
A word a day ---- winter

author:The mountain spring water is clear on the stone
A word a day ---- winter
A word a day ---- winter

Most scholars believe that there is no winter word in the oracle bone, and there is a word related to winter, that is, a knot is tied at each end of a rope to indicate the end. Because winter is the end of the year, the pronunciation is similar to the end, so it is also used to express the meaning of winter. Later, in the middle of the golden text, winter became the sun in the house, which represented the cold winter. Later, the sun in the house was replaced by ice, which is more indicative of the winter when the snow and water dripped into ice.

In order to distinguish, the ancients added a itin next to the left side of the winter character to create a final word, indicating the end and the end.

Because of the harsh cold of winter, the literati and scholars do not seem to like it. Literary works mention it occasionally, and they also rush by. Song Yu wrote in the Chu Ci "Nine Discernments": "Autumn first abstains from white dew, and winter also applies to severe frost." Winter is cold, winter nights are long, we can only call in our hearts for spring to come soon.

Winter is coming, will spring be far away?