
The money lent out by the coat brother Zhu Zhiwen will not be returned, stemming from his own "inconsistency in name"

author:Taste man
The money lent out by the coat brother Zhu Zhiwen will not be returned, stemming from his own "inconsistency in name"

People red is not much.

After the coat brother Zhu Zhiwen became famous, with the improvement of popularity, there were more commercial performances and increasing income. It is said that in the village where he lived, many villagers borrowed his money and were reluctant to return it to him. Although he made some contributions to his village, the villagers were not satisfied.

And so it goes.

Killing people pays for their lives, and debts are repaid. This is a truth that has remained unchanged since ancient times. However, the villagers borrowed money and justifiably did not want to pay it back. Why?

At present, Zhu Zhiwen, the coat brother, still positions himself as a farmer, no matter how busy the business performances are, he must cultivate land and collect grain, and his family is still no different from other ordinary farmers. His villagers also worked together to position himself as a farmer. This is where he is unpretentious. But in the hearts of others, at the broader social level, he is already an out-and-out entertainer. In the case of the simultaneous existence of these two identities and the large differences, there is a phenomenon that villagers borrow money and do not pay it back. Zhu Zhiwen couldn't think straight, and the villagers couldn't figure it out either.

What Zhu Zhi couldn't figure out was that this money was not stolen or robbed, but was earned by the Bright and Just Performance. Borrow money to pay it back! I am rich, I have not forgotten the villagers, and I have been helping where I need help, and I have not been sorry for everyone.

What the villagers couldn't figure out was that this Zhu Zhiwen land could not be planted, the work could not be done, and the singing was done when there was nothing to do, and the standard was not to do the right thing. Suddenly can sing a few songs, so rich? The money came too easily.

The villagers' idea must not be considered to be out of jealousy. This is inappropriate. This mentality of the villagers is based on the most common belief of "hard work and getting rich". A person, through his own efforts, such as driving an excavator on the construction site, going out of the ocean to fish, running a long distance, etc., earns a million, and the people around him will certainly be very impressed, and will be a model to learn from. Another person, who bought a lottery ticket, suddenly won a million, and the people around him must be uncomfortable: Why did he have such good luck? The reason is that this wealth is not obtained through labor.

The villagers of Zhu Zhiwen, the coat brother, think so.

In my opinion, the fundamental reason why Zhu Zhiwen, the coat brother, has made these mistakes is that the relationship between "name and reality" has not been handled well. In other words: the name and the reality do not match.

The money lent out by the coat brother Zhu Zhiwen will not be returned, stemming from his own "inconsistency in name"

First of all: as a farmer, the work in the fields is not very good. At the time of his fame, when he was in his early forties, in his prime, it was said to be a good time to increase his income. But in fact, he earned less than five thousand yuan a year. For a family of four, this income is low. This shows that he is not a qualified farmer. This is not true.

Secondly, we don't comment on how well we sing, and as an artist, I am not very competent. I don't understand the things in the circle, and I don't want to mix into the circle. In fact, according to his habits, he could not fit into that circle at all. He can't talk about the scene, blindly speak the truth, and make others unhappy. For example, the master who sang "Peach Blossom" every year, because Zhu Zhiwen called him "teacher", publicly denied the title of "teacher". It shows that he is not a qualified artist, which is also not true.

Third, combining the above two points, there is another level of "inconsistency in name only." When a person is significantly different from other people around him, he will become the focus of others and become a hot spot. This truth can be understood from the idiom of "standing out from the crowd". A crane lives in a flock of chickens, and the crane must have become an object of isolation. The aesthetic standards of the chickens are the same, and the feelings of the chickens are communicated with each other without obstacles. The use of chickens and cranes here as a metaphor is not to belittle the villagers or beautify the coat brothers, but to express another level that does not match the name: it is no longer a pure farmer, why should you be a farmer?

How should the connotation of the name and the real be defined? To put it simply: name is both fame and identity; reality, both wealth, also includes morality, knowledge, and so on. In the relationship between the two, "worthy of the name" is the best and best match. Whether it is above the name or under the name, it will have a negative impact. In comparison, those whose names are higher than reality are the worst and often encounter strange disasters; while those who are less than real are often called low-key and hidden. With the knowledge and cultivation of Zhu Zhiwen, his "low profile" of considering himself a peasant is not deliberate, but is actually a peasant's instinct.

So between the name and reality of Zhu Zhiwen, it is difficult to balance and match, which will inevitably attract so many right and wrong. So, is he above the name? Or is it really above the name? God knows.

-- Learning traditional culture and increasing the wisdom of life. Welcome to the Chimoto Society. I am Zongcai.

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