a super spy by the former Soviet Union. During World War II, Olga heard at banquets that Hitler often discussed the situation with his men, and she passed on these high-level military secrets to the Kremlin silently. Eventually, Olga Chekhova returned to Germany and opened a cosmetics company in Munich to make a living. She died in 1980 at the age of 82.

The world's top ten legendary female spies 6 female spies who seduce the son of Churchill - Mansie Gettler

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Mansie Gertler has been called the "British version of Martha Harry" during World War II. During World War II, the stunning Mansie Gertler gathered a great deal of intelligence for the Nazis by her hue proximity to British officers, senior government officials, and ambassadors. Even the British Foreign Secretary at the time became her "peach prey", and Churchill's son was almost "seduced".

Mansie was born in 1908 in Budapest, Hungary. In 1935, penniless, she went to England. Mansie soon used her beauty to blend into the British social scene. In 1938, she successfully befriended and married a prominent nobleman, Lord Howard, the son of the Earl of Effenham. Mansy then used the title of "Lord Howard" to become a famous "courtesan" in the aristocratic circles of London at that time. British intelligence had long suspected the Lord Howard a spy, but they could not determine whether she served Germany or the former Soviet Union. In 1941, when British intelligence discovered that Mansi's next target was the prime minister's son, they finally realized the gravity of the situation and decided to arrest Mansie immediately.

In early 1941, at the age of 33, Mansie was imprisoned in Holloway Women's Prison for "working for the enemy." However, because British intelligence never had conclusive evidence that she had stolen intelligence for the Nazis, she could only be released.

The world's top ten legendary female spies 7 spirit rat brave spy - Nancy Wake

Nancy Wake, one of the bravest women of World War II. She was the first person on the German Nazi "blacklist", and Nazi German intelligence agencies called her a "white rat" because she was as light as a rat, evaded the hunt again and again, and helped thousands of people escape the Nazi clutches.

In 1940, just six months after Wake's marriage, the German Nazis occupied France. From then on, Wake began to resist the Nazis and became an anti-fascist. She ventured through the German blockade and managed to deliver information and food to underground organizations in the south of France. She bought an ambulance and helped more than 1,000 absconding prisoners of war and Allied pilots.

As a heroine who fought against the Nazis in Germany during World War II, Nancy? Wake received many medals from France, Great Britain, and the United States after the war, making her the most decorated woman in the Allies. Nancy Wake, who is still in her 90s, is revered, and her legend has since been written into fiction and screened many times, and even Prince Charles has paid for her hotel

The world's top ten legendary female spies 8 Indian princesses - Nur Anayat Khan

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

During World War II, there was a fierce espionage war between Britain and Germany. There was a "princess spy" in British intelligence at that time, which was Nur Anayat Khan, code-named "Agent Madeleine". Noor is a princess from a maharajah family in southern India and speaks fluent French and English. In 1940 she fled with her family to England. The RAF Special Operations Agency took a fancy to her good language skills and recruited her as a secret agent. But it seems that Noor is not "not the material for spying", and the comments given to her by her superiors after training are: "Clumsy, easy to get excited, afraid of weapons." Emotionally unstable, not very good at brains, not good at protecting themselves. ”

However, Noor, who had repeatedly made mistakes in his work, never encountered real danger and became the only messenger left in Paris by the British intelligence organization. In the end, it was not her "unreasonable head" behavior that took the life of the Indian princess, but the betrayal of the traitors around her, so she was captured and shot by the Nazis, and she was only 30 years old when she died.

The world's top ten legendary female spies 9 Hemingway praised the "most beautiful woman" - Josephine Baker

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

Josephine Baker was a famous black dancer, singer, movie star in the United States in the 1930s and 1940s, a French jazz superstar, who swept France with her sexy and bold dance and soft singing, and was also the world's first "black superstar". The great writer Hemingway was also captivated by her astonishing beauty, praising her as "the most beautiful woman in the world". Her most famous way of performing is wearing sexy narrow strips sewn from bananas and dancing solo in front of dark mirrors. After World War II, she established the Rainbow Family, adopting babies from all races.

But what is less well known is that Josephine Beck was a secret spy working for French intelligence and collected a lot of important intelligence from senior Nazi officials. After the war in 1945, Josephine returned to Paris, and French President Charles de Gaulle personally awarded her the "Cross of War" and the "Medal of Resistance". Josephine died in April 1975 and tens of thousands of people attended her funeral. In recognition of her unique contribution to the country, the French government fired 21 salutes for the civilian's funeral.

The world's top ten legendary female spies 10 one-legged female spies - Virginia Hall

The world's top 10 legendary female spies with high IQ make men fascinated

During World War II, an American crippled female spy using a prosthetic leg was active in France, providing intelligence to Britain and France against invading German Nazis. The Gestapo went around offering her a reward for her capture, calling her "the most powerful crippled female spy in the Allies." The "most dangerous woman" was Virginia Hall. Born in the United States in 1906, Hall had hoped to become a diplomat, but during a hunting trip she was shot in the left foot, resulting in an amputation below the knee. This completely shattered her dream of becoming a diplomat.

Hall, fluent in French, fled to London in 1940 when Nazi Germany invaded and was recruited by the British Special Operations Commission, a secret British military agency, to become the organization's first female outline agent. In 1941 she was sent to Lyon, France, where most of the spies usually retreated for three months, compared to 15 months. In order to escape the Gestapo's pursuit, Hall assumed the name "Diane" and dressed himself as an elderly village woman, dressed in sackcloth clothes, and raised a flock of goats. Sometimes he pretends to be an American journalist. She personally controlled a network of spies and sent back a wealth of useful information via Morse code. In the later period of the German occupation of France, her group destroyed four bridges, killing more than 150 enemy soldiers and capturing more than 500 prisoners. In 2006, 24 years after Hall's death, ambassadors from France and Britain held a ceremony near Baltimore, Maryland, Hall's hometown, in recognition of his outstanding contributions during World War II. The British ambassador, Sir David Manin, presented Hall's niece with a certificate of honor and an Imperial Medal signed by George VI. The Hall, who had been holding medals and certificates in the safe for decades, had been in the safe for 64 years, and finally "returned to the owner" after 64 years.

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