
The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

author:Hacker old bird nine green

More than a decade ago, there was no Weibo, WeChat, and Zhihu. But on the Internet, there is such a jianghu that no one knows and everyone knows- "Tianya Community", and its name is the same, here there are fish and dragons, and there are feelings and righteousness, and there are countless gods.

At that time, Tianya gave birth to one explosive point after another: Murong Xuecun and his "Chengdu, Please Forget Me Tonight", Sister Furong, Strange Xiaoyueyue, Tianxia Baxiang and his "Ghost Blowing Lights"...

Nowadays, the golden age of the forum has come to an end, and the gradual decline of Tianya may only become the common memory of Tianya's "fallen people" and become a legend in the history of the Internet. And the great god who once burned all over the world also retired to the rivers and lakes. Among them is such a big god, named "Cai Ba".

This name may be unfamiliar to you, but his deeds are not simple as soon as you hear it - invading Tencent's system and stealing the QQ of Tencent President Ma Huateng. At that time, he was only 16 years old. This talented teenager hacker, after this sensational incident on the whole network, faded out of people's vision...

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >1, a genius teenager who is both good and evil</h1>

The series of feats of this young hacker more than a decade ago can be described as unprecedented and unprecedented. He did quite a few "bad things". What made him famous was the Tianya Incident.

In 2005, he posted on Tianya, threatening to "blacken" the Tianya forum within a week. There is no shortage of people who talk big on the end of the world, and everyone should watch a hilarity, not take it seriously. However, after Tianya saw this post, it did not take it lightly. To keep them safe, their programmers set up layers of firewalls. However, these measures of Tianya, CaiBa did not pay attention to them at all. The Tianya Forum was finally "hacked" by him, and all kinds of encirclement and blocking of the Tianya IT Department were cracked by him one by one. Tianya's dozens of servers were like shopping for him, coming and going freely.

When bored, log in to the administrator's account, communicate with the executives inside Tianya, and generously send hundreds of millions of points to netizens. The elites of Tianya's IT department were turned around by Caiba, but they had no choice but to shut down their own servers, and they had no way to stop Caiba's invasion. However, after the invasion, Caiba did not make any further excessive moves, and even posted to point out the loopholes in Tianya and proposed a solution.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

Since then, no one in the jianghu has not known the name Caiba. Later, Caiba set his sights on the bigger Tencent. In early August 2006, a netizen of Caiba asked him to help enter the interior of Tencent's system, a challenge that made him instantly come to mind. For the next six days, he spent two-thirds of his day sitting in front of his computer studying the data. Finally, on the morning of the seventh day, on August 7, 2006, he successfully broke through dozens of systems in Tencent's backstage, and incidentally stole Ma Huateng's five-digit QQ account.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

As usual, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He simply called Tencent and pointed out the vulnerabilities in their systems. The other party raised his vigilance and asked about his intentions, and then Tencent called the police.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

Not long after, Caiba was captured by the Network Supervision Brigade of Tianmen City, Hubei Province. However, teenagers who behave in such an outrageous manner and have done a lot of "bad things" are, in the eyes of many people, a network "hero" who acts heroically and righteously. Just 3 months before the Tencent incident, Caiba also saved the life of a flower girl. On the afternoon of May 12, 2006, a Chongqing girl posted on Tianya that she seemed to be taking sleeping pills to end her life.

CaiBa used his own technology to obtain her IP address, found the girl's phone number and home address, and reported the case to the police, and finally stopped the girl's suicide in time with the cooperation of many parties. He does good things in a low-key manner, which is very different from when he invades websites with high profiles. At this time, he was like a chivalrous warrior who did not seek fame and fortune.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

A few days later, Cai Ba helped the author of "Those Things of the Ming Dynasty" that year Mingyue. In March 2006, Mingyue published a post on Tianya titled "Those Things of the Ming Dynasty - History Should Be Written Beautifully", and began serializing her own "vernacular version of Ming History". As a result, he quickly became popular on the Internet, and for a while he was in the limelight. But rumors and attacks also followed, in the face of the rumors of "Bright Moon Brush Data", Caiba used technical calculations to help him prove his innocence.

Later, Mingyue was subjected to even worse retaliation that year, and his posts were even followed by countless horrific and bloody corpse photos. Mingyue, who ran away from the end of the world, shifted the update position of the article to the Sina blog and called Caiba for support. Cai Ba helped him righteously, became the administrator of the Mingyue Sina blog that year, and borrowed the land to make a statement for himself and for Mingyue that year. Since then, no one has dared to make trouble under the "Ming Dynasty's affairs".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" >2, poor and lonely out-of-school teenagers</h1>

Hackers, for most people, are a mysterious presence. High cold, high IQ, high technology... There is no way to connect with a rural child who dropped out of junior high school. Cai Ba, the net name "decaying wood self-carving", the real name Yan Fengtian.

