
"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

author:Christy Planet

As long as it is a Disney movie, from the first sound can make me full of expectations, the whole heart is put into the plot, "1/2 of the Magic" in the form of animation to tell those ordinary but easily forgotten truths.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

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My favorite character in the movie is my brother Barry, at first I looked at Barry with colored glasses, that look, that sex, that tone, I thought Barry was a reckless bad boy who only knew how to play, but when I heard him say to his brother Ian, "I know you're stronger than you look, you have a powerful warrior in you, you just need to release him." ”

It was this sentence that I was impressed by Barry.

Although Barry showed that he was not reliable enough at the beginning, in fact he had the ability to think independently, rich in knowledge, he protected ancient buildings, and was familiar with the knowledge of ancient civilizations, which was extremely inconsistent with his external image, which was also telling us not to judge people by appearance.

Because a person has not grown on his "aesthetic point", it seems that it has become the norm of life to immediately wear colored glasses, and the consequences of doing so may make you miss a close friend, or it may miss a perfect opportunity.

This is a story about personal growth, the original cowardly, unconfident Ian, on the birthday of the received a gift from the dead father, the father can be revived by magic one day, there is a little problem in casting the spell, to the father's hip magic stopped, in order to be able to meet the father smoothly, need to release the magic again, they lack the phoenix gem to release the magic, so Ian and Barry began to find the gem, but also opened the way to Ian's growth.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > what becomes a "stumbling block" on your life path</h1>

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

Ian is a man of magical talent, he is very unique and ordinary, he is the embodiment of most of us, but because he is not confident enough, not brave enough, not focused enough, so even if he has magic, he does not have enough ability to manifest magic.

Barry's words particularly impressed me, and as Ian cast the magic, the glow of the magic frightened Ian, and the magic released began to be unstable, and Barry shouted, "Don't be frightened by the magic." However, the less confident Ian is still afraid, and at the same time, he is distracted by the lack of concentration, resulting in a reaction that makes Barry smaller.

If we think of magic as our inner energy, then believing in ourselves is believing in our ability to realize our dreams, but when the dreams come closer to us step by step, we are afraid, afraid that we are not good enough, afraid that we are not ready, and finally fall short.

The light of magic illuminates the fears in our hearts, and also illuminates the "stumbling blocks" that hinder us from realizing our dreams.

In Shinpin's "Human Trojan Horse Program", it is mentioned that a semi-autobiographical film by Japanese comedy director Yuki Mitani is "The Great Secret Shooting", the director made a very good movie, but when it was about to be released, the director repeatedly doubted himself, and even forced the people around him to say doubts about his work in order to strengthen his doubts, and finally the director canceled the release.

The reason for this self-destruct mode is the Trojan horse program of "feeling that I am not good enough", we all have unlimited magic like our brothers, and the wish is ready to be fulfilled, but at the last moment, we are choked by the throat of inconfidence, everything disappears, and even has a counter-effect.

Self-confidence is the premise of dreams come true, we as moviegoers can clearly see that the younger brother can be achieved, but also in the heart to hope that the younger brother to complete those seemingly difficult magic, in fact, he can do it, but he does not believe.

In the book Write My Heart, author Natalie Goldberg writes about what her mentor said to her, "We are all Buddhas, I can see that you are a Buddha, but you do not believe me." When you see that you are a Buddha, you will wake up. That is the path of enlightenment. ”

Why would magic be on Ian and not on Barry? With Barry's courage and wisdom, he didn't need magic, they went all the way to find the gem, Barry relied entirely on his own intuition, he believed in himself, and it was this confidence that led them to find the gem.

On the road to growth, the unconfident self is the stumbling block of one's own life.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three elements of personal growth</h1>

The three elements of magic in the movie are also the three elements of magic in life: fire, concentration, and self-belief.

The film divides magic into three classes: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

The difficulty of each level is not how difficult the spell is to recite, or how clever the mind is, or how strong the muscles are, but comes entirely from the energy of the heart.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

The first order is the heart fire.

Heart fire is a passion, but also a kind of belief, passion and belief in magic.

If you want to believe that there is magic in us, you should first have a passion for magic and believe that it exists. Why did Ian activate the magic for the first time, his thoughts of his father, when he said the spell, his heart was full of longing for his father to meet, and the magic began.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

The intermediate level is heart fire + concentration.

Not only is the heart full of passion, but also must be 100% focused.

Focus is not only about focusing on what you're doing, but also about the results of things. When the younger brother becomes larger, he must concentrate on casting spells, and at the same time, he must focus on the appearance of the tank getting bigger.

This is a good magic tip, and it's equally feasible to apply it to real life, when we're right

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

High-level heart fire + concentration + believe in yourself.

When Ian successfully released the intermediate magic, they needed Ian to use high-level magic in order to avoid the police, Barry told him to read the magic with his heart, concentrate and believe in himself, but Ian thought that he could not release it, and the natural magic was not released successfully.

It wasn't until they encountered the abyss that they needed to pass, and Ian used the spell again, he couldn't see the bridge, he didn't believe it was there, and then he fell off the cliff and was pulled up by Barry, and Barry said again, a word full of wisdom: "You already know what the worst situation is, there is nothing to be afraid of." ”

Ian continued to take another step, the first step really had a bridge under his feet, Ian was very excited, the second step almost fell, Barry shouted: "You have to believe every step under your feet." ”

This makes me think of a period of my previous experience, there was a time when I was suddenly interested in small scripts, I went to help others write a few, I think the writing is OK, and soon was hired, this is the first step I firmly believe in, not long because the other party does not need the script because of the shooting problem, I also began to doubt whether the script I wrote by myself Others are not satisfied, it is estimated that at that time I fell off the bridge, I stopped writing for a while, I wanted to write some time ago, I felt good after writing, and the result was hired again.

Life is really interesting, you must believe in every step you take, then you can get to where you want to go.

In the middle of Ian's walk through the abyss, the rope fell, Ian did not know, still walking, and Barry had been encouraging, just when it was almost a step, Ian turned back and found that the rope fell, and in an instant he also fell into the abyss, fortunately, just one step away, he quickly grabbed the stone on the edge of the abyss and climbed ashore.

When Barry walks over from the wooden bridge where Ian has lowered himself with his half-cut dad, Ian tells Barry that he needs a rope, and Barry asks, "Do you really need it?" ”

People are always prone to insecurity, always looking for something symbolic to determine their sense of security, but do we really need it?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > magic is creativity and vitality</h1>

At the beginning of the story, the elves are all magical, and as technology develops, they give up magic. Technology is more convenient, constant practice to illuminate the magic of the night, in front of science and technology a switch can solve, so everyone gave up magic, chose technology.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

This is also very similar to our lives, in the current convenient technology, it does save a lot of time, but this time is wasted a lot.

Magic is actually a kind of creativity, convenient technology for people to save time can be used to create, can be used to achieve dreams, unfortunately many people waste the time saved, brush mobile phones can brush until two o'clock in the night, in order to "fire" give up to become themselves.

In "1/2 magic", the fairy no longer flies, but rides a motorcycle, the wild horse no longer runs, but drives, and even the heroic scorpion-tailed lion opens a hotel and worries about bad reviews from guests. These are ironic, and now people have given up on being themselves and become products of the times.

Shouldn't technology evolve to make yourself a more different version of yourself? How do you give up being yourself? Just like the painter no longer paints and opens a net red restaurant; the poet no longer writes poetry, but wants to open a live broadcast to bring goods.

When you are a recipient of technology, you are passively accepting the creation of others, unless you use "magic" to create, then the initiative is in your hands.

There is a saying in "Cai Kangyong's Emotional Intelligence Lesson": "Let the mountain be the mountain, let us be ourselves." It is not others who shape us, but who we shape ourselves. ”

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to make life have a Barry</h1>

After watching the movie, I really want to have such an older brother, who believes in me and supports me all the time, when I can't break through myself, he will give me confidence, and when I don't know what to do, he will guide me.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

Everyone has a Barry inside, and as Barry said at the beginning, there is a powerful warrior in the body, and this warrior is the inner self.

The inner has never believed in us unconditionally, and we are easily disturbed by external sounds, so that we cannot hear the inner voice.

You can also think of Barry as another self, the confident, brave, intelligent self.

When doing something, as soon as you find that you are beginning to doubt and not be confident, you immediately invite Barry out and say to yourself, "You can, I believe you." ”

Sometimes one affirmation can help you get through it.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

I love this movie so much that they start a life adventure with a game book, just like we can open this movie and start our own real life "adventure".

At the end of the story, Ian, who is obsessed with seeing his father, gives up the opportunity to see his father to Barry, who tells Barry, "I don't have a father, but I have you." ”

The scene was quite tear-jerking, Ian overcame the curse, Barry saw Daddy, and when the sun went down, Barry hugged Ian, which was a hug from Daddy.

"1/2 of magic" Adults must learn the magic of the mind, let yourself become yourself What has become a "stumbling block" on the road of your life Personal growth Three elements of magic is creativity is also the vitality of how to make life also have a Barry

At the end of the article, there is also a saying that I like very much, Barry, when it comes to adventure, you can use whatever you want.

Growing up is taking risks again and again, believing in yourself and adapting to changes.


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