
Can the "heightening needle" really save the height of the child? Or is it growth hormone that has been abused?

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

"Doctor, my child's height is much shorter than his peers, can he get a height increase injection?"

More than one parent has asked such a question, especially during the child's holiday, more people come to ask. I don't know when the "heightening needle" has quietly emerged. What is a "booster needle"? Is it a unique trick that can save the child's height by giving it a beating? Next, let's have a good chat with everyone, after reading it, the parents will know, maybe you will not be entangled anymore.

"Heightening needle"? It's actually growth hormone

This substance is a hormone in the human body, which plays a very important role in human growth and development, and can promote the growth of muscles and bones. For many parents, they feel that they are already short, and their children cannot be shorter! The height of the child is very concerned about them, compared with the same age, if their own children are obviously shorter than other children, they will fall into anxiety, so as to find a way to make the child taller, so they set their sights on the "height needle"...

Can the "heightening needle" really save the height of the child? Or is it growth hormone that has been abused?

But can giving a child a height injection really make the child taller?

To a certain extent, for some children who are shorter in height, it is possible to play, but it has strict indications, under normal circumstances, there are very few children who really need to play growth hormone, many parents may be overly anxious, it is a drug, not that children can be beaten casually if they grow short.

In general, hitting HGH is indicated for the following types of children:

Parents may wish to think about a question before giving their children an elevation injection: Is your child really short?

How did you find out that children are short? I believe that many parents are compared with other children, a comparison, think that their children are short, but I don't know if you have ever thought that the child may not be short, but did not reach your expected height. As a parent, it is natural to hope that the child will grow taller than the same age, so it will feel that the child is shorter.

Can the "heightening needle" really save the height of the child? Or is it growth hormone that has been abused?

In addition, this "height anxiety" of some parents may also be related to some publicity outside, excessive touting the "heightening needle", the so-called three people into tigers, more and more people believe, this rumor is true for many people, but it is not so. From this point of view, the heightening needle can be said to be abused growth hormone.

【Reminder】 Parents need to be rational when giving their children a height injection

If you really need to fight, you can.

But if after examination, the child's body does not lack growth hormone, but parents blindly hope that the child will grow, it is abused, in this case to the child, may not only be not conducive to the child's growth, affect the child's health, bring these problems: some children after the height injection, the thyroid gland has a problem, some children blood sugar levels have abnormalities, some children also have a situation of femoral head slippage.

In addition to the health aspect, on the economic side, it may also increase the burden on the family, because the price of a shot is not cheap, and it usually takes 2-5 years continuously.

In general, the height of the child is largely determined by the genes of the parents, if both parents are not tall, the child is not very tall, as long as it is within the normal range, in fact, the parents do not have to be too anxious. Of course, the child's height will also be affected by some acquired factors, of which nutrition and sleep these two factors are very important, if the child is a long-term picky eater, the diet structure is single, the lack of nutrients in the body, naturally is not conducive to growth and development.

Can the "heightening needle" really save the height of the child? Or is it growth hormone that has been abused?

If the child is really shorter, perhaps parents should consider these factors more, rather than giving the child a height injection as soon as it comes up. It is recommended that parents should lead by example, set a good example for their children, they must first eat a healthy diet, regular work and rest, if they usually eat fried food, three meals a day irregular, but also often stay up late, then children may learn from adults, but also develop these bad living habits, not only is not conducive to growing tall, but also not conducive to health.

Of course, parents, especially the child's grandparents and grandparents, should also pay attention to the reasonable nutrition of the child, do not blindly give the child some supplements, excess nutrition, easy to cause obesity, the same is not conducive to the child's health.

In summary, the height injection is actually growth hormone, although it is of great significance for the child's physical development, but there is a situation of abuse at the moment, many children do not actually need to fight, blind abuse, but counterproductive, I hope that parents should be objective and rational to look at, do not blindly follow the trend, to really be good for the child. If you want your child's physical health to develop normally, parents should pay more attention to helping their children develop good living habits and urge them to change bad habits.