Living in a small town in Tianmen City, Hubei Province, he was addicted to the Internet when he was studying, often skipping class to go online, and was a complete Internet addict. His father worked in Tianmen City, his mother subsidized his family in Suizhou by cotton wool, and he and his sister drifted between Tianmen and Suizhou since childhood. Lacking the care of his family since childhood, he has a lonely personality. At the age of 12, he followed his father to junior high school in Tianmen City, and he had no interest in learning at all, either sleeping in the classroom or skipping class to go to the Internet café.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

My father, who had been in prison, had a bad temper. On the third day of his first semester, he lost money because of gambling, and came home and directly took a chair and smashed it on him. So the next day, he ran away from school. Back in Suizhou, his mother sent him to a computer technology school, and a few days later he left the school on the grounds that what the school taught was too simple and a waste of time for him. When he got home from school, he stayed in his room all day and went online, barely going out.

His reason for becoming a hacker is also particularly simple: his most precious game equipment has been stolen. This made him, who had been addicted to online games, turn to research network technology, buy dozens of computer textbooks, teach himself, and then show amazing talent.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

In real life, he is a "problem teenager" with no friends and a lonely personality, while on the Internet, he is a legendary hacker who is in the limelight.

He hacked into websites and called the person in charge, never for theft, not for extortion. Just to get a sense of accomplishment and presence that you don't have in life, to get the approval of others. After such a rebellious hacker teenager was taken away by the police for investigation, the most worried thing was that his family was looked down upon by the neighbors.

After netizens learned the news that Caiba was taken away by the police, they even spontaneously organized an action to assist Caiba on tianya. "The chef has talent, don't ruin a genius." "The caiba family is not rich, and there are not many people who understand the law."

One of the netizens with the ID named "Bulletproof Martial Monk" provided free help to CaiBa and helped him hire a lawyer. During his release on guarantee pending further investigation, he also took CaiBa to Beijing to live with him. In real life, he is the boss of a media company.

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

The direct reason why he helped Caiba was that Caiba had unconditionally patched loopholes on his website. In his eyes, CaiBa is just a smart child who has not entered the real life, has a moral foundation. CaiBa named himself "Decaying Wood Self-Carving", saying that he was a piece of decaying wood, but this did not mean that he could not be carved, so he added "self-carving" to the back.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > Caiba understands that his parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on himself. </h1>

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

Caiba's personal blog, less than half a year after opening, the click rate is close to 150,000 "The word self-carving, being said by a child himself, is the sadness of society," said the bulletproof martial monk, "should be able to do decaying wood carving, a piece of decaying wood everyone to help." ”

And this bulletproof martial monk, who did not want to appear in the interview, is Du Zijian, the "father of Weibo marketing", the author of "Living Crimes Cannot Escape".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" >3, the jianghu is no longer seen</h1>

After the Tencent incident, CaiBa gradually realized that what he had done was meaningless, and he gradually faded out of the "jianghu" with a consistently high profile, leaving only legends.

After bidding farewell to Du Zijian, he began his first job. But the good times did not last long, the company went out of business, and he lost his job again. After that, he went to Chongqing, Xi'an and other places to help people do network security and other work.

At the age of 18, he returned to Guangzhou to start his own business and had his own company, and his mother said in an interview that although he was the only one in the company, his monthly income was not cheap. At an age when his peers were still spending the family's money, Caiba had already worked hard with his own hands, built a two-story building for his parents in his hometown, and bought a car for himself.

Caiba's last post on Tianya stopped on July 17, 2011, "After 3 and a half years, I finally stood here."

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

In the photo, he looks like he's doing well, but he's a little blessed. "Now I am finally standing at the top of this mountain, but unfortunately the snow has completely melted." "Just like our lives, they have already changed, not like the original." The words he wrote in the post are quite human.

At the beginning of 2012, he went to Wuhan to start a business with a friend, who became the CEO of the company, and he immersed himself in research and development behind his back and made several popular mobile games. In just three years, the company has made 1 billion yuan.

However, because of the disagreement with his friends, the partnership eventually broke down, and when he left the company, he only got 5 million yuan. Depressed, he planned to go abroad to relax, and when he was in Hong Kong, he met for the first time in real life with Chen Zijing, a netizen for many years and a Hong Kong girl. It didn't take long for the two to become lovers.

Many years ago, Chen Zijing knew him through the news, developed great curiosity and admiration for him, worked hard to find his contact information, and has been in contact with him through the Internet ever since. She probably didn't expect that she would eventually become his wife and travel through many parts of the world together.

Chen Zijing studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and he went to the United States to accompany him. While studying in the United States, he continued to study Internet entrepreneurship projects. In May 2016, he bid farewell to his lover and returned to Guangzhou, started a new business, and opened a mobile game company. On December 23, 2017, he and Chen Zijing held a wedding ceremony in their hometown of Tianmen, and the online invitation card was a small program he personally made, which read: "Crossing the Great Wall to the world, I would like to commemorate the birth of the Chinese Internet and my acquaintance with you and me".

The Chinese hacker who is also good and evil - Caiba 1, The genius teenager 2 who is also good and evil, and the poor and lonely out-of-school teenager Caiba understand that their parents cannot be a good example, cannot rely on others to carve, everything depends on themselves. 3, the jianghu is no longer seen

In January 2018, Chen Zijing went to Columbia University in the United States to continue his studies, he continued to go to the United States to accompany him, and prepared to open a network company in the United States, taking into account the career at home and abroad.

In the blink of an eye for twelve years, the hacker teenager who was once there, grew up.

But his legendary story is not yet to be continued...