
Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

author:Elaborate on agricultural techniques

At present, the solid fly pest has developed into the most harmful pest in the production of melons and fruits in the south. In the south of the cultivation of citrus, mango, passion fruit, guava and other tropical fruits and melons, have encountered fruit fly hazards, and different types of fruit on the occurrence of different types of flies, mainly large fruit flies, small fruit flies and melon fruit flies.

Fruit flies are known as "destructive pests", they have strong fertility, short development cycle, and overlapping generations, perennial damage to the fruit, so that some of the southern fruit losses are heavy, the fruit damage rate in areas seriously harmed by fruit flies is as high as 90%, and the economic losses caused are immeasurable. In fact, fruit flies can be said to be a common topic, so today we will focus on the harm of fruit flies and prevention methods!

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

<h1>Harm of fruit flies</h1>

How do fruit flies harm our fruits? In general, most of the damaged fruits appear to be unripe and yellow, and at first the female will insert the egg layer into the skin of the melon fruit, and a small hole will be formed on the surface of the fruit. Then begin to lay eggs in the fruit, after the eggs hatch into larvae inside the melon fruit, they will eat the flesh directly in the fruit, causing the fruit to rot, and some fruits will flow juice from these small holes, and then bubble, brown, rot, break the fruit, and find a large number of larvae in the fruit. As a result, the fruit falls early, the yield decreases, and the quality is not guaranteed.

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

Harmful symptoms - citrus

For example, on the fruit surface of the picture above is a female insect of a small orange fruit fly, and you can see from the picture that it is laying eggs at this time. After laying the eggs under the peel, the larvae eat the flesh inside the fruit and grow and develop. The symptoms may not be particularly obvious in the early stages, but after the fruit is expanded, the fruit will appear to turn yellow early, and it may not be ripe before the fruit begins to turn red. As the larvae feed further inside the fruit, the fruit will also fall off prematurely. As you can see on the right, the endangered citrus is in the later stage, the fruit rots, and some juice will flow out, and then it will cause a large number of fruit drops, and the small fruit flies in these fallen fruits will further breed the next generation, drilling into the soil to produce more fruit flies to harm the orchard. Therefore, if fruit flies are found in their own orchards, but they are not effectively controlled, they will continue to multiply and overlap generations. A fruit fly, after a year of reproduction, its offspring may have more than a thousand, so the harm of fruit flies in the orchard is very serious.

<h1>Fruit fly control technology</h1>

We have also heard on the news, because there are maggots in the fruit, some consumers who do not understand the situation are panicked, in fact, there are maggots in the fruit The main reason is the fruit fly! Therefore, it is not difficult to find that the emergence of fruit flies has a very large impact on the income of our growers, especially in the southern region! Fruit flies will make the quality of these fruits worse, even if one or two out of a hundred fruits are endangered by fruit flies, for the orchard, the price will be very low, so fruit fly prevention and control is really very important for our orchard planting! So in the face of such a serious fruit fly hazard, how should we prevent and control it?

In fact, at present, we still have more ways to control fruit flies, including: agricultural control, chemical control, biological control, physical control, sexual trapping, food trap booby trap. Let's talk in detail about these modalities.

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

Harmful symptoms - dragon fruit

1. Agricultural control

Agricultural prevention and control mainly emphasizes the work of clearing the garden and bagging the fruit. Qingyuan requires us to remove the diseased fruits from the fruit trees in time once we find the harm of fruit flies in the orchard, and pick up the fallen fruits on the ground, and then take them out of the orchard together for deep burial or centralized destruction. Although picking up fallen fruit can reduce the base number of some fruit flies, this method has serious lag. When these fruits fall to the ground, the harm is already very serious, and then the picking measures cannot fundamentally solve the problem of the harm of fruit flies this year, so this method cannot be used as the main control method. Another method is to bagging the fruit, which is indeed a very good method for fruit fly control. As long as the fruit is bagged, the fruit fly has no way to burrow into the bag to harm, and it can also reduce pesticides, soot, and bacteria entering the fruit. However, fruit bagging also has certain disadvantages, which is how to operate down, labor intensity is large, and labor costs will be very high! If the fruit yield in the orchard is not very large, this method can be considered, but if the fruit is particularly large, such as orange and sugar orange, this method of bagging may not be practical.

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

Citrus harms late

2. Chemical control

Chemical control refers to the conventional chemical pesticide spray, mainly using ground sealing and foliar spray control. We generally use chlorpyrifos or high-efficiency chlorofluorophrumin, and then directly watered with water or sprayed on the ground, which can effectively prevent pupae from falling out. When we finish spraying the ground, those pupae stain these potions, causing them to fail to feather, or feather incompletely, eventually leading to the death of fruit flies. Generally, we recommend that this chemical control method be used at the peak of the pupal feathering of fruit flies.

However, although this chemical control method can effectively reduce the insect population base, due to the strong flight migration of fruit flies, even if the ground sealing and foliar spraying are carried out in the orchard, other orchards do not carry out effective prevention and control, they will still fly to your orchard for harm, so this is also a defect of chemical control. In addition, the ripening period of the fruit is often the peak of the fruit fly hazard, and if the foliar spray of the fruit tree may cause the pesticide residue in the fruit to exceed the standard, which requires special attention.

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

Harmful symptoms - Lee

3. Biological control

Biological control is usually the use of male sterility technology, the use of this technology can make fruit flies even if mating, the female eggs are also unfertilized eggs, can not hatch adults.

4. Physical prevention and control

Physical control is a method that we use more often in the usual orchards, mainly with the help of real fly traps such as sticky worm boards and fly traps. By imitating the color of the fruit, especially the fly ball, its shape is very similar to the shape and color of the citrus fruit, if the fruit fly comes to lay eggs, they will mistakenly think that this is the fruit, as long as it falls on the fly ball will be stuck, and it will not be able to run away. In general, the effectiveness of traps can be as long as half a year, hanging in the field, wind and sun will not affect the stickiness of the glue. However, it should be noted that if we find that the trap is full of real flies when we are really preventing and controlling, we still need to replace it in time. In addition to the high viscosity glue on the surface of this trap, some lure protein is usually added to the inside, so the lure effect is also very good.

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

Harmful symptoms - peach

5. Sexual seduction booby traps

The main component of sexual trapping is methyl eugenol, which mainly has a lucrative effect on orange small fruit flies. Some methods are to hang the trap can, and then add sexual attractants to the can; and there are also hanging sex pheromone yellow plates, the insects lured by this method are basically male insects, and there is no luring effect on female insects. But pay attention, the real harm to the fruit is often the female insects, so although the use of this method seems to be very good, as long as a small number of male insects are not booby-trapped, they can still mate with the female insects, the harm is still relatively large. Therefore, we generally recommend that this method be used as a monitoring tool, which is a better method for monitoring the severity of hazards in orchards.

6. Food traps

The main ingredients of food booby traps are protein baits and some other lures. Here is also an example - bait ® fruit fly bait, the principle of action of this food attractant is to attract small fruit flies to feed, after the feeding contact will cause toxicity, and this toxicity can also spread between fruit flies. That is to say, if a fruit fly is exposed to other fruit flies after eating, before death, or mates, then these fruit flies will also die, so the effect is still very good. However, this product is specialized in killing small fruit flies, and has no effect on large fruit flies and melon fruit flies.

Unstoppable fruit flies, always visit the garden! How to cure it? Experts tell you 6 good ways to fruit fly harm fruit fly prevention and control technology summary

Citrus harm is initial


For our fruit grower friends, the control of real flies can be regarded as an imminent big problem! We must use practical and effective measures for prevention and control, combined with agricultural, chemical, biological, physical control methods, as well as sexual attractants, food inducements for booby traps, multi-pronged approach, in order to completely control the harm of real flies to our orchards.

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