
Only by catching big fish can you experience the full pleasure of fishing

author:Fishing Demoiselle

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, an angler who does not want to catch a big fish... is actually a good angler. Everyone has their own choices, and the same is true for fishing, that is, there are many anglers who especially like to catch small fish. But Brother Kasa believes that only by catching big fish can you experience the full pleasure of fishing.

Only by catching big fish can you experience the full pleasure of fishing

The feeling of catching big fish is completely different

Why? In fact, brother Kasa also liked to fish for small fish a few years ago, and the small hook and thin line and short rod drift can be described as extreme. The mood of the small fish coming ashore one after another is still quite good, especially the taste of the small fish is completely incomparable, but it is a little expensive. But now I like to catch big fish, and I may go fishing for small fish one day, but at present, I only like to catch big fish, and I will catch small fish when the fishing conditions are not allowed. The following feelings, fishing for small fish can not be experienced at all, only fishing more than ten pounds of anglers will understand.

Only by catching big fish can you experience the full pleasure of fishing

The pull of the big fish is wild

The feeling of gain and loss; fishing for small fish does not have this feeling at all, it does not matter if you run a few times, there is no surprise when you catch it, so you are generally calm when catching small fish. But catching big fish is different, and each pull and escape force of big fish is different, even if they are the same size. Before the fish enters the fish protection, you will always worry about whether it will cut the line, whether it will be decoupled, and even if it is on the shore, it may struggle violently to escape.

The process of walking fish is stimulating; the process of walking a large fish can make people burst with adrenaline hormones, which makes people feel very stimulating and enjoyable, especially the kind of big fish that may pull you into the water. The little fish don't feel like this when you walk up, even if you use a very soft pole, it won't let you break the rod anyway and won't pull you out of the water. It can be said that the process of walking a big fish as long as you experience it once will make you want to stop!

Afraid of exploding rods and hurting the line; big fish are always hooked by you inadvertently, at least in most cases of wild fishing, it does not bite the hook when you are fully prepared, but once you fish casually or do not look at the drift, you will get on the big fish, and some anglers deliberately boo in order to get on the big fish. So on the big fish we are often not a big rod, not a fresh group, as soon as the fish is worried about whether it will burst the rod, whether it will hurt the line, this fear of the rod feeling is really great.

Only by catching big fish can you experience the full pleasure of fishing

Big fish makes your adrenaline burst

The sense of accomplishment is very strong; the sense of achievement of catching a thousand white strips is not as good as a dozen pounds of grass carp, after all, when you are an angler, you should rarely say how many white fish you caught, but you should mention the big fish you caught last time. Unless you catch a white strip, it may be the big fish that will let you blow for a year. To tell the truth, whether you are a novice or a master, as long as you catch a big fish, the anglers around you will definitely think that you are a master.

Walking a big fish is very enjoyable; a particularly large fish will walk people over, this feeling experience of the angler should understand, after walking the fish people directly lying on the ground limbs weak, but the heart is particularly happy. I have been fishing for almost thirty years, and I have not yet encountered a single one that can walk me over, only a few times to catch the strength, but all of them are more fish than large.

Taking pictures can be loaded with X; as the saying goes, "fishing is not to load B, it will be meaningless", in fact, there are many X guys in the fishing people, and the process of fishing stimulates the process of loading X is not much worse. It's just that the installation of B is easy to cause discomfort to other anglers, resulting in a group attack, and the nest of the bag dry tangent line is light, of course, there will also be anglers who ask for fishing spots.

Only by catching big fish can you experience the full pleasure of fishing

Big fish can hold B

Anglers, go and experience the feeling of catching big fish, and that feeling is the ultimate experience for anglers. Of course, if you want to eat fish, it is still delicious for small fish, and the flesh of large fish is relatively wooden, and there is certainly no small fish to eat. If you want to catch big fish, in fact, there are no other skills, just three points: big hook thick line, heavy nest, go to the place where there are big fish. Of course, there are many details, if you are interested, you can pay attention to brother Kasa to see the fast and slow nest shared before and the skill of fishing for grass carp.

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