
Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Xia Yining intern Wang Yu

Since its inception, the drama "Children of Joe's Family" produced by Noonday Sun has led the summer program with excellent word-of-mouth and popularity. Zhang Wanyi, who plays the role of Qiao Erqiang in the play, has also become very busy recently.

Just this past weekend, the audience found: turn on the TV at seven o'clock in the evening, he appeared on the screen of Zhejiang Satellite TV; in the variety show at eight o'clock, he added a little bit of cuteness to the happy comedians who sang and played games; at ten o'clock, the "children of the Qiao family" Lian Mai broadcast live, Geng Zhi's "Yicheng" and "Erqiang" talked about the sky from time to time, "Sanli" had a steady face, fortunately there was an atmosphere to take on the "four beauty" gag jokes, and took the lead in teasing "Seven Seven"... Seeing that everyone's feelings inside and outside the play are so natural and harmonious, the audience is also more and more up in pursuit of the drama.

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

"Children of joe's family" Lian Mai. In the lower left corner is Zhang Wanyi.

In the first half of 2021, with the popularity of "The Age of Awakening", the new generation of actor Zhang Wanyi entered the public vision. "Chen Yannian" smiled back before his death, and the light of faith flashed in his resolute and calm eyes, which was a famous scene that made countless audiences unforgettable. The afterglow of "The Age of Awakening" is still there, and he has come with another new work, the family emotional drama "Children of the Joe Family", and his acting skills are still remarkable.

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Screenshot of "The Age of Awakening", Zhang Wanyi played Chen Yannian

Zhang Wanyi said that the "stubbornness" in Qiao Erqiang's bones resonated with him very much, and the core of the work "No matter how the times change, the love of family relatives is eternal" also touched him. The plot of "Children of Joe's Family" spans up to 30 years, and it is not a small challenge to perform the growth and transformation of the characters from teenagers, to youth, and then to middle age.

The post-90s interpret the story of the post-70s, from the eyes to the breathing

When "Children of the Joe Family" was preparing for the casting, "The Age of Awakening" had not yet been broadcast, and Zhang Wanyi was still a full-fledged newcomer actor in the industry. In order to fight for the role of "Joe's second strongest", after the end of the night, he was still nervously trying to play and record, and after several rounds of selection, he finally got his wish.

Qiao Erqiang is a small person under the torrent of the times, although the cultural level is not high, not good at words, but he is simple and kind, warm and caring for his relatives, warm and sincere to his lover, and finally harvested a happy career and family through hard work.

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Stills of "Children of the Qiao Family", Zhang Wanyi played Qiao Erqiang

As a post-90s generation, how to play the story of the 70s and 80s? Zhang Wanyi first chatted with the elders to understand the background of the times and the characteristics of the characters: "Although the living conditions were very bitter, the happiness of people in that era was actually very high. Perhaps because life is not easy, it is easier to be satisfied, and their eyes are purer and there are not too many complicated desires. ”

Compared with other characters in "Children of the Qiao Family", Qiao Zuwang is clear and clear, Qiao Yicheng is straightforward with a little "yin and yang weirdness", Qiao Sanli's well-behaved and sensible, Qiao Simei's eccentricity... Qiao Erqiang's personality traits were not very distinct at first.

In Zhang Wanyi's view, the image of the second strong is closest to the lives of the people, he is the epitome of the most ordinary and real people around him, so in the performance, he uses more marginalization treatment and weakens the aura of the role.

In the treatment of the role's age span, he focused on adjusting the breathing state: "The young man is energetic and free-spirited, his breathing rate is relatively fast, and his speech rate is more clear and lively. When he enters middle age, his personality becomes calm, and his heart is more city government, his breathing state slows down accordingly, and his body language is more stable. ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Stills from "Joe's Children"

Zhang Wanyi grew up in a warm and loving family, because his parents were old when they gave birth to him and his sister, and the names of the sisters and brothers were taken from "late affection".

