
Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?


On September 24, Rolls-Royce released a car test drive video, the protagonist of the test drive in the video is Wanwan (Lei Wanying) and her husband Lin Han, the video once released caused a lot of controversy, Weibo netizens have complained.

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲Rolls-Royce "Evening Door"

Netizens criticize the video, the firepower of public opinion is focused on the cognitive bias between Rolls-Royce and the public aesthetic, everyone does not understand, why Rolls-Royce will choose an Internet celebrity that is completely inconsistent with the tonality of the brand? Wang Sicong, a discipline inspection commission of the entertainment industry, also declared: "Suddenly I feel that RR is very low, and I will not buy it in the future."

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲ Netizens joked that it was finally the same as Sicong's consumption concept

Subsequently, on the evening of October 14, Rolls-Royce issued an official statement in response to the recent video controversy.

Rolls-Royce officials said: As a responsible brand, Rolls-Royce Greater China will take this incident seriously, sincerely listen to everyone's feedback, and then decide to delete the relevant videos.

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲ Rolls-Royce official Weibo response

This incident has triggered a hot discussion on the Internet, but unlike other "controversial" comments, this time the comments are one-sided, shouting "late and late is not worthy of Rolls-Royce", the reason is that over the years, Rolls-Royce has established a representative image of a top luxury car in the minds of the public.

As a synonym for "luxury", the century-old car company Rolls-Royce is not only in its appearance and interior design, but also in its sales price, even the cheapest model Gusit, the market price is about 4.5 million to 5.47 million, which is 3-4 times that of luxury sports cars.

It can be said that Rolls-Royce has always been a ceiling-like existence in the minds of car lovers around the world, and its advertising campaigns have always been operated by industry leaders, becoming a symbol of "palace level" in many car brands.

So why is Rolls-Royce so criticized for choosing to cooperate with Internet celebrities late and late?

This has to start from the late noble lady to set up a "collapsed room", the first late night as the "Douban Goddess" was well known, and later became the painter Liu Ye's "inspiration muse", but due to the emotional entanglement of the two and Liu Ye's identity as a married person has caused several public opinion storms, the negative evaluation of the evening on the Internet has gradually increased.

Later, he met her current husband Lin Han and founded the "Mumu Art Museum" with his help, and then became active in the public eye again as the founder of the museum.

However, during this period, Wanwan has been repeatedly spat on by netizens for "showing off the rich and flipping the car" and "pulling on the appearance of female celebrities".

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲ After Ni Ni took a photo with the evening evening, she was stepped on

Because of the above events, the netizens' impression of the evening gradually leaned on the image of "a woman who broke the moral bottom line for fame and fortune", and it can be said that every night there is a new trend to activate a vote of black powder.

This incident can be seen as a wrong marketing choice for Rolls-Royce, or it can be seen as a poor personal evaluation of the late evening, which affects the brands it cooperates with.

For this incident, different people have different interpretation views, but SocialBook wants to discuss the reasons for the overturning of this event from the perspective of influencer marketing, and also hopes that brands can learn from the future influencer marketing.

Please don't choose a spokesperson who doesn't match your audience's expectations!

As an Internet celebrity who has been in the Internet for many years, this is not her first brand endorsement, nor is it her first cooperation with international big brands.

As early as the evening of 2019, he was awarded the status of "Dior Fragrance Ambassador" with stars such as Huang Jingyu.

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲ Late at night, he became the Ambassador of Dior Fragrance

Working with Dior late in the evening was not ridiculed by the whole network as it was with Rolls-Royce. Dior's choice of late evening as a partner naturally has its considerations, in addition to the black history, the most widely known is her excellent wearing skills, with Morandi clothing with fire out of the circle, to create a sense of luxury, becoming a model for many celebrities on the Little Red Book to imitate.

It can be seen that the late night is popular with many young women who love fashion and dress, and these audience groups are highly consistent with the audience portrait of Dior fragrance, so Dior's choice of late night can be described as a wise move.

However, Rolls-Royce is different from Dior, whose audience is "top rich" and is dominated by middle-aged men. Many of them may not know Wanwan at all, and for them: this woman is just an unknown Internet celebrity.

If they met Late Night, they would feel offended like Wang Sicong because Rolls-Royce chose to work with her.

When the spokesperson or partner chosen by the brand does not match the target audience, it is very easy to cause consumers to resent, such as the previous few years of freedom point chose male singer Wang Dongcheng to endorse the sanitary napkin advertisement, which was ridiculed on the Internet and even boycotted by female consumers.

In consumer cognition, the brand's spokesperson and advertising cooperation object represent the brand image, while conveying the brand's values and the importance of consumers, if the choice of audience is difficult to accept the spokesperson will not only smear the brand image, and even lose the audience.

Please don't choose a spokesperson who is controversial in itself!

Coincidentally, after Rolls-Royce, another luxury car brand has recently been pressured by public opinion because it chose the wrong Internet celebrity.

On October 14, Mercedes-Benz Official Bo forwarded a short video related to Ms. Yang Kasa and inserted the promotion of Mercedes-Benz C-Class in the forwarded text.

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲ Mercedes-Benz official blog caused controversy

After the release of Weibo, Mercedes-Benz official blog received many negative reviews, in the face of overwhelming public opinion pressure, although it did not delete Weibo like Rolls-Royce, Mercedes-Benz changed the video permissions many times, set the content to be visible only to fans, and opened the comment selection function, leaving only the voices that supportEd Mercedes-Benz and Yang Kasa.

Subsequently, Yang Kasa Studio also issued a statement saying that the two sides did not have any cooperation with Mercedes-Benz.

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲Statement of Yang Kasa Company

The protagonist of this incident, Yang Kasa, is a controversial talk show actor, in addition to her, Tang Wei, Zhang Junning, Zhang Yixing and other stars also participated in the filming of Mercedes-Benz videos, and were forwarded by Mercedes-Benz official bloggers.

But among these advertising videos, only Yang's video has caused controversy.

Many male car owners were unhappy with "Mercedes-Benz chose Yang Kasa endorsement", and immediately female car owners stood up to support Yang Kasa and posted pictures in the comment area to prove their mercedes-Benz owner identity.

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?

▲ Yang Kasa proposed the concept of "Puxin man"

Unlike the late evening, Yang Kasa does not have any black history, but as one of the most popular stand-up comedian actresses, she has repeatedly made amazing remarks and proposed the concept of "Puxin Man" to become famous.

Although these poignant words helped her gain popularity for a short time, she was also controversial for allegedly provoking male and female sexual antagonisms.

Mercedes-Benz chose such a very topical figure to indeed "the effect is outstanding", Yang Kasa-related video playback, comments and popularity are far beyond the stars, Mercedes-Benz tasted the sweetness brought by traffic, but also experienced the cost of traffic.

The editor has something to say

Many brands in the choice of replacement of speakers or promotion of cooperation objects, too much emphasis on traffic, and ignore the other party and the brand fit, and even at any cost to choose a very controversial person, although in a short period of time to obtain a high degree of communication, but for the brand is also a double-edged sword, the right choice is fame and fortune, the wrong choice is chicken and egg fight.

Hopefully, brands will be careful when working with celebrities or influencers and choose the most suitable people, not the most famous people!

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The editor stays up late to write and needs your "watching" encouragement

Why are Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz "overturned" because of Internet celebrities?