
Spotted pigeon theory

author:International Carrier Pigeon Network
Spotted pigeon theory

All kinds of famous artists and ordinary breeders are very interested in the identification of pigeons, and the methods of identification are also various theories. Some people value the skeleton, some people value the bloodline, some people value the eyes, some people look at the bladder... I am a new enthusiast of carrier pigeons. In order to catch up with the pace of the pigeons, in order to also achieve the first place, I also felt a suitable identification method for myself.

The so-called Guan Qianjian and then the identification device, I saw a large number of top pigeons, there are excellent breeding pigeons, there are cutting-edge pigeons, there are also very stable long distance, and very explosive short-distance fast pigeons, and then also named the pigeon identification method, here roughly written out some, for reference and confirmation.

Spotted pigeon theory

The first point: a brief introduction to the spot theory is to look at the pigeon wool piece to identify the excellent difference of the pigeon. Pigeons have a variety of wool flakes, and through the spots of the flakes, it is clear whether the pigeons are fast or resistant. For the unique spots on fast pigeons, I call myself speed spots, and for long distances, very resistant spots on pigeons, I call myself endurance spots. Some of the very good pigeons have both endurance and speed spots on them, and such pigeons are the best of the best, and I call myself the best of the best pigeons. The average pigeon, with either speed spots or endurance spots, it is difficult to meet the top pigeons that have both.

Speed spots: Pigeons with this kind of spots, when they look outgoing, know that they are extremely fast pigeons. They have a strong explosive power, for two or three hundred kilometers, they have the advantage of grabbing money, if the pigeon owner breeds and trains in place, it is easy to pick gold and silver in the short distance. For example, some white eyebrows, as well as dotted spots on the face of pigeons, the specific position is in the right place, it belongs to the speed spot.

Spotted pigeon theory

Endurance spots: In long distance runners, almost all of them have this spotted coat color. Pigeons with endurance almost have a characteristic, that is, they have this coat color, this type of pigeon has good endurance and long life. Not easy to get sick, but also relatively tolerant of rough feeding, whenever the game, they are always late to return. It has almost nothing to do with breeding techniques and training. This pigeon is not popular with many people for the current speed race, commonly known as tractors.

Speed + Endurance Spots: This type of pigeon is the best. Not only is it extremely fast, but the endurance is also very good. Look at some of the long-distance high-speed winning pigeons, all of which are so. If you encounter such pigeons, don't miss it. The so-called thousand armies are easy to obtain, and one will be difficult to find.

If any fancier sees it, don't shoot bricks, the above is just a personal insight, write it out to encourage yourself. I believe in this view and I don't know if it was the first person in the pigeon racing world. It seems that some people value blood, some people value eyes, some people look at the stripes, some people don't look at anything, just look at the results, each has their own opinion. I say this, and every time I say it, I am criticized by the fanciers around me. A burst of bright bricks, the shooting is complete. Reluctantly, only to record, but also according to this point of view, very cheaply selected some pigeons, made a few pigeons and sent to the shed, hoping that they would confirm this new discovery.

Spotted pigeon theory