
Talk about inuyasha No. 58: Shu Ji - the witch who guards Penglai Xian Island

author:The sword roared west wind said

Hello everyone, I am the sword roaring west wind.

In the last issue, we talked about Xinghuangquan, this issue we continued to talk about witches, this time we talked about the witch who guarded Penglai Xian Island in the Inuyasha theater version of "Penglai Island of the Red Lotus"----------------------------------------------------------

Regarding the image of Soji, we have not been able to see it from the front, but judging from the costume of the fake kirito made by the four gods using the blood of Kirito's sister, it should also be like Cuizi and Moon Yellow Spring, who is also wearing a set of samurai armor and holding a sword in addition to the witch's costume. (Sure enough, the witches of that era were all magic and martial arts double cultivation)

Talk about inuyasha No. 58: Shu Ji - the witch who guards Penglai Xian Island

Soji guards the witches of Penglai Island, and there are many yokai and humans on the island, who live and work in peace and harmony, so many half-demons are born on the island.

And because the half-demon is not welcomed in the outside world, it is persecuted by the monster and hostile to humans.

In order to protect the half-demons on the island, Soji used her spiritual power to urge the island's artifact [The Kettle of Sounding] to open the Boundary of Time, isolating Penglai Immortal Island from the outside world and hiding it from the sea. The flow of time within the Boundary of Time is different from the outside world, and it is very slow.

And this boundary will become weaker every fifty years, when Penglai Island will be exposed to the sea with the fog, and many monsters coveting the power of the "Kettle of Sounding" will attack Penglai Island when the boundary becomes weaker.

The Four Dou Gods are the youkai who came to attack Penglai Island, and Soji ji could not fight the Four Dou Gods at the same time, so at the cost of his life, he sealed the power of the Four Dou Gods in the "Jade Box" and jumped into the "Kettle of Sounding", sealing the power of the Four Dou Gods with the last soul power.

Let's briefly talk about Sonata.

Talk about inuyasha No. 58: Shu Ji - the witch who guards Penglai Xian Island

1. Meet General Inuyasha

Soji knew General Inuyasha, so fifty years ago, the red demon and Qi Tian, the two inuyasha generals, would worship the Killing Pill and go to Penglai Island to help deal with the Four Fighting Gods.

The reason why I know, I think, is because of the boundary of time, the flow of time on Penglai Island is much slower than the outside world, hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago, Song Ji existed on Penglai Island (there is a simple mention in the anime that Qin Shi Huang went to Penglai Xian Island to seek immortal medicine)

And hundreds of years ago, when the once-in-fifty-year boundary was weak, General Inu entered Penglai Island and had a good conversation with the island's residents and witches, such as Soji, and formed a deep friendship. (Perhaps at that time, there was also a general in dog who helped Somohime solve the crisis at that time)

Therefore, when he was defeated by the Four Fighting Gods, he would send a message to the Inuyasha to help, but unfortunately, fifty years ago, the Inuyasha was no longer alive. However, he still left the task to the two subordinates of the Red Evil Ghost and Qi Tian, and once Penglai Island was in danger, he quickly went to the rescue.

Unfortunately, the Red Evil Ghost and Qi Tian were invincible to one of the four Fighting Gods, and burned to death, and the Killing Pill that did not have the Fighting Ghost God at that time was also scratched and engraved on the back because of carelessness.

Talk about inuyasha No. 58: Shu Ji - the witch who guards Penglai Xian Island

2. Closed to the outside world

Soji believes that half-demons cannot survive in the outside world, will be looked down upon by yokai, and be disliked by humans.

Therefore, he chose to close the country, hide PenglaiXian Island, and live a self-sufficient life in paradise.

However, it was eventually attacked by the Four Fighting Gods, and the creatures on the island were destroyed.

Such an outcome was unacceptable to Sogeme.

Even though she tried her best to exhaust her life soul to seal the power of the Four Dou Gods, the evil Four Dou Gods actually thought of throwing the half-demon alive into the "Kettle of Sounding" to gain strength.

For many years, Soji's soul watched as the people he guarded continued to throw themselves into the Kettle of Sounding and turn into fireflies.

How tormented and self-condemning her heart was, all she had left to insist on was to cling to the "Jade Box" and seal the power of the Four Dou Gods, but what was the point of this?

Talk about inuyasha No. 58: Shu Ji - the witch who guards Penglai Xian Island

Therefore, when Somohime sees InuYasha that has not been swallowed by the "Kettle of Sounding", she will use up her remaining strength to help Inuyasha regain its demon power, and will entrust the "Jade Box" to Inuyasha, only to ask Inuyasha to protect the remaining children. (If Somohime had known that Inuyasha was the son of Inuyasha, she might have been more optimistic.)

I think she was also tired at this time, and there were only five children left in the guardian people, if the last five children were gone, then even if the "Jade Box" was guarded, what was the point of the four fighting gods who died because they could not recover their strength?

Somoji finally said to Asagiri, "I'm sorry, maybe I was wrong."

This should be Sung Ji apologizing for the result caused by her closing the country and closing Penglai Island, maybe the half-demon can also survive well in the outside world, and should not blindly escape.

But in my heart I still can't bear to be so harsh on Soji, she is just a witch, and it is her duty to protect the people of the island. And she did do her duty at the end of her life, which is good.

Talk about inuyasha No. 58: Shu Ji - the witch who guards Penglai Xian Island

Well, Shu Ji said here, thank you for watching, I am the sword roaring west wind, we will see you in the next issue, the next issue we will talk about the four fighting gods on Penglai Island, Long Luo, Ferocious Luo, Beast Luo, Gang Luo These four brothers.

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