When he first read the script, he was very sympathetic to the bridge section between the Brothers and Sisters of the Qiao family, "hitting is kissing, scolding is love", and he was very puzzled by the behavior of Qiao Zuwang, the best scumbag: "How can there be a father who is so indifferent and unreasonable to his children?" Slowly he figured it out again, which is the truth of "Children of the Joe Family" as a drama: "Several children of the Joe family have grown up healthy, in fact, in that era, there are many children who live more unfortunately than them." Life is not always beautiful, and warmth requires us to observe and feel with our hearts. ”

Even when they want to get rid of the influence of their original family, their personalities are subtly projected by their fathers, reflecting the bondage that is unclear and difficult to give up: "When the second strong man used wine to dispel his sorrows because of emotional frustration, a line by Qiao Yicheng made me have a deep impact - 'I think you (now) are a bit like Qiao Zuwang'. ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

"The fierce men and women of joe's family", they are very close inside and outside the play

Late at night on the day when "Children of the Qiao Family" released the final trailer, "Big Brother" Bai Yu left a message in the WeChat group: "During the time of (filming) the Qiao family, I really took you as my younger brother and sister. Someone in the group replied to him" "Big brother I love you", and everyone also brushed up Bai Yu's emoji "a cup of self-punishment for my recklessness". With the update of "Children of Qiao Family", this WeChat group called "Qiao Family's Macho Men and Women" is very lively every day.

Zhang Wanyi said bluntly that not all actors can still enjoy themselves like family after all the scenes are filmed. Inside and outside the play, he regards Bai Yu as a brother: "Now that I have some problems at work, I will also think of consulting the eldest brother." He understands that in the play, Qiao Yi has become a self-sacrifice to protect his younger siblings, and he is also pleased that Qiao Erqiang has not lost himself under such protection: "The former second strong is 'what not to do', this is the process he must go through in his growth, he needs to grope alone, confused, walk through detours, so as to find a direction suitable for himself." ”

In reality, Song Zu'er, who is "Qiao Simei Benmei", also loves to be funny "pit" brother: "She took us to shake the flower hand, I really can't learn, my eldest brother and I are not very coordinated in terms of dancing." Hearing that Song Zu'er mentioned in the recording of the Zhejiang Satellite TV variety show "Run", he wanted to invite several actors from the Qiao family to participate together, Zhang Wanyi said happily: "I am too willing, I hope to protect everyone with my eldest brother, so that I will be very happy to do anything." ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Four beauty and two strong

In the play, each character of the Qiao family has its own emotional line, and although the annual love between Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin (Zhu Zhu) who broke through the worldly concepts did not fall much, it was the most touching.

After dropping out of middle school, the second strong entered the factory to work, and met Ma Suqin, a "master" with a good appearance and a lot of care for him. Ma Suqin gave Erqiang a birthday gift, teaching him to "leave the smile to others and hide the cry in his heart", and Erqiang stepped forward to protect Ma Suqin, who was abused by the family, and bravely confessed "I rare you!" The two masters and apprentices shone like light into each other's suffering lives.

"Erqiang's mother died early, he lacked maternal love, and there was no sister in the family, so for Ma Suqin, at the beginning he couldn't tell whether it was family affection or love." In Zhang Wanyi's view, this feeling originates from the "Oedipus complex" to a certain extent, and it is more of an emotional compensation, "When I met a warm-hearted big sister at work, he protected him and cared about him, he was moved, the love sinus was initially opened, at first it was dependent, and then slowly evolved into like, and then to love." ”

The pure, unrequited emotion of the two strong men deeply touched Zhang Wanyi. This love that spans age and breaks through the world also allows him to experience the complete process of character growth: "The young second strong is very ignorant and silly, and after meeting the master, he began to find his inner persistence; the difference with the master made him confused and painful, and also let him enter the adult world and understand the adult world; the reunion with the master made him regain his enthusiasm and vision for life." His love for Master made him grow into a down-to-earth and reliable middle-aged man, emitting a reassuring taste. ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Erqiang confessed to Master

Knowing that "Children of qiao family" has a good rating and good reputation, Zhang Wanyi is glad that the efforts of the crew have not been in vain: "Director Zhang Kaizhou has never been angry on the set, he takes care of the emotions of every actor, and uses his humor to drive everyone's state. ”

On weekdays, everyone is also like a family, playing and laughing, and when they enter the working state, they are several professionals, the actors achieve each other, and the shooting process is very smooth. "I remember once, I pedaled a tricycle to drive a few joe brothers and sisters, the more I rode, the more tired I became, and I thought why is it so difficult to act? Later it was found that it turned out that it was a few of them in the back to make bad, all kinds of uncooperative. Recalling this "most difficult to perform" play, he couldn't help but laugh.

The only regret may be that I have not been able to properly train the Nanjing dialect: "My language talent is actually quite good, if you give me a little more time to prepare, I will try to speak the lines in Nanjing dialect." ”

"Turtle idlers" are not too idle, and want to act in suspense films in the future

"Do you know why fans call you 'Old Cadre Uncle Zhang'?" The surging news reporter asked Zhang Wanyi.

