
Why do some women lose in the marriage defense war? Marriage defense war one: women first control their emotions, do not quarrel marriage defense war two: women should reflect on what is wrong between the two. Marriage Defense Battle No. 3: If a woman wants to be saved by external forces, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.) to conclude:

author:Positive energy of the sage

Introduction: Sometimes it is not extramarital love that causes problems in marriage, but problems in marriage that lead to extramarital love.

Why do some women lose in the marriage defense war? Marriage defense war one: women first control their emotions, do not quarrel marriage defense war two: women should reflect on what is wrong between the two. Marriage Defense Battle No. 3: If a woman wants to be saved by external forces, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.) to conclude:

It should be said that whether the party cheating is a man or a woman, most of them have a lot to do with the problems between husband and wife.

To tell the truth, when the husband has an affair, it is not impossible to save, especially if there is a certain emotional basis, the possibility is greater, but if you go around making trouble and publicizing it, the probability of husband and wife compounding becomes lower.

In reality, some women deal with their husbands having affairs in this way, because they are very angry, feel that their husbands are irresponsible, and have failed themselves.


[Sad] Some quarrel with their husbands,

[Sad] Some go to their husbands and parents to complain,

[Sad] Some go to the husband's unit to find his leader to make decisions for himself,

[Sad] Some go to the husband's affair to vent their emotions.

Why do some women lose in the marriage defense war? Marriage defense war one: women first control their emotions, do not quarrel marriage defense war two: women should reflect on what is wrong between the two. Marriage Defense Battle No. 3: If a woman wants to be saved by external forces, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.) to conclude:

If a woman finds out that a man is cheating and you don't want a divorce and want to save your marriage. Well, at this time, you need to make some adjustments, and the probability of getting the man back will be higher.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="90" > one of the marriage defense battles: women first control their emotions, not noisy</h1>

Affected by factors such as traditional culture and interpersonal relationships, men love face more, and women know that their husbands have an affair, if they hope to save the marriage, it is best to calm their minds first, and do not let the anger wash their heads.

Do not expand the scope of people who know about this matter, let alone go to the husband's unit to make trouble. Because the more people he knows, the more the man can't get over the face, and when he loses face, he may be angry with the woman, which may cut off the last emotional connection.

More likely, in order to protect his face in society and the unit, and in order to get the support of many relatives, friends, colleagues and leaders, he will tell everyone how his wife is not understanding and unreasonable. And the woman's behavior everywhere is the best evidence of his remarks.

As a result, after the woman has finished making trouble, public opinion may sympathize with the man. And for the man's future departure, it creates a reasonable reason. Even after the woman has finished making trouble, he is under various pressures, leaving the object of affair and returning to the family, there may not be much husband and wife feelings. Even some men who are forced to return to their families, even if they can return home, have no attachment to their homes in their hearts.

Why do some women lose in the marriage defense war? Marriage defense war one: women first control their emotions, do not quarrel marriage defense war two: women should reflect on what is wrong between the two. Marriage Defense Battle No. 3: If a woman wants to be saved by external forces, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.) to conclude:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="96" > marriage defense battle no. 2: Women should reflect on what went wrong between the two. </h1>

First of all, men have an affair, which should not be done from a moral point of view, but from a psychological point of view, a man's psychology must have the following problems:

1. Always eager to solicit more women to prove their attractiveness. But they never considered women's needs, just used them as tools for their own needs;

2. Most of the reasons for the problems between husband and wife are: lack of communication, the wife's focus on children and family after marriage, ignoring the emotional communication between husband and wife, the difference in the concept of husband and wife is prone to quarrels, men's work pressure, sexual life is not harmonious and so on.

3. As the trivialities in married life increase, life gradually tends to be flat, at which time men tend to shift their interest to women they do not love, looking for stimulation.

Sometimes it is not extramarital love that causes marital problems, but marital problems that lead to extramarital affairs.

In the matter of infidelity, whether it is a man or a woman who cheats, it is very common to have the interaction between the problem of the cheating party and the problem between the husband and wife.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="98" > marriage defense battle no. 3: If a woman wants to use external forces to save it, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.</h1>).

Why do some women lose in the marriage defense war? Marriage defense war one: women first control their emotions, do not quarrel marriage defense war two: women should reflect on what is wrong between the two. Marriage Defense Battle No. 3: If a woman wants to be saved by external forces, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.) to conclude:

On the other hand, the husband and the love enemy, the pair of "lovers", they stay together for a long time, will also have problems like husband and wife.

When there is a problem between the two, and if the man's wife knows how to restrain the angry emotions at this time, does not make a big fuss and goes around blaming the husband, retains the man's face, but makes the man feel guilty about his wife. At this time, after the problem between the man and the love enemy, it is conceivable that the probability of the man coming back is naturally higher.

In fact, there are most men who cheat, and many don't think about ending the marriage at first. On the contrary, it is because after the infidelity, after the couple has a huge conflict or the wife has made a lot of noise, it makes the man feel disgraced, prompting them to make up their minds to end the marriage.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="102" > conclusion:</h1>

Women must not go around making trouble, or even kick men out. If you can't calmly restrain yourself at this time, regardless of your own image, go around accusing men of ugly things, and make men lose face. The final result is to personally push the husband step by step to another woman, and completely lose in this marriage defense war.

Imagine that the man is only angry and humiliated in the wife, while in the other woman feels gentle and understanding, it is conceivable that the man's heart must be more inclined to the side of the enemy.

Therefore, when dealing with a marriage crisis, women must learn to control their emotions. You love this man very much in your heart, but once the emotions erupt, if you say something hurtful uncontrollably, the hurtful words are like a knife, and over time, even the happiest lover will be hurt.

At this time, the scar is like a small seed buried in his heart, once there is a gentle woman to offer him courtesy, he will compare the out-of-control you and the gentle her, at this moment the small seed planted in his heart begins to sprout restlessly, which will make the distance between the husband and you more and more distant.

Why do some women lose in the marriage defense war? Marriage defense war one: women first control their emotions, do not quarrel marriage defense war two: women should reflect on what is wrong between the two. Marriage Defense Battle No. 3: If a woman wants to be saved by external forces, it is best to seek help from a marriage expert or a member of the family (a good girlfriend who keeps the secret, etc.) to conclude: