
The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

author:Karakawa Fusions

Tanghe County Rong Media Center reporters Kang Ning, Liu Mang, Liu Dong, Wang Guanghui, Yang Lunwei, Chang Le

The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

On the afternoon of September 8, the second plenary session of the Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was held, and the agenda of the Conference was successfully completed and successfully closed.

County leaders Chen Da, Qiao Guotao, Sun Hongxin, Ren Ping, Ji Xin, You Jinhui, Han Xiangjing, Wei Fei, Yang Xianfeng, Qiao Jiansen, Di Fuchang, Zhou Quanzheng, Li Mengran, Yin Qingling, Jing Zhongzeng, and Liu Haixian and Chen Lei, members of the party leading group of the county people's congress, sat in the front row of the rostrum, and other members of the presidium of the conference took their seats on the rostrum.

The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

The General Assembly shall have 383 delegates and 355 delegates, in accordance with the prescribed number.

The meeting was presided over by Chen Da, executive chairman of the presidium of the conference and chairman of the standing committee of the county people's congress.

The meeting adopted the list of directors and scrutineers of the conference in the form of a show of hands, and announced the total number of votes and the list of vote tellers. After being voted and elected by vote at the congress, the third meeting of the presidium of the congress confirmed that Comrade Qiao Guotao was elected as the county magistrate of the Tanghe County People's Government; Comrade You Jinhui was elected as the director of the Tanghe County Supervision Commission; and Comrades Diao Xiaoying and Li Zhongyang were elected as deputy county governors of the Tanghe County People's Government.

The meeting held a constitutional oath-taking ceremony, and the newly elected county magistrate Qiao Guotao, the county supervisor You Jinhui, and the county government deputy county governors Diao Xiaoying and Li Zhongyang took the constitutional oath under the joint witness of the delegates attending the meeting.

The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

In his inaugural speech, Qiao Guotao, newly elected county magistrate of the county government, said that he would always uphold the party's leadership, earnestly carry out all work in depth, in detail, and in a down-to-earth manner, and ensure that government work advances in the correct direction; he will persist in carrying out work under the leadership of the county party committee, consciously safeguard the authority of the county party committee, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the county party committee; he will always regard development as the first priority and go all out to build the growth pole of Nanyang's emerging regional economic center; he will always adhere to the people-centered development concept, measure the people's feelings with his feet, and listen to the people's will with sincerity. We will use hard work to alleviate the people's worries; we will vigorously promote the legalization, standardization, and institutionalization of government work, and build a government with good efficiency and legal system.

The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

Chen Da, executive chairman of the presidium of the congress and chairman of the standing committee of the county people's congress, delivered a speech at the closing ceremony of the conference. He first expressed his heartfelt thanks to the deputies and all the staff members who had worked hard for the Congress, and extended warm congratulations to the newly elected comrades.

The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

Chen Da pointed out: First, it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership and continuously improve its political standing. The people's congress and the "one government, one committee, and two procuratorates" should closely cooperate and make concerted efforts to comprehensively implement the work arrangements of the county party committee, further raise the benchmark of work, maintain a posture of forging ahead, earnestly enhance the awareness of striving for the first, and take the responsibility of striving for the first. Second, it is necessary to focus on the overall situation of the center's service and perform post duties according to law. Earnestly enhance the awareness of the Constitution, the law, the people's congress, and the public servants, profoundly understand the essence of administration according to law, and support the people's congress and its standing committee in exercising their functions and powers according to law. Third, it is necessary to comprehensively enhance the quality of ability and give full play to the role of deputies. It is necessary to strive to set an example in serving the masses, an example in performing duties according to law, and an example in serving the overall situation.

Chen Da said: The Seventh Session of the Fifteenth People's Congress of Tanghe County is a meeting that inherits the past and opens up the future, a meeting that seeks truth and is pragmatic and gathers efforts to encourage efforts, and is also a meeting of unity, democracy, and a clean and upright atmosphere. The successful convening of the conference will surely inspire the whole county to strengthen confidence, enhance motivation, unite as one, work hard, fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on Henan's work and the spirit of the important speech on inspecting Nanyang, and continue to make great strides towards the grand goal of building a beautiful home with blue sky, green earth, clear water and rich people, and building an important growth pole of Nanyang's emerging regional economic center.

The Seventh Session of the 15th People's Congress of Tanghe County was successfully concluded

The congress closed triumphantly with the solemn sound of the national anthem.

Editor: Wang Le

Review: Yang Xun