"Is it because I like to raise turtles...?" His answer was full of a board and a glance of obedience, "Maybe my life state is not the same as that of many young people, usually the state is relatively flat, but I will put the ups and downs of emotions into filming." ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Zhang Wanyi's top Weibo

Zhang Wanyi's top Weibo reads "a turtle idler who is too busy to play ice hockey and part-time Lego Batman collector", which at first glance makes people scratch their heads, and perusing the comfort of a somewhat slash youth.

The "turtle keeper" is not idle this year, and these hobbies of his may not have time to take care of them recently. Through the successful portrayal of Chen Yannian's role in "The Age of Awakening", he has become one of the most surprising young actors in 2021. Weibo quickly poured into a large number of fans, to launch a full range of "archaeology", the former K song account was also pulled out, netizens joked: "Zhang Wanyi, who sings love songs, is also a righteous spirit." ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

Stills from The Age of Awakening

"I grew up and used to sing better than I do now." Watching the "Sing Bar Sightseeing Group" continue to grow, Zhang Wanyi quietly hid those records, but he also "solemnly promised": "I will present better works to everyone!" ”

More netizens exclaimed "late": this young man from a science class, with solid acting skills and a serious drama face, was actually 27 years old before we were seen.

"In fact, I think I am very lucky to be discovered and liked by the audience at the age of 27. When many seniors came out of the circle with their works, they were probably older than me now, and there was still a big gap between my acting skills and them. Zhang Wanyi said that it is very grateful to be able to turn the hobby of acting into a profession. Acting is a career he will devote his life to, as to whether the work can get high scores and whether it can get awards or not, "it will be left to the audience to judge, and I am quite good about this mentality." ”

In the 5 years of entering the industry, Zhang Wanyi's works can be counted with both hands. Temperament Zhou Zheng, he is particularly favored by the main drama, shaping several military and great characters, "Now looking back at my early works, including some of the shapes that were pulled out, some people may think that it belongs to 'black history', but I don't think that it is the best performance I can bring in the drama I can receive at that age." The audience and friends were happy to see it, which was also an affirmation of me. Zhang Wanyi said seriously, "This is also my inevitable process as an actor, I am more optimistic about how actors act, find their own deficiencies, and then slowly grow." ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

In "Joe's Children", the top two professions are cooks.

Don't look at Qiao Erqiang in the play is a chef, Zhang Wanyi did not cook at all before, in order to shoot the scene he also specially called his mother for advice. During the epidemic, he began to learn to cook with online videos, and now he has achieved a small success, the best dish is tomato brisket, "Sometimes when I come home after filming, I will cook for my family, this process makes me particularly enjoyable and very fulfilling." 」 ”

"I'm just an ordinary person in my life. I relied heavily on my parents and enjoyed spending time with them. "My parents are a little older than my peers, and as an actor, I will certainly cherish the time I spend with my family more." Now that I have grown up, I have become the pillar of the family and want to take more care of my family. ”

Not leaving the family, not leaving society, is what he believes is a way to replenish life and "feed" performances. Receiving the audience's evaluation that "these roles played by Zhang Wanyi are more attractive than himself", he is also very calm, "Being able to bring a good viewing experience to the audience with different works is the most content and happiest moment for me as an actor." ”

Interview 丨 Zhang Wanyi: Acting is a career I will devote my life to

The work was successfully out of the circle, and Zhang Wanyi also became a new generation of "blood-washed B station men". In the search bar, enter "Zhang Wanyi", personal mixed cuts, two creations of the same number of countless, "drama throwing face", "the future can be expected", "give me fire"... A bullet screen full of love fills the picture. He said that he had seen some clips shared with him by others and thought it was just a small phenomenon, until he landed on Station B one day: "How did I act in so many scenes that I hadn't filmed?" ”

Seeing that the audience's enthusiasm for his debut villain's "Wind Rises and Neon Clothes" is also very high, Zhang Wanyi is a little proud: "That was my first costume drama, and I myself was amazed, and I felt that the costume style was better than modern drama!" Therefore, if there is a suitable script in the future, he is happy to touch it, but recently the genre that he especially wants to challenge is still a suspense film.

"How long do you think you can survive in a suspenseful plot?" The surging news reporter asked.

"After a scene, I'll get a box lunch." Zhang Wanyi said, "So if I can play a suspense film, I hope to win the protagonist, so that I can live to the end and live a good addiction!" ”

Editor-in-charge: Cheng Yu

Proofreader: Luan Meng

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