
The king of the subjugated country has silenced the enemy

author:Roc tells history

It is said that Sima Yan, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, reused Wang Jun and went down the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, successfully destroying Sun Wu and calming Jiangdong. Since then, the Three Kingdoms era has come to an end.

On the day that Sun Hao, the lord of Eastern Wu, was captured, he was very embarrassed. Sun Hao imitated Liu Chan's practice: preparing for the ceremony of the subjugation of the country, plain car white horse, flesh and face tied (two hands tied back), holding the sheep, the doctor fading into clothing, shi yu yu (loading the coffin on the car), leading the crown prince Sun Jin and 21 other people to Wang Jun's camp gate.

The king of the subjugated country has silenced the enemy

However, on the eve of the fall of the State of Wu and the surrender of Sun Hao, a very funny thing happened. At that time, Jia Chong, the former commander-in-chief of the Jin army who was stationed in Xiang County (present-day Shenqiu County, Henan Province), was not aware of the frequent reports of success on the other side of the river, and foolishly expressed to Emperor Wu of Jin: "The state of Wu cannot perish now, it is now the time of spring and summer, the weather is warmer, the Jianghuai region is low humidity, and the epidemic is about to start, so we should immediately take over and make plans for cutting down Wu in the future." Not only that, Jia Chong also said with intimidation: "If you don't have a class master, once there is a problem that shouldn't appear, even if you cut off the main fighter, it is not enough to thank the world!" Fortunately, before Emperor Wu of Jin could react, Wu Guo was already "a flower out of a branch".

Soon after, Sun Hao was sent to Luoyang, and Sima Yan made him the Marquis of Guiming. One day, Sima Yan asked Sun Hao to test the seat, and Sima Yan was quite satisfied, so he said to Sun Hao: "This seat is tailor-made for you, and it has been placed here for many years!" But I didn't think that although Sun Hao was a king of the subjugated country, he was still bitter and mean when he spoke, and he didn't fall behind at all: "Haha, we both want to go together, and I also left your place in Jianye." ”

When Jia Chong saw that Sun Hao's words were so thin, he wanted to satirize Sun Hao: "I heard that you are digging people's eyes and peeling people's scalps in the south, may I ask: What kind of punishment is this?" Jia Chong originally thought about this question, and he was not allowed to scream at Sun Hao, a tyrant, but he never expected that Sun Hao's face would not change color, and his eyes were tightly fixed on Jia Chong: "Those who are courtiers, if they commit the crime of killing the king, they will definitely carry out this kind of punishment on this courtier!" Jia Chong suddenly felt like he had been slapped by someone, his forehead was sweating, his heart was bleeding, and his mouth was even more speechless.

Why is this happening? Here we have to talk about Jia at best. Jia Chong (贾充), courtesy name Gonglu, was a native of Xiangling, Pingyang (present-day Xiangfen, Shanxi). Jia Chong initially joined Cao Wei and served as Shang Shulang (尚書郎), who wrote laws and decrees and concurrently served as a duzhi examination class. Jia Chong's later great feat, which was heavily used by Sima Shi, was in the fifth year of Cao Wei Ganlu (260 AD). At that time, Sima Shi's power was getting bigger and bigger, and there was already a momentum to replace the Cao Wei regime, and the so-called "Sima Zhao's heart, known to everyone" refers to this situation.

At that time, the emperor of Cao Wei was Cao Xi, who was the grandson of Emperor Cao Pi of Wei and the son of Cao Lin, the king of the East China Sea. Cao Xi was promoted to the throne by Sima Shi six years ago. In this year (260 AD), he was 19 years old, flesh and blood, unable to bear it, and decided to give it a go and engage in a final contest with Sima Shi.

