
Even the breakfast fee was reimbursed, and he turned the service client into a cash machine

author:Red Star News

"From the first time I received money, I was afraid and pushed away, to the later I tried to find various names to ask for, and gradually my thoughts were all about how to turn the service recipients into my cash machine, and there was no longer a little idea of serving them..." When talking about how I went step by step to degenerate, Zhang Bin, former deputy director of the Baiquan Environmental Protection Institute of the Huixian Branch of the Ecological and Environmental Bureau of Xinxiang City, Henan Province, was full of remorse.

Since March 2020, a number of whistleblower letters reflecting Zhang Bin's illegal acceptance of benefit fees from enterprises in his jurisdiction have attracted the attention of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. After the collective study of the discipline enforcement and law enforcement case-handling meeting of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, a verification team was formed on the same day to conduct a preliminary examination of Zhang Bin's relevant issues.

After more than a year of evidence collection, the case-handling personnel overcame the influence of many factors such as the epidemic situation, and conducted house-to-house investigation and guidance and communication of the enterprises involved in the case, and the entire context of Zhang Bin's bribery and bribery case was gradually and clearly revealed in front of the investigation team.

In March 2008, Zhang Bin, who had been unemployed at home for two years after retiring from the army, joined the Yuhe Environmental Protection Institute of the Huixian Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. When he first entered the workplace, he was humble and hardworking, and soon became the backbone of the business. In June 2018, the organization intended to train him, so he was transferred to the Baiquan Environmental Protection Institute as the deputy director, responsible for environmental supervision of casting, chemical and other enterprises in the jurisdiction.

"I am not satisfied with this transfer in my heart. I work hard and tired at work, but I am often criticized. Looking at the colleagues around me every day, I have a mentality of comparison..."

One day in the second half of 2018, Zhang Bin went to a biotechnology company in his jurisdiction to investigate and collect evidence in an environmental protection case in accordance with his authority. After the investigation, Zhang Bin received a WeChat transfer of 500 yuan from Wei Mou, a legal person of the company.

"At the time, I didn't understand what he meant by transferring the money to me, because the investigation on the same day did not find that there were environmental violations in his business. Later, after being ordered by others, I learned that he wanted to spend money to avoid disasters..." Talking about the process of accepting money from others for the first time, Zhang Bin remembered many details very clearly.

Greed arose, mastering this "trick of making money", Zhang Bin began to cheaply sell the law enforcement and inspection power in his hands in exchange for benefits.

In July 2018, Zhang Bin found that the detection data of the air quality testing point around a fertilizer technology co., LTD. was high in his work, and it was necessary to stop production and rectify according to regulations. However, after accepting 2,000 yuan in cash from the company's manager Fan, he no longer pursued the matter. In the following year, Zhang Bin received 24 benefit fees totaling 42,650 yuan from Fan through WeChat transfers. The reward given by Zhang Bin is to inform the company in advance when the superior department conducts environmental protection inspections of the company, and to help greet and intercede when the superior environmental protection department finds environmental protection violations, helping the company to avoid environmental protection penalties.

Gradually, Zhang Bin began to eat and take cards from the supervised enterprises in the jurisdiction in the name of eating, smoking, borrowing money, etc., and pinned his personal and even family daily expenses on these business owners.

In September 2019, Zhang Bin contacted Zhang Mou, the sales manager of a chemical company, by telephone after private socializing, to settle the account for himself, and Zhang Mou, who did not dare to offend Zhang Bin, immediately transferred 500 yuan to Zhang Bin through WeChat.

In February 2020, Zhang Bin found Niu Mou, the person in charge of a power supply material company, and borrowed 50,000 yuan from Niu Mou on the grounds that he did not have money to buy a house. After Niu refused, Zhang Bin proposed that he could work part-time to dredge up the relationship between environmental protection inspections for the company, and let Niu give him 2,000 yuan per month as a reward. After the agreement between the two parties was reached, from March 2020 to August 2021, Niu paid Zhang Bin 32,600 yuan through WeChat and cash. After Zhang Bin was taken into lien measures, Niu was still transferring the benefit fee to Zhang Bin as agreed.

Zhang Bin even "created" inspection opportunities, a person arbitrarily enforced the law, even the 10 yuan for his own breakfast had to be reimbursed by the service recipients.

One day in September 2018, Zhang Bin found that a grinding chip processing plant had reselled black sand, so he found the person in charge of the factory, Yin Mou, saying that he knew more enterprises and could help sell more black sand, and then the two agreed to earn profits divided by four or six, and Zhang Bin sold black sand to another cement factory in the jurisdiction. Through this route, from September 2018 to September 2019, Zhang Bin earned a total of more than 11,000 yuan in benefit fees from Somewhere in Yin.

After trial, it was ascertained that from February 2017 to July 2021, Zhang Bin took advantage of his position to accept or demand 247 financial transactions from the heads of 65 supervised enterprises, totaling more than 300,000 yuan.

The enterprising young people who were once the backbone of the business and who have been commended many times should have started a business in the good years, but because they planted a seed of greed in their hearts, the trajectory of life has since been deviated, and they have lost their integrity and bottom line in the face of interests and temptations. In September 2021, Zhang was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office. At present, the case has been transferred to the Huixian Municipal Procuratorate for public prosecution, waiting for the next judgment.

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Even the breakfast fee was reimbursed, and he turned the service client into a cash machine