
Hong Jiantao, a 55-year-old money manager, has recent conditions, two sideburns and white eye bags, and the home decoration is old and messy

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment
{"info":{"title":{"content":"55岁钱掌柜洪剑涛近况,两鬓斑白眼袋厚重,家装老旧显杂乱","en":"Hong Jiantao, a 55-year-old money manager, has recent conditions, two sideburns and white eye bags, and the home decoration is old and messy"},"description":{"content":"近日,《武林外传》钱掌柜的饰演者洪剑涛在社交平台晒出近况,两鬓斑白尽显老态。55岁的洪剑涛身穿家常T恤,身材还是一如既往...","en":"Recently, Hong Jiantao, the actor of the money manager in \"The Legend of Wulin\", posted a recent situation on the social platform, and the two sideburns were white and old. 55-year-old Hong Jiantao is wearing a home-made T-shirt, and his figure is still the same as before..."}},"items":[]}

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