On the night of the sixth day of The First Month of May of that year, Cao Xian drew his sword and led the guards and servants of the palace out of the Yongning Palace shouting slogans, and killed Sima Zhao's residence with great momentum. At that time, Jia Chong was a middle protector, who led the army to engage Cao Huan and instructed the crown prince Cheng Ji to assassinate Cao Xi. Sima Zhao was overjoyed, and Feng Jiachong was made the Hou of Anyang Township, increasing the number of households by 1,200, commanding the armies outside the city, and scattering the horses and serving regularly. Therefore, Jia Chong can be said to be the culprit who killed the Wei Emperor Cao Xian, and the courtier who committed the crime of killing the king, and because of this, Sun Hao's words made Jia Chong dumbfounded.

The king of the subjugated country has silenced the enemy

Jia Chong's killing of Cao Xian was credited to Sima Zhao, and it was also credited to Yi Liding chu, which meant that he also contributed to Sima Yan. What's going on? Here's what happened: Sima Zhao's original intention was not to pass on the throne of Jin to his eldest son Sima Yan, and he felt that he could reach the peak of his subjects, all thanks to the credit of his elder brother Sima Shi, and Sima Shi had no sons, so Sima Zhao passed on his second son Sima You to Sima Shi in his early years. Sima Zhao originally wanted to pass on the King of Jin to Sima You, and doing so had two advantages: not only did he repay his brother Sima Shi for his kindness, but Sima You actually killed two birds with one stone out of his own knees, so why not enjoy it? However, Jia Chong urged Sima Zhao not to abolish Chang Liyou: "Sima Yan is a generous man, and he is also the eldest son, and he has the virtue of benevolence and is beneficial to the society. Under the persuasion of Jia Chong, Sima Zhao established Sima Yan as the son of the world.

Sima Zhao died of illness, and Sima Yan became the King of Jin as he wished, and he was unforgettable for Jia Chong's great kindness: he appointed Jia Chong as the general of the Jin State Wei, Yi Tong Sansi, and Zhi Shizhong, and changed the title of Marquis of Linying. After three generations of Sima Shi's meticulous operation, the Cao Wei regime has been completely emptied, and Sima Dai Cao is already an imperative. In the first year of emperor Tai of Jinwu (265 AD), Sima Yan forced the Wei Yuan emperor Cao Yichan to make the state name Jin and change the name to Yuan Taishi.

After ascending to the throne, Sima Yan even rewarded Jia Chong with his life: Bai Jia Chong rode a general, a scattered horseman, a Shangshu servant, a Duke of Fenglu County, and Feng Jiachong's mother Liu Shi was the wife of Lu Guo. How Sima Yan favored Jia Chong laid the groundwork for the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty: Jia Chong had a daughter named Jia Nanfeng, whose appearance was not proud, and married Sima Yan's idiot son Sima Zheng of Jinhui and became empress. Jia Chong abused power to manipulate the government, and eventually, it triggered the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings".

After we finished talking about Jia Chong, let's talk about Sun Hao, and it is said that once, Sima Yan invited Sun Hao to dinner, and during the banquet, Sima Yan drank a lot of wine and said to Sun Hao: "I heard that the southerners like to make 'Erru Song', can you compose a song for You?" Sun Hao knew that Sima Yan wanted to make fun of himself, so he took up a wine glass and toasted to Sima Yan: "Once with Ru as a neighbor, now with Ru as a subject." A glass of wine on Ru, make Ru shou wanchun! After Sun Hao finished speaking, Sima Yan regretted his proposal, why? Because "Ru" means "you", using "Ru" to refer to the emperor is impolite and contemptuous of the emperor.

The king of the subjugated country has silenced the enemy

After these few events, the Wenwu of the Jin Dynasty knew that Sun Hao was a thorn-headed figure, and from then on, no one ever ridiculed Sun Hao. In the fifth year of Taikang (284 AD), Sun Hao died in Luoyang at the age of forty-two and was buried in Luoyang's Beiqi Mountain. When Sun Hao died, his Empress Teng personally wrote a eulogy for him, and the article was very sad and poignant.