
Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

author:First cuisine

Today and share with you a "slippery fried chicken breast" home-cooked method, chicken first through the oil, and then cooked, fresh and fragrant, nutritious and unsatisfied, there are likes to learn quickly.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

Ingredients: Chicken breast

Side dishes: fungus, cucumber, green pepper, red pepper

Accessories: ginger, green onion white, egg, dry starch

Seasoning: chicken powder, salt, pepper, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce

【Smooth fried chicken breast】——Tender and smooth

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare 300 grams of fresh chicken breast, cut it into evenly slices, cut it well and put it in water, grab and wash out the blood in it, wash it and put it in the basin.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

2. Marinate the chicken breast below

In the basin, add 1 gram of chicken powder, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of cooking wine to remove the fishy taste, 2 grams of dark soy sauce to remove the base color, and keep scratching and mixing, so that the chicken breast can absorb the sauce into the flavor.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

Beat in half an egg white, grasp and mix evenly, and then add a small handful of dry starch, wrap the starch evenly on the surface of the chicken breast, egg white and starch can lock in the moisture in the chicken breast, maintaining a tender taste.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

Finally, pour a little vegetable oil and continue to mix well and marinate for 10 minutes, the vegetable oil can play a lubricating role and prevent the chicken breast from sticking to each other.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

3. Let's start preparing the side dishes

Prepare a small handful of fungus, soak it in advance and cut into evenly small pieces.

Prepare half a cucumber and cut into diamond-shaped slices.

Prepare half a green and half red peppers, cut into slices and place them all in the same bowl.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

4. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare a small piece of ginger and cut into strips.

Prepare a white slice of green onion, cut into green onions and set aside all in the same bowl.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

5. Slide the chicken breast with oil below

When the oil is 50% hot, sprinkle the chicken breast into the pot in turn and gently shake the pot to prevent the chicken breast from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

After the chicken breast is set, use a spoon to break up the glued meat, lubricate the oil for 30 seconds, and fish out the oil when the surface of the chicken breast is golden.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

6. Start cooking below

Add a little bottom oil to the pot, add green onion and ginger to stir-fry, add 5 grams of oyster sauce to freshen, stir the oyster sauce, pour in the chicken breast, add a little old soy sauce color, and fry the color evenly.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

Pour in the side dishes, pour a little water from the side of the pot, stir-fry for about 1 minute, stir-fry the side dishes to break the raw, add 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of salt and stir-fry evenly.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

Then add a little water starch to collect the thick sauce, so that the seasoning is better adsorbed on the surface of the ingredients, and after turning well, it can be put out of the pot and plated.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing

Well, a simple and delicious smooth fried chicken breast is ready.

Chicken breast is fried like this, tender and smooth, with these dishes, nutritionally balanced and depressing