
The Standing Committee of the Eleventh People's Congress of Haishu District held a meeting

author:Information News
The Standing Committee of the Eleventh People's Congress of Haishu District held a meeting

On the afternoon of 15 September, the Standing Committee of the Eleventh District People's Congress held its thirty-sixth meeting. Xu Qiang, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech; Zhang Qibiao, director of the standing committee of the district people's congress, presided over the meeting; and deputy directors Tong Jingwei, Lin Bing, Sun Minglong, Chen Xiaochun, Shu Jianguo, and Cao Jie attended the meeting. Sun Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the District Cpc Committee, secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the District Supervision Commission, Bo Huimin, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and member of the Party Group of the District Government, Wu Junliang, vice chairman of the District COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and relevant responsible persons of the District Court and the District Procuratorate attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting heard and deliberated a report on the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste in Haishu District, a report on the implementation of the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China in Haishu District, and a report on the implementation of the Regulations on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China in Haishu District.

The meeting listened to the report on the handling of the deliberation opinions of the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh District People's Congress, and conducted a satisfaction evaluation of the report on the handling of the deliberation opinions.

The meeting voted and approved the appointment and dismissal of personnel submitted by the district government, the chairman meeting of the standing committee of the district people's congress, and the district supervision commission.

The meeting voted to accept Liu Yan's request to resign as a member of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress.

The meeting voted to appoint Huang Jian as the deputy governor of The People's Government of Haishu District, Ningbo City.

The meeting issued letters of appointment to newly appointed cadres, and newly appointed cadres swore an oath to the Constitution. Deputy District Governor Huang Jian made a statement.

Xu Qiang pointed out that the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress actively performed its duties and took the initiative, achieved good results in serving the overall situation, took practical measures to respond to the voices of the people, and reformed many methods, and the results of various work deserve full recognition. At present, Haishu is committed to high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity model area, and accelerates the construction of the most dynamic, tasteful, warmest and most coordinated urban area in a modern coastal metropolis. To turn the "beautiful vision" into a "realistic picture", it is inseparable from everyone's joint efforts and hard work.

Xu Qiang stressed that it is necessary to perform duties and missions well, take political firmness as the first requirement for performing duties, always adhere to the party's overall leadership, deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on upholding and improving the people's congress system, and run the party's leadership through all aspects of the entire process of people's congress work; take the people for the people as an important guide for performing duties, establish people-oriented and people-first values, focus on the needs of the people, and promote the development results to better benefit the people; take the rule of law thinking as the internal consciousness of performing duties. Firmly establish the concept of the rule of law, take the lead in safeguarding the authority of the Constitution and laws, and set an example for the construction of the rule of law. It is necessary to give full play to the role of deputies, speak for the masses, go deep into the frontline of the masses, reflect the demands of the masses, strive to safeguard the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and earnestly lay a solid foundation for the party's long-term ruling power; it is necessary to relieve the worries of enterprises, rely on the deputies' liaison station and other carriers, actively publicize and popularize good policies and good measures, and help enterprises resolve difficulties; we must concentrate our efforts on society, center on hot and difficult issues that the masses have strongly complained about, actively speak out and contribute, and strive to resolve discordant factors and alleviate social contradictions. It is necessary to establish a good image of the people's congress, strengthen the awareness of "as", focus on the decision-making and deployment of the district committee, give full play to the functions and roles of the people's congress, find the focus of performing duties according to law, and promote the orderly development of the central work; enhance the ability to "be able to" and actively explore the formation of the brand and characteristics of the work of the grass-roots people's congress in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee to "build a transformative organization and improve the ability to shape change", and continuously improve the overall level of the work of the people's congress in Haishu District; innovate the "good deed" measure, rely on digital reform, and promote the all-round and systematic reshaping of the work of the people's congress. With more solid work, more effective deeds, and more transformative thinking, we will promote the work of the Haishu People's Congress to a new level and make greater contributions to the construction of a common prosperity model area for high-quality development.

Zhang Qibiao put forward four requirements for conscientiously implementing Secretary Xu Qiang's speech. First, we must more firmly safeguard the leadership of the district party committee. Consciously accept the Party's leadership over the work of the people's congress,

Resolutely safeguard the leading position of the district party committee in "taking charge of the overall situation and coordinating all parties" in the development of various undertakings in Haishu, be good at making the propositions of the district party committee become the common will of the people of Haishu District through legal procedures, make the candidates recommended by the district party committee become the leading personnel of local state organs, strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reports from the district committee, and ensure that the party's line, principles, policies, and decisions, arrangements, and requirements of the central, provincial, municipal, and district party committees are fully implemented and effectively implemented in the work of the people's congress. Second, we must more consciously serve the overall situation of Haishu District. Focusing on the focus of the work of the district committee, continue to give play to the advantages and functions of the people's congress system, fully exercise the statutory functions and powers such as supervision, decision-making, appointment and removal, build a model area for common prosperity around high-quality development, accelerate the construction of the most dynamic, tasteful, warmest and most coordinated urban area in a modern coastal metropolis, boost the early construction of the ten major action plans, ten key blocks, and ten major projects, and contribute more people's congress strength and wisdom. Third, we must respond more actively to people's livelihood concerns. Better play the role of representative bridge, promote every practical matter of people's livelihood and key small things, and continue to enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people in Haishu District. Persist in developing people's democracy throughout the whole process, solidly carry out the work of electing people's congress deputies at the district, town (township) levels, ensure the election of a contingent of people's congress deputies with high quality, excellent structure, and good performance of duties, and better speak out for the people and eliminate worries and difficulties. Fourth, we must more effectively promote reform and innovation. Taking the digital reform of the people's congress as the traction, we will promote the all-round, systematic and reshaping reform of the work of the people's congress. We should promote in depth the creation of "one town (township), one brand, one street, and one characteristic", make efforts in deciding on major matters, enhancing the effectiveness of supervision, improving the work of deputies, and strengthening our own construction, constantly create a new situation in the work of the people's congress in Haishu District, and strive to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet for the work of the people's congress to the district party committee and the people of Haishu District.

(Source: Website of The People's Government of Haishu District, Ningbo City)