
Marine shellfish have many effects, and the eye-catching stone cassia is bright

author:Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine

Stone cassia is the shell of the bao family variegated abalone (light-bottomed stone cassia), wrinkled plate abalone (woolly stone cassia), sheep abalone, Australian abalone, ear abalone or white abalone. It is mainly produced in Guangdong, Hainan, Shandong, Fujian, Liaoning and other coastal areas. Summer and autumn catch, remove meat, wash and dry. Raw or calcined. Break when used.

Marine shellfish have many effects, and the eye-catching stone cassia is bright

【Sexual taste】Salty, cold.

【Return to the Scriptures】 Return to the Liver Meridian.

【Indications for treatment】Headache and dizziness; red eye obstruction; visual dizziness; green blind finch.

【Preparation method】

Stone cassia: take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities, wash, dry, mash; calcined stone cassia: take the stone cassia in a suitable container, in a smokeless stove fire, heat it with a martial fire, calcined until crispy, take it out and let it cool, crush it; salt stone cassia: take the net stone cassia, put it in a suitable container, put it on a smokeless stove fire, heat it with a martial fire, take it out when it is crispy, spray with salt water, dry and crush it.

Marine shellfish have many effects, and the eye-catching stone cassia is bright

Stone Cassia - Medicinal Herbs

【Clinical Application】

1. Treatment of hyperactivity of liver and yang, dizziness and dizziness.

Stone cassia salty cold clear heat, heavy quality latent yang, specialized in the liver meridian, and has the effect of clearing liver fever, calming the liver yang, benefiting the leader, for the cool liver, the essential medicine for the liver, this product also has the function of nourishing the liver yin, so it is particularly suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency, liver yang vertigo. It is often used to treat evil heat burning yin, tendons and veins, hand and foot peristalsis, and dizziness of the head, often used with white peony, raw ground yellow, oysters and other yin and liver medicines; if the liver and yang are hyperactive and have heat images, dizziness and headache, irritability and irritability, can be used with summer dry grass, skullcap, chrysanthemum and other heat-clearing and liver-leveling drugs.

2. Treatment of red eyes, blindness, visual dizziness.

Stone Ming and Qing liver fire and blind retreat, the treatment of liver fire on the red swelling pain, can be used with huanglian, gentian, night sand, etc., but also often with summer dry grass, cassia seeds, chrysanthemums and other liver clearing products. Treatment of wind and heat, the film covers the eyes, often with cicadas, chrysanthemums, wood thieves, etc.; the treatment of eye disorders, this product is often matched with wood thieves, thorn mustard, mulberry leaves, white chrysanthemums, grain essence grass, Cang shu, etc.; if the liver is less bloody, the eyes are dim, the finch blind flowers are fictitious, each is compatible with cooked yellow, goji berries, silk seeds, etc.; the treatment of green blind finches, can be used with Cang Shu, pig liver.

Marine shellfish have many effects, and the eye-catching stone cassia is bright

Stone Cassia - Drink tablets

In addition, calcined cassia also has astringent, acid, analgesic, hemostasis and other effects. It can be used for stomach pain with excessive stomach acidity; if it is applied externally, it can be used for traumatic bleeding.

【Dosage】Decoction, 3 ~ 15g; should be crushed first fried. Flat liver, clear liver should be used for raw use, external use of points of eye should be calcined, water flying.

【Use note】 This product is salty and cold and easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, so the spleen and stomach are cold, and those who eat less stool and loose stool should use it with caution.

【Differential medication】Stone cassia and cassia seed have the effect of clearing the liver and eyes, and can be used to treat red swelling and pain, obstruction and other partial liver fever. However, cassia stone cassia salty cold quality, cool liver calm liver, nourish liver yin, so both empirical, false evidence of eye disease can be applied, mostly used for blood deficiency liver fever shame, dark eyes, green blindness, etc.; cassia bitter cold, work partial clear diarrhea liver fire and bright eyes, commonly used to treat liver through the real fire of the eyes of the red swelling and pain.

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