
Fruit fly outbreak period is coming, beware of falling fruit before picking, Onayo teaches you a good method of booby-trap chemical control effect is not large mainly by booby traps with other plants to trap the sticky insect board so much, how to choose?

Fruit fly outbreak period is coming, beware of falling fruit before picking, Onayo teaches you a good method of booby-trap chemical control effect is not large mainly by booby traps with other plants to trap the sticky insect board so much, how to choose?

In the citrus planting group, many fruit farmers have reported that fruit flies are seriously harmful, causing fruit rot and fruit fall, and it is difficult to booby trap.

Fruit fly, commonly known as fruit borer, is a kind of insect that specializes in sucking water juice for a living. Both larvae and adults can harm the fruit, often causing the problem of falling fruit and rotten fruit, seriously affecting the quality and yield of citrus, and even causing harvest failure.

Fruit fly outbreak period is coming, beware of falling fruit before picking, Onayo teaches you a good method of booby-trap chemical control effect is not large mainly by booby traps with other plants to trap the sticky insect board so much, how to choose?

The fruit fly's ovipositor is very sharp, it can puncture the epidermis of most fruits, and after the fruit fly inserts the egg layer into the peel at a depth of more than 2 mm, its eggs can hatch into larvae after 3-5 days and begin to suck the fruit. In this way, good citrus will be eaten in a dozen days. When the larvae mature, they will bounce off the ground, find a suitable gap in the soil, and burrow into it to pupate, beginning another cycle of their lives.

This time, Yunyanjun and Teacher Ou Nairong went to the orchard together to explain the control measures of fruit flies, and hoped that all fruit farmers would prevent fruit flies and preserve the quality of fruits during the critical period of expansion and color change.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > chemical control effect is not great</h1>

Because fruit flies do not eat orchard things, reproductive ability is very strong, and there is flight mobility, chemical control is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > mainly by booby traps</h1>

Fruit flies are generally controlled by booby traps. Doing a good job of fruit fly booby traps can greatly reduce the pest base of orchards in the coming year.

Booby traps are mainly carried out by sweet things, yellow things, pheromones, armyworm boards, poisons, etc.

Pheromones are generally casein, molasses, and pheromones. Poisons are usually a mixture of two organophosphorus.

Syrups and pheromones are usually added to the yellow plate to stick to the fruit flies that are lured over.

Even if only male fruit flies can be booby-trapped, their male-female ratio will be broken, greatly reducing the amount of eggs laid.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > booby-trap with other plants</h1>

Teacher Ou mentioned that you can also plant a fruit fly's favorite guava in the orchard, and after the fruit fly comes, it will be booby-trapped in this tree, and the effect will be very good.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > so many armyworm boards, how to choose? </h1>

Many growers experience this in the process of using the armyworm board:

The sticky insect board did not add insect attractants, and the booby trap effect was not ideal;

The viscosity of the bought back sticky worm board is not enough, and the fruit fly comes and escapes;

After the rain washes away, the wind blows and the sun, and the viscosity effect is greatly reduced.

The armyworm board needs to be selected by whether to add insect attractants, whether the yellow color is bright, and whether the viscosity